What weapons do you think we will see?.

your that old geezer? lol looks like when he shoots his arm is gonna break off.

but that is a kick ass gun. I wouldn't mind something like that in hl2.
Re: Re: What weapons do you think we will see?.

Originally posted by crabcakes66
Desert Eagle, the most useless handgun ever........ ...you would be better off throwing it at them.....and be more likly to hit them to...

if it was in cs...i dont want it.....

Erm, Desert Eagle is only the most powerful handgun in the world. would blow your head clean off within range.
Have you idiots ever shot a handgun/any gun before before?

Or are you just basing this off playing games?

After unloading a few rounds from a .357 your hand doesnt exactly feel good....and im not a small guy.

Id like to see you be accurate with a .50cal handgun after 3 shots.....

A desert eagle is not a combat weapon.....its a show gun....mabey something you would bring to the range and let your freinds fire a few times.......
The Desert Eagle is the most powerful SEMI-AUTO handgun in the world....for hands down power...it'd probally have to be a .454.

I'd personallly like to see something BESIDES the standard fare of weapons in most games....Beretta 92, M4w/m203, MP5....and it looks like HL2 is gonna deliver just that. But then again, I always am partial to big ass handguns...i'd like to see another magnum again, or maybe a deagle....hell, i'd just be happy with a .45. I'd prefer the guns to be somewhat realistic...as in NO AKIMBO...but hl didn't have that...so I'm not worried.

And if I'd have to pick a wild guess....i think gordon needs one of these....the most badass movie gun known to man.


Originally posted by mung
The Desert Eagle is the most powerful SEMI-AUTO handgun in the world....for hands down power...it'd probally have to be a .454.

I'd personallly like to see something BESIDES the standard fare of weapons in most games....Beretta 92, M4w/m203, MP5....and it looks like HL2 is gonna deliver just that. But then again, I always am partial to big ass handguns...i'd like to see another magnum again, or maybe a deagle....hell, i'd just be happy with a .45. I'd prefer the guns to be somewhat realistic...as in NO AKIMBO...but hl didn't have that...so I'm not worried.

And if I'd have to pick a wild guess....i think gordon needs one of these....the most badass movie gun known to man.



Damn right...if your gonna give him a big ass handgun