What was your favorite part in the game? (spoilers)



I finally finished HL2 today and wonder what parts of the game you guys liked the most. Here are the most memorable moments for me :

1) The part in Black Mesa East where you go outside with Alyx to the scrub yard and get to experience with the gravity gun in a game of catch with Dog. This entire scene was done so well IMO, especially the dialog & actions of Alyx but also the great voice echo & lighting in that yard. It felt so peaceful & relaxing and as if you were really part in an interactive movie of some sort. Couple all that together with what a fun weapon the gravity gun is and that's why this was definately the most fun moment for me.

2) Again Dog. That thing cracked me up when it first threw the van towards those combine, only to go berzerk a little later on that armored vehicle and then does that funny emote bashing his hands on the ground. :) Also a couple of maps later when you see a van thrown at some combine again (with Dog appearing seconds later - knowing he is OK after taking off on that dropship earlier) was classic. Those were really the funniest parts of the game, with some credit to Dr. Kleiner and his little headcrab pet (Lamarr) as well.

3) The outdoor attacks with the bugbait, strating on the beach and later going to that base with towers. I totally loved those little buggers. :)

4) The last maps inside the Combine Nexus (or whatever that building was called). The two rides through the building on that cocoon conveyor were amazing. I think Valve did a terrific job designing that entire building, both inside and outside.

5) The puzzles in the game. HL1 had a little too many jumping puzzles if you ask me. Now with the really sweet physics engine, a lot of the puzzles took advantage of that. Those puzzles were really great.

6) The first fight against the striders outside the Combine Nexus building. This was a real struggle for me since I never found that ammo box with extra rocket supplies. But I still managed to take out both striders, albeit with picking up rocket launchers from slayed resistance fighters. :)

In the end, it are mostly the non-fighting scenes that I enjoyed the most. I think because those were most special. The fighting after all isn't that much different from other shooter games. But scenes like the scrub yard or characters like Alyx, Dog & Lamarr are what made this game so great for me.

Thumbs up for Valve, I honestly can't wait for an expansion pack.
I liked the whole Black Mesa East sequence.
It gave the player a break from the running/fighting for a bit.

I also enjoyed the last four chapters.
The urban warfare was great. Leading the resistance into combat was trully pleasure. If you look at the emotion these people had on their faces, outstanding what VALVe has done.

And finally the infitration of the Citadel. We all knew that we'd have to go to the Citadel at one point in time. We finally got to see what was within it's walls and rip it apart. Payback is a bitch.
highway 17. the whole envirnoment, coastals setting. rolling around in the buggy kicking ass. making pit stops at combine observation outposts, cleaning them out. great, great level
ravenholm was cool but they cut the cool stuff shown in the e3 demo :(
The moment I discovered (entirely by accident and to my great surprise) what the super-charged grav gun was capable of.

Kid in a candy-store time.
In Black Mesa East, throwing Dog's ball up into one of the two huge pipes way in the air w/ the grav gun, hearing Dog whimper because he can't fetch... then the ball rolling back out and his happy sound. In Point Insertion, the as yet unmasked Barney turning off the cameras an saying something like; I'm gonna need me some privacy for this'; Man, I wondered how the heck I was getting out of there! There's a lot more, just don't remember at this point... :frog:
Breydel said:
3) The outdoor attacks with the bugbait, strating on the beach and later going to that base with towers. I totally loved those little buggers. :)

I love using the antlions. I can't get enough of watching them tirelessly rip at the combine.
1) The the chase near the end of "Point Insertion". I've never felt such a great sense of danger as I did in that sequence.

2)The underside of the bridge in "Highway 17". Talk about a brilliant concept for a level.
the falling smokestack in Route Kanal (i think). That was so cool i crashed into it coz i was too busy watching. LOL
When I was on the beach against the antlions, before I had aquired the Bugbait. I litterally made it all the way across the beach with out touching the ground once. I kept throwing objects in front of me with the gravity gun so that I could just walk across. I trid doing the same thing before the giant antlion appeared, and made it pretty far until a trigger set off the whole battle. I had traveled about 500 feet on a mattress and a box for absolutely nothing, I was so mad. :)

The entirety of chapter 14. I could not stop playing, the organic gravity gun hooked to the game. Also the chapters leading up to the end, such as the urban combat sequences against the striders, they were amazing.
The teleportation sequence at the start of the game :E
When Breen says :

The man I saw, I'm all but certain it was... (turning around) Gordon Freeman!
When I first walked out of the City 17 train station, I was messmerized by that massive building rising forever high into the sky. And then the ride in the final chapter in the Citadel was a jaw-dropping experience. Valve did a masterful job in conveying the absolute power of the Combines over Earth and humanity.
"the falling smokestack in Route Kanal (i think). That was so cool i crashed into it coz i was too busy watching. LOL"

I know exactly what you mean. :)
LoneDeranger said:
When Breen says :

The man I saw, I'm all but certain it was... (turning around) Gordon Freeman!

Also, the seeing the first of the "Fast Zombies" hopping from roof to roof in Ravenholm, the entire Highway level, and probably the trainstation levels. I was in awe at the Citadel when I first saw it.
The end of Entanglement with all the plot development and that frantic attempt to hold off the Combine as Alyx prepared the teleport.
I know this sounds corny and probably a bit fanboyish but most of the game was a real joy for me and there are too many great moments 4 me 2 remember. Up until HL2 came out i was losing interest in games somewhat which i thought i'd never think of saying 2 myself but now i just can't wait for HL2 mods or maybe even expansions from Valve to come out and some of the new HL2-DM maps are amazing (running people over on levels with the Buggy lol).
Heppyruk said:
I know this sounds corny and probably a bit fanboyish but most of the game was a real joy for me and there are too many great moments 4 me 2 remember. Up until HL2 came out i was losing interest in games somewhat which i thought i'd never think of saying 2 myself but now i just can't wait for HL2 mods or maybe even expansions from Valve to come out and some of the new HL2-DM maps are amazing (running people over on levels with the Buggy lol).
Me too :D

But I liked the beach approach to Nova Prospekt (with the lights on the towers and stuff) and the ride through the citadel.

Okay, hard though it is to pick out certain parts...

The bit in Highway 17 (I think) where you find the way ahead through a tunnel blocked by a pile-up. Upon getting out to clear the way you are attacked by loads of zombies. I don't know about you but when a fast zombie leaped towards me I high-tailed it through a vent into that little room with a glass window, barricaded myself in and didn't come out till my heart had stopped beating so fast...

Ravelnhom, in the graveyard. The horror!

The entire breathless trainyard chase sequence. Makes you feel like you're in an action movie...

The whole of the last 4 levels. Utterly amazing.

Those parts of the airboat ride where you daren't stop because of the helicopter and have no idea where you're going, just smashing blindly through barriers and hurtling over jumps, just managing to escape the numerous things the Combine try to stop you with...setting shit on fire, collapsing chimneys.

All along Highway 17 and Sandtraps, just finding these little abandoned houses and realising that once there were people here...and now all that's left is disused shacks and the little pieces they left behind...and the zombies, of course.

Playing with DOG! It's just so fun! I like a little light relief after killing.

End of Water Hazard: A helicopter boss battle in HL2? Who'd have thunk it?
Probably my favorite chapter was Water Hazard... It was just so perfectly paced, zooming here and there and stopping to solve some puzzle, then facing up to but running from an overpowered enemy... then getting some real firepower to take that enemy down. Great stuff.

My single favorite event has got to be Dog's Combine slaughter though. Wrestling with that tank and throwing it at the enemy was just brilliant. I laughed out loud and then felt a little stupid ^^
Another thing: that large four-story house in Sandtraps just off the highway where you get ambushed by rollermines. I got very pissed off with them, grabbed them with the manipulator and fired them out the window. "F*ck off! And don't come back!"
lol yeah. tossing rollermines at combine soldiers is real fun too. then toss 'em into the water when you're done with them
I like grabbing manhacks with the gravity gun and launching them at unsuspecting combine soldiers in Anti-citizen 1 and Follow Freeman.
My favorite part is when you just leave the priest and he is fighting off all the zombies, when I played he set himself on fire and was praying still blasting away.
Sulkdodds said:
Another thing: that large four-story house in Sandtraps just off the highway where you get ambushed by rollermines. I got very pissed off with them, grabbed them with the manipulator and fired them out the window. "F*ck off! And don't come back!"
I like that place better than the big house by the bridge where you get ambushed by the poison zombie...gaaa...
HumanoidTyphoon said:
My favorite part is when you just leave the priest and he is fighting off all the zombies, when I played he set himself on fire and was praying still blasting away.

He didn't set himself on fire. He set the whole area including the zombies on fire and retreated into the crypt, still blasting away. Psychotic priest... pretty darn cool.
There was this one part at Follow Freeman in the Nexus. Barney tells you to take out those floor turrets by saying "You go take 'em out! You're the one in the HEV suit!" LOL
The tenseness in the beginning where you knew something big and eww and crap was going to happen and then the relief as you hear barney go "HIYA GORDON WHATS UP THERE." I remember seeing the movies and how it ended there and how you couldn't go on as it'd spoil the story, and it really made you think something bad was going to happen. Such a relief and an awesome suprise that to this day was the best in any game/book/movie ever.

