What was the first time you screamed / were afraid in hl2? (spoilers probably)



Mine was when i saw the first zombie. I didnt expect one so early in the game. If you didnt see it, its in a hole right next to the first combine to give you an smg in the canals (that is of course, if there wasn't one before that). after that I was freakin out every new room i entered.
I screamed there too.
After that, I was distracted by something in the room I was in (out of game), turned to look, turned back to the monitor and there was a manhack! Jumped and shouted.

Ravenholm creeped me out, but it never gave me a good fright.
just one time when a combine soldier was RIGHT in my face in a dark room. was early in the game before you really encounter them a lot...lol...he wasn't shooting...i think we surprised each other.
First time one of those really fast zombies from Ravenholm jumped over the roofs right at me, and leaped at me REALLY fast and got me. Man I was freaking out. The next one I caught in midair with a grenade from the SMG though :D
Haha in that room on the roof (with a door) in Ravenholm, I was/am playing on Hard so the quick zombies are damned hard to kill. Knowing that, I tried to avoid them and blocked the door shut from the inside. It was dark and I was playing alone, so when they broke through the ceiling glass (that I hadn't noticed before) it really got my blood racing.
Today, I remember now, I was playing Ravenholm for the second time and I came out of the building and I saw the fast zombies leaping about the roof tops.
I thought that previously that was the only sighting then so I looked around. Then a zombie screamed right next to me and I jumped out of my skin.
Other time that really got me was when you first find the poison headcrabs. There's a creepy spider-like sound and then two of those suckers jump out of the corner of the room. I have a minor fear of spiders, but when those two-foot mofos jump right at you it's hard not to be repulsed.

The headcrab models are so well-done, too. They look shimmer in the dark and look slimy, the black color, the sleek body, the sharp claws and hairs on their legs, it all makes for a very convincing and scary enemy. I R impressed.
UnmarkedOne said:
Other time that really got me was when you first find the poison headcrabs. There's a creepy spider-like sound and then two of those suckers jump out of the corner of the room. I have a minor fear of spiders, but when those two-foot mofos jump right at you it's hard not to be repulsed.

The headcrab models are so well-done, too. They look shimmer in the dark and look slimy, the black color, the sleek body, the sharp claws and hairs on their legs, it all makes for a very convincing and scary enemy. I R impressed.

Ditto. they freaked me right out... the rest of ravenholm i am taking tentative steps.. i dont like the noises :angel:
Yeah, the jumping Zombie gave me a jolt, but I let out a loud "Shit!" when I was in the underground tunnel thing and you're crossing all of the sewage. Anyway, a zombie popped up out of no where, I was looking in the other direction at the time, and destroyed the crate I was on!
The fast zombies freaked me out. More so than any sequenz or enemy from Doom 3.
When you're on the highway, and you go into a dark tunnel with a bunch of car wrecks and such, then the fast zombies come.

I didn't expect that at ALL.

It wasn't the first time I got scared, but I can't remember any other specific events right now.
man, i pretty much freaked out every time i would enter a room and one of the headcrabs would just sqeeulch really suddenly and jump right in your face! I must have unloaded 2 or 3 clips of my pistol trying to kill 1 headcrab... (i think it was the fact that i couldnt get my hand to stop shaking...)
the first time i screamed was in the intro. Gman was talking to me and then he went all skeletony i said EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! gman is scary!
actualyl the first time i was scared was when the zombie popped out of the ground in water hazard (the second time, the first time didn't scare me for some odd reason). but what was really scary was the superfast zombies. they looked like they were trying to hump me :bonce: