What was your favorite part in the game? (spoilers)

I thought the audio was kickass in this game. When you first see the citadel on alert, the sound sets the mood. When you enter ravenholm, same thing. Also, I don't know if anybody else caught it, but when you're just about to get to "Our Benefactors", You hear Barney say "When you see Dr. Breene, tell him I say f......" and then you can't hear the rest of it. Absolute genius. The entire game was amazing, of course.
Well, I -just- finished the game about 2 minutes ago. Thought I'd chime in and say by far Ravenholm was my favorite sequence, being an avid George Romero nut, I felt like I was in the movies I adore most.

-edit- Oh, and my favorite comical moment?

"What's the password?"
taking bodies and letting them just slide off the edge with the grav gun at the end was too fun for me to not do, each time i took someone out i right clicked to lay them down on an edge and watch as they fell and hit things on the way down causing them to flip around even faster
In ravenholm, on the roof of a shack near the center with a good view of several streets. There was a folding chair, a six pack of beer, and a bunch of shot gun shells.

I saw this as well, and it made me wonder whether he should fill up his spare time with something like knitting woollen hats for the resistance.
When smart-ass Barney says...

"Way to go Gordan! Throwin' that switch and all. I can see your M.I.T. education really pays for itself."

And then Dr. Kliner laughing at your expense...

"Arr Arr Arr Arr"
============ :cheese:
Naz said:
When smart-ass Barney says...

"Way to go Gordan! Throwin' that switch and all. I can see your M.I.T. education really pays for itself."

And then Dr. Kliner laughing at your expense...

"Arr Arr Arr Arr"
============ :cheese:

Or is it... "Har Har Har Har" You decide!
AirBoat is Coolest!

The part of the game that I go back and play most often is the whole air boat, water hazard sequence. I just love that whole thing. The outdoor scenery is some of the best in the game (lots of screenshots from this section of the game - use as wallpaper, etc.). But the end sequence is awsome! Killing the boss helicopter, solving the dam flood-gate puzzle... amazing SP experience.

Also, the shortcuts are great! If all-y'all haven't seen some of the amazing dam-jumping demo's posted by the speed freaks over at HL2DQ, get over there now and look at them. I accidentally stumbled on a trick that lets you jump completely over the dam and posted it at HL2DQ and those freaks turned it into some amazing video. Lonerville and Fragliscous perfected the log jump, and then LighteningX found a sick way to climb the fence and ride it right up and over the dam!!! AWSOME!! Those guys just scream into this level and launch themselves over the dam into Black Mesa East without slowing down. Lonerville has the current record of 28s.
the coolest moment for me was when that guy was running down the stairs and yelled "RUN FOR YOUR LI--" and was shotgunned from behind by a combine, sending him ragdolling down into another oom.

that totally immersed me there. oh my gosh that was so realistic.

oh and when that guy at the start knocks over a can with his lightning-stick and tells you to pick it up. lol pissed me off, and then i realized valve pulled an emotion outta me in a pc game. really made me think there about how well they did it without me initially realizing it,and it was all scripted, yet so emotional.
Those guys just scream into this level and launch themselves over the dam into Black Mesa East without slowing down.

Holy crap, does anyone else see the beginning of an Hl2 stunt community making custom stunt maps with buggies and airboats?
When Alyx says bullshit
Its refereshing

I want to get an audio file

Sulkdodds said:
Holy crap, does anyone else see the beginning of an Hl2 stunt community making custom stunt maps with buggies and airboats?

I'm waiting for a multiplayer mod which uses the vehicles for races. With the weapons included!!!!! HL Carmaggedon!

Unless someones already done that....?
the airboat would not be so great online
the reason is, it has very bizarre physics...it never flips and is sort of 'floaty'...works fine when you have no gravgun and only move it from the driver's seat, but put it in front of a server full of people and it would look awful
the moment when I realized that each time I loaded my savegame during the battle in nova prospekt where u had to hold on till alyx arrived, I got a different reaction from the AI. It really felt like I am fighting against thinking combine soldiers. That was easily one of the hardest moments in the game.
yeah, that part took me a few tries til i realized i could barricade myself in a room using boxes and barrels.
I think the hardest moment for me was the final part of Follow Freeman, where you had to fight through a destroyed building. Soldiers on all sides, on the roofs, in the windows, not to mentions the Striders.
Snap, the first time I saw those quick zombies. GAH

On the way up to Ravenholm, through the dark passages, it took me about 30 minutes, as I was so paranoid...I got jumped by a zombie while going past the hanging body, and I just flipped out.

I loved the whole resistance part, the whole antlion part, the organic grav gun, everything. They didn't stick with just one idea, it was always a new place and idea to play with.

The first time I used Antlions I felt ridicuously powerful. :-D

Everytime in ravenholm I heard the quick zombie's howl. Scary...

Oh, and the Toxic Zombie in Highway 17 in that building next to the bridge...I didn't see him until I turned around and he was right there...I used so many shotgun shells on him....

First time using the crossbow was also a lot of fun, as when I started leading my targets I felt like some kind of predator, sadistic pleasure as I nailed bodies to walls.
Highway 17 - seeing The Bridge and then realising - you don't just go over it, you piss around in it!

the bow

the bit in ravenholme where you see a fast spinny blade and some barrels. Zombies approach. you shoot the barrels. The zombies set on fire. THE FIREY ZOMBIES GET CUT UP! that made me go "wooooooooo hehehehehe"

Getting Alyx nekked :cheers:
You know I could name many things for each level that completely floored me

But honestly, in the end, the last two levels were my favorite. I could go back and maybe enjoy the airboat and buggy levels the most on replayability, but as a first time experience, our benefactors and dark energy were incredible.

Being able to finally go into the citadel was awesome. It was so damn creepy and alien inside. And once I got the super gravity gun and realized what it did, I felt so damn powerful!! Another aweosme part of these levels is as your moving through, you keep coming across Breen on the monitors. He keeps getting more anxious and worried the further you go, and you start getting more and more pissed off at him (towards the end I just smashed the monitors with the grav gun - didn't even let him finish). Travelling through the levels was incredible too: the troops, striders and airships getting ready, all the slaves under control, the pipes and wires everywhere... such detail.

It's weird, even though I'm left with more questions than when I started, it was one of the most satisfying end game experiences ever.
Get nailed

:naughty: I loved nailing combine to walls and anything nearby with the crossbow! (see screenshot)
On highway 17, near the gas station where the Barrier is up, shooting the guy on the high sign with a crossbow, watching him just hang there by his head, rocketing the blocks away from the APC from a distance, then watching it slowly roll backwards ripping out the power to the barrier, rolling off the cliff, and exploding at the bottom was sooooooooooooooo satisfying.

All parts where you get to shoot/grenade/crossbow combine on stairs. (also see screenshot lol)

Physics rokS!
P.s. I hope the screenshot attaches. This is my 1st post!
The sound through out.... I found myself physically jumping at times when I suddenly heard a sound...
I had just got my 7.1 sound setup and, after waiting for this game for such a long time, had set aside time at night to play - lights off, sound up: the whole experience. How many times did I think to myself, "Holy S#it!"? Here's a few...

The graphics and sound, right off the bat. The water and the trees in the distance.

The howls of the fast zombies in Ravenholm, seeing them running across the rooftops in the distance, and then seeing them running for you across those distances. Yikes!

The first poison zombie - just too creepy with all the crabs along for the ride, then he throws them at you! I was laughing as I yelled, "Pull!" with the shotgun. Then, when I killed him and I heard a laugh come out as its last gasp of life. eek.

The first time I shot a zombie and the crab flew off and I saw the person's head! It was bad enough hearing the person's screams muffled under the crab in the first place.

The physics of the gunships - when you chase them with the rocket and they attempt to dodge. Their motions are so lifelike as if they are swimming. Then when you drop one and get a look at it and it's a mechanical bug!

Striders. My favorite.

"We don't go to Ravenholm anymore." Pause. That line was done so well, and it only works the first time you hear it. My interest was through the roof! WTF happened there?

The end of Ravenholm where all the crabs are below you in the mine. Jumping down there with crowbar only and taking them all on.

The impending doom at the end level when your weapons are destroyed and all you have is the super gravity gun. I didn't think it was changed and it didn't occur to me to use it on the incoming soldiers the first two times. I died and finally I used it and, well, you know the rest. "I'm coming for you Breen!" Both of those monorail rides were great. My girlfriend thought it was like the old miniseries from the 80s called "V".

Man, I could go on for a long time, but I'll keep this to the highlights.
you guys have just reminded me that this is the best game i have ever played.

thank you.

i read all of the hl2 dissapointment forums and i came to belive it WAS a dissapointment.
you have just reminded me of all the moments which made this game soo damn good for me.

it IS a masterpeice