The last level was amazing. I felt like Neo or something. Untouchable. The way you were thinking "Breen must be thinking "HES COMING FOR ME." and the way you're thinking "I'M COMING" and just tearing it up in there. I forgot I had my weapons taken away, and just used the gravity gun. Eventually, I thought, "wait, didn't they take my weapons?" and I checked and they did, but I didn't care at all. There was no point in using them.

Plus the way whole feel of the level. Totally new environment. Futuristic, cold, blue metal with alien technology and silence. You felt like you were really in there, but that you were the one in charge, and EVERYONE was like "CRAP CRAP CRAP." A juggernaut.
I think my single favorite part is the last few maps of "Follow Freeman" right before going into the citadel.

Fighting off Striders, elites and whatnot.
Highway 17. Surprising for me, considering how much I hated On A Rail and Water Hazard.
The whole atmosphere of that chapter was awesome, the utter calm of the coastline smashed by the rattle of distant gunfire and radio chatter of waiting combine. I wasn't a big fan of the nexus to be honest, the super physgun was nice, but the whole area lacked creativity until the cart ride.
and the Barney scene in Point Insertion gave me an incredible feeling of grotesque fear, especially after seeing that chair when he said "I'll need some privacy for this".
the strider fight has to be the best, most intense action in the game, and the striders just keep coming, i killed loads of em with that rocket box, just for the hell of it
The whole thing was cracking. Perticularly liked;

1) The bridge scene. Hitting those gunships and ducking out the way without falling off :D

2) Scared shitless when seeing those fast zombies jumping over the roof towards me in Ravenholm

3) Getting hold of the grav gun in the citadel and realising that anyone who came close to you is toast :D
highway 17 was awesome... i remember throwing a roller mine in the water at just watching it sail and then explode in the distance - nothing more than a cloud of mist and echoing bass rift - classic

plus the heli battles on highway 17 were sweet

WHAT ABOUT THAT CRANE - i remember using it to pick up a giant crate/container and then wailing that into guys coming out of the warehouse TOO COOL

the uber grav gun was nice - and i agree i did get the feeling of "i'm coming for you"

so many to list thats what made this game great, just a fufilling experience... wish there was more of it

HEY, does anyone know how to get the uber grav gun with cheats... it would be fun going through the game with just that!
I loved the whole game, but I loved the ride(s) in the citadel the most, mostly because I really, really wanted another interactive train ride like the first one, and when it didn't happen, I was so bummed out, and then they spring that on us in the last level...I was happy. :)
g911turbo said:
HEY, does anyone know how to get the uber grav gun with cheats... it would be fun going through the game with just that!

Unfortunately, nobody thinks that is possible.

What you CAN do, however, is load up the map where you get the blue gun, then tap in changelevel (mapname) at the console and lo and behold, if you pick up the grav gun after that (or type impulse 101), you shall be using the super version!

CAUTION: Whilst using the superphyscannon any combine you kill's weapons will dematerialize like they did in the citadel, no matter how you kill them. Funny thing really, I thought that was a side effect of the field in the citadel reacting with the gun, not the gun itself.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
I like that place better than the big house by the bridge where you get ambushed by the poison zombie...gaaa...

I saw zombie from a bridge platform and shot it fram a safe distance with my rocket launcher.

Let's see... My favorite moments:

Action-wise: The Strider Battles.
Fear-wise: The whole point insertion level (I just had an overwhelming sense of uneasiness throughout the whole thing).
Comic-wise: "What cat?", "Tell breen I said Fu--------ou!", all appearances of Dog.
Visual: The dam in Water Hazard. Twilight hours, soft golden light, the reflections on the water...
Interactivity: Throwing Combine soldiers into those electric-liquid-slow-stuff-down-and-then-electrify-it things in the citadel. I liked to grav-gun a soldier in and then run to the other side and catch him. Bliss.
Best over-all level - Dark Energy
Most immersive moment: When you go up the coffin thing really high and at some point you get the view of city 17 from the top of the citadel through the window... i'm afraid of heights and I literally had to back off the screen cuz I was so Into it.

Best moment of all, in any game, ever: "Time, Doctor Freeman? <deep breath> Is it really that time again?..."

Damn I would sell my soul to have a super grav gun
y'all missed the best moment

My favorite moment from the whole game? I laughed out loud when I saw it. In ravenholm, on the roof of a shack near the center with a good view of several streets. There was a folding chair, a six pack of beer, and a bunch of shot gun shells. :) I can just see the preacher on a dull afternoon sitting up there drinking beer while picking off zombies just for entertainment. Classic.