What was the last pc game that got you this hyped?

command and conquer: Generals
which was a bit of a let down, apart from the graphics.

I got pretty hyped about Unreal2 but not as much as this and UT2003.

Giants citizen Kabuto was good in my opinion, although I never got hyped about it I just randomly picked it up when i saw it on budget.
Impossible to be hyped over games that doesn't promise extremely much. Black & White did, and they delivered 5%, which only made it a good game with great production values. Although it could have bee great if there actually was some gameplay. Not just chose between destroying the neighbour town or give them stuff, and do it forever. Right now, there are very many games that could be extremely good coming out. (Black & White 2, Deus Ex 2, Doom 3, Max Payne 2?, and of course Half-Life 2. They all promise A LOT!).
The star wars games.. tie fighter, x-wing etc.. And whatever the 'next big' lucas arts adventure was...

I was excited about all of those when i was a kid :)

More recently Quake 2 (My god, the graphics! COLOURED LIGHTING!!!!!!*drool*)
Oh, what exactly did black and white offer that it didn't deliver?

I thought it was a pretty sweet game, and the graphics still look good today :)
PC: Battlefield 1942, without a doubt. I <3 that game.
Console: Toss up between GTA: Vice City or Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
B&W also but i liked it alot actually.
HL2 is not hyped it´s going to be very good and worth the money!!!!
Hype is Hype, doesnt matter if the game is good or bad when it gets released. HL2 IS hyped as hell, Tropico , but that doesnt mean the game will be bad when it hits the shelves.
Operation Flashpoint?? (Nobody knows that game before it got released!)


Look a "Halo" thats a Hype Game (because its "great" graphic)
I knew about operation flashpoint a few months before it was released.
New world order ... ahha ..
And i think it's the gayest game i ever played :(
last PC game to get me as hyped as I was (I say was because at this point I've gone back to "meh" levels of anticipation due to all this secrecy bs)? hm... Warcraft III I think, if not that then probably DOOM 1 :p
Starcraft Broodwar after playing Starcraft.

Doom 2 after playing Doom 1

Return to Castle Wolfenstein (...I had to wait so many years for this)

Max payne

Warcraft 3 & The Frozen Throne

Star Trek Elite Force :borg: (...because I get to use this cool smiley)

Medal of Honor (...after seeing the preview movies)

Duke Nukem Forever (...lol)

Opposing forces after Half life 1.

Blueshift (...I was very annoyed with the length)

Come to think of it, all of these games combined only just about equal my excitment for HL2. I've faith in Valve... I believe once again that they have created the 'Best game ever'. I don't even have to include the fabulous mods that will eventually come out!

:bounce: :bounce: Greetings from Ireland :bounce: :bounce:
Hmm probably the biggest for me in recent memory was Baldur's Gate II. And it also was probably the game that truly lived up to the hype I put on it.

Oh another game that probably lived up to my hype was Doom2.

Neverwinter Nights was up there also , but I really didn't get into it as I hoped and, in fact, I never even finished it. And online was a pain because of the "vault" and the typical groups of players being jerks.
diablo ii
first time i was on message boards waiting for a game.
this is second
Duke Nukem Whenever Peharps Never Then Again Maybe Sometime This Century
I don't remember a "hype" like this..

BTW, it's hyped by the fans, not by the developers >> get that clear.
I'm almost positive that it's not a "fake" hype...because it will be the best game we've seen so far in game industry, probably for years to come, just as halflife 1.
I've never actually been hyped about a game. Well, maybe Fallout 2 was an exception as I was kinda hyped about that game.

But when I read all the previews & saw the E3 video of HL2, I got waaaaaaaaaaay too hyped about it. I still am :)
The difference ,as Xenome said, between the hype for this game and the hype for other games is that this game has been entirely hyped because of the gameplay videos, and no jack info from Valve.
Unreal 2 and that turned out to be, well... shit.

but the graphics were pretty good!
Originally posted by oldi1knoby
Seriosuly, the LAST thing that has had me this hyped was Black And White. That game was cool. I still have it installed, but haven't played in ages. I hated how reptetative it got in the later round though. Less of a story and more of a Strategy game.

Yeah, the game was everything that Lionhead promised...unfortunately, it got pretty boring!
I'm not really sure if this thread is about which game were you LAST HYPED about or which game you have been AS HYPED AS YOU ARE FOR HL2.

The last game I was hyped about was tron. It was kind if a let-down. The ONLY game I have been hyped about AS HL2 is....

[edit: 4 takes a close second]
No doubt The Legend Of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time!!
Definetly Black and White. Despite the fact that it was not executed as good as I thought it would be, it is still perhaps one of the most original games to come out in a long time. It was an amazing concept that was hampered by some serious gameplay issues.
FInal Fantasy 11......oh wait, that is not out yet....well I am sticking with Final Fantasy 11.......and as far as released, I say Phantasmagoria 2.....I bet most of you have never played it......I think it is beyond the grasp of your FPSing brains......
Nothing on the PC.
Quake 2.....had me geeked, but nothing close to this level.
As far as games in general, I'd say MGS2.....but thanks to Mr. Kojima I played one of the most beautiful games with some of the crappiest characters to be topped off with a story not even a 'B'-movie would use.
BF-1942...that game was HORRIBLE
then Unreal2...again, just plain stupid

games that were hyped and I liked:

UT2k3 (Game ROCKS, fixed every issue with UT)
HomeWorld 2 :) Finally got the game and it kicks ass! It was a game not hyped up at all and I just love it...
BF1942, but HL2 has set a record for amount of "hypness" for me
deus ex..definetly, maybe B&W, the Sims and NFS: Unleashed/Porsche. the last one was bf1942. but now bf sucks somewhat. gta 1 - vc : gta simply rocks. even gta 1 still does.

<edit> i forgot MP </edit>