What we missed


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
as the forum was down we missed alot of good chatter

Farcry impressions, new splinter cell, BF:NAM/UT2K4 discussion... well ladies... chat away :burp:
FarCry - so so. Nice eye candy, but past that.. it's pretty standard

This is my entire input, THANK YOU, COME AGAIN!
anyone else pissered with FC's lack of stable multiplay... or was that just me :hmph: impressive technology non of the less
i.e., we didn't miss much. lets wait for some real games to come out :P
Farcry's demo was intersting. Make sure you turn up the graphics ALL THE WAY to get the effects. Well, it got boring really fast + the AI is really stupid. Well, my desire for HL2 increased because of this.
I played FC in LAN and its really fun. I havent played SP yet... im toying around with the editor. Anyone know the date for the SDK? I wanna start scripting!
UT2k4 is a revolution of gaming pleasure. I urge you all to buy it, and suckle at its sweet, sweet wheel-laden nectar.
Abom said:
UT2k4 is a revolution of gaming pleasure. I urge you all to buy it, and suckle at its sweet, sweet wheel-laden nectar.

i double this. infact, take amazon.co.uk's advice and "buy UT2004 DVD version with UT2004 6 CD version together for £50!!!"
buy the game! unlock the characters! play all the levels! join a clan! make a map! download stuff! record demos! buy the T-shirt! DONT GET BFV!!! unless you love veitnam! or repetitiveness!
Suicide42 said:
i double this. infact, take amazon.co.uk's advice and "buy UT2004 DVD version with UT2004 6 CD version together for £50!!!"
buy the game! unlock the characters! play all the levels! join a clan! make a map! download stuff! record demos! buy the T-shirt! DONT GET BFV!!! unless you love veitnam! or repetitiveness!

108 maps, 84 player models, 10 gameplay modes, 25+ mutators!

This is a game cram packed with goodness; 5.5Gb of pure fun! Buy now!

Man, I sound like a PR guy :p
Is it really that good?

I never really liked unreal games before. I just couldn't be arsed with em for some reason. But if it gets that much praise I might just get it after my next set of exams anyway and purhaps have a game with you guys.... :rolling:
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Is it really that good?

I never really liked unreal games before. I just couldn't be arsed with em for some reason. But if it gets that much praise I might just get it after my next set of exams anyway and purhaps have a game with you guys.... :rolling:

I can't stress how good it is, really. UT2k3 was a dissapointment because it felt so different to the original Unreal Tournament. UT2k4 basically takes everything from UT2k3, adds more maps and player models/skins, adds Assault mode from UT, adds the Onslaught mode and most importantly makes it feel like UT again. If there ever was a perfect game, this would come so close to being it... bar Half-Life 2 ;)
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Is it really that good?
I never really liked unreal games before. I just couldn't be arsed with em for some reason. But if it gets that much praise I might just get it after my next set of exams anyway and purhaps have a game with you guys.... :rolling:

well i was exagerating a bit. i mean, if u disliked UT2003, u probally will dislike UT2004... but at the same time, it adds so many new features, like onslaught and assault mode. essentially, for unreal fans it is HEAVEN. and anyone who disliked UT before (like me) can get easily turned by it into a beliver. My advice: try it, and see if you like it. then buy it!

And what i said about BFV... i bought it, having played BF at an internet cafe with my freinds, and playing a copied version with bots. I thought it would be amazing. i was wrong.

for a start the maps just dont have the feel of BF. they are all similar (being in vietnam) and having played them all at least 3 times, i can say that none of them are anywhere near as good as the amazing BF maps. The game is also unbalanced, with americans geiing an M-60 AND a rocket launcher! madness! Not only that, but MP mode is full of hidden snipers that kill you even when you think you have the best hiding place. plus when you respawn. you appear in an area that is under attack and immediately die from stray bullets. poor.

But saying this, a lot of people who LOVED the origonal will like it, but for those who found the original nothing special i warn you not to buy this game. the only REALLY new feature is the helicopter, which is hard to fly and impossible to land. While making good pilots valubale, this also becomes very frustrating.

UT is much more easy going, with tons more maps - i think BFV had 8, while UT2004 has about 100, not including the downloadable ones (that ARE official- 3 official onslaught maps are allready released, along with tons of unofficial ones).

My verdict:
UT2004 9/10
-great game, full of extras, keeps you occupied forever. It doesnt try to fool you into thinking it is a new game, either.
BFV 6.5/10 Feels and plays like an expansion pack with far less than the origonal, yet tries to hide this with a new enviroment.
WoW to Farcry, SP and UT04, great games and very impressive graphics. I had a small problem with FarCry Mp, (Its lagy) and after hard search on FC Forums I found that the minimum connection to play FC is 1Mbit. I am getting 1Mbit in three months.
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Is it really that good?

I never really liked unreal games before. I just couldn't be arsed with em for some reason. But if it gets that much praise I might just get it after my next set of exams anyway and purhaps have a game with you guys.... :rolling:

I couldn't be arsed with the Unreal games after the first one, they were just boring quakealikes, but even I like UT2k4, so it must be good
I bought BF:V too, its fun, but the novelty wore off after playing it for about 2 days.
its practically BF1942 with some new shiny things added, the sound and soundtracks are impressive (if you like that kinda stuff, and I did)

however the helicopters are EASY to fly, I mean retardedly easy... if your a Desert Combat fan who likes choppers (and DC's flight model) then BF:V's choppers feel way too arcadey.
they are EASY to land, you can land going like 100mphs, and only suffer minor damage to the chopper (DC pilots know, landing a chopper like that in DC doesnt cut it).
I say the flight model is so easy, not only because Im one hell of a DC pilot, but also because my bro-in law, my little brother, AND even my DAD, could fly them.... effectively... as in taking off transporting and landing.
and they SUCK, they cant even take-off in a DC chopper.

I was never an Unreal fan (except the first unreal, and I was slightly dissapointed by the unreal tourney) my friend bought UT2k4 when I bought BF:V. so we switched games for a week to try em...
honestly its just MORE Unreal 2k3... now that may not be a bad thing if you are an unreal fan... just boring to me.

Farcry was the best game I have purchased since the original HL (and I buy a lot of games) now it should be known I am a Graphics WHORE, so Farcry had my attention from the get-go... however after playing both demos (research, and cabatu) I was left with a bitter taste in my mouth... something wasnt right... the AI wasnt impressive ( you could hide in a bush and they would just walk up to you, so that you could shank them if you shot at them) the controls were sluggish (reminded me slightly of bf1942) and for the most part.... it didnt perform as well as it should for my rig (not optimized)
also the highest difficulty in the demo was laughable.

I dont know why I purchased the full version then... boredom I guess.... that and I had been hearing rave reviews about it.

but let me just tell you, all of those problems are non-existent in the full version.
I could go into detail why this game rocks so much, and why its a game you simply must play if you have the rig for it.
but chances are if you were going to get it, you already would have... I highly recommend it.

and I cant type much more, my shoulder is in agony lol (just got back from gym, shoulder was torn outta socket a couple years back doing 280 military press overhead, I need a bolt put in)
anyway, good to see you all, great to have hl2.net back!

edit: oh and the MP in Farcry might be weak in comparison to games like UT2k4, and BF:1942/BF:V, but then again, how are those games SP component?

farcry was obviously made with SP in mind, and MP as an afterthought, and the SP component is brilliant (IMO), I actually enjoy the Bland MP too... its very Quake-like (which I loved).. I mean Quake 1
and remember when HL came out it didnt get 100% awesome reviews, because it had bland MP at the time too... so give FC a lil time and lets see where they go

oh and a side note: the next FC patch is going to have new mp modes like
Co-Op (WOOT)
and some others I forget.
so as I said, give em some time :)
Abom said:
I can't stress how good it is, really. UT2k3 was a dissapointment because it felt so different to the original Unreal Tournament. UT2k4 basically takes everything from UT2k3, adds more maps and player models/skins, adds Assault mode from UT, adds the Onslaught mode and most importantly makes it feel like UT again. If there ever was a perfect game, this would come so close to being it... bar Half-Life 2 ;)
I imagine it would get boring. Much like UT. And 2003 :)
ComradeBadger said:
I imagine it would get boring. Much like UT. And 2003 :)

Honestly, with the amount of content and the fact that there are dozens of maps released every few days (official bonus mappacks are also released from time to time as well), it would take someone like me a long, long time to get bored. I'm a fragfest addict. Maybe others would get bored, but this appeals to me so damn much.

That said, most (if not all) games get boring after a certain period of time...
i agree with abom. and btw, i returned BFV and got metal gear solid, the twin snakes. im playing it now :D

IMO, the singleplayer on UT2004 is actually really good. i mean it cant compeare to anything like farcry, but for a game with no story its amazing. For those of you who dont know, you buy and manage your own team to compete in the unreal tornimants, each character having their own stats and preferences. You earn money and pay off your hired teammates, then pick up to four of your five characters to aid you in battles.

But its not just running around letting the bots do the objectives for you, or run out and capture the flag- in order to suceed you MUST order your team around and use your tactics dry. Thats not to say an amazing player cant carry their team though.

before i even TOUCHED the multiplayer i completed the SP mode and tried every onslaught and assault map with bots. Then when i fought in multiplayer it was more fun than i thought it would be- ive even joined a clan :D

i hope they release official veichles for onslaught and maps with them, because the one thing i really wanted in the game was a 2 or 3 man flying bomber, and a DM level where you pilot fighters in space. and even if theres no official version of these there will definately be community made ones.

and i have never played BF: DC, and i heard that the choppers were really hard to fly in that, but i found the choppers pretty hard to fly in BFV. mind you, i only played the game for about 3 or 4 hours,and didnt pilot many helicopters. I mastered flying pretty quickly but i found it hard to land and pick things up by rope. i probally could have gotten good at it if i tried, but TBH im enjoying the remake of MGS muh more than piloting a heli.
Abom said:
Honestly, with the amount of content and the fact that there are dozens of maps released every few days (official bonus mappacks are also released from time to time as well), it would take someone like me a long, long time to get bored. I'm a fragfest addict. Maybe others would get bored, but this appeals to me so damn much.

That said, most (if not all) games get boring after a certain period of time...
Doesn't matter about the maps, I'm not a huge fan of games without storylines, and games like UT, with no real tension, dunno.

However, ONS will call me for a very long time ;(
SC: PT is sooo much fun, I got it for xbox live so I dont have trouble with communications.
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
as the forum was down we missed alot of good chatter

Farcry impressions, new splinter cell, BF:NAM/UT2K4 discussion... well ladies... chat away :burp:

Far Cry: me creaming myself at pretty every step (apart from the trigen parts, those parts i browned myself so a nice mixture there)

Splinter Cell: more linear than a roman road, awesome multiplayer.

BFV: meeeeehhhh...didn't really stick to me as much as i'd hoped. uninstalled after two weeks of play.

UT2004: i make love to my UT2004 DVD every night.

another game i picked up was Raven Shield. co-op is perhaps the most rewarding multiplayer experience, comes close to UT2004 and beats it in most cases. it's a real bitch to get working online though, ubi.com shame on you! http://www.bookofhook.com/Review/Games/RavenShield.html
Far Cry is pretty damn fun... just for the atmosphere and feel of it if nothing else.

UT2004... I actually don't enjoy the Onslaught mode as much as I thought I would... but everything else is great, especially assault.

And then there's Pandora Tomorrow... best multiplayer I've played in a long while... very hard... but very good.
One thing that dissapointed me most about UT2004 wwas the voice acting for the Taunts. One of the things I loved most about the original Unreal Tournament were the mint taunts they recorded, I mean they were really cool and well done! But these ones are just... well, crap. But thankfully that's one of the very few things I can find wrong with 2004. That and the shit BOT AI for the vehicles. Shit AI in an Unreal game? Oh my!


And Far Cry I enjoyed quitw a bit. Major niggle I had with it was the movement of your character, just felt so clunky and slow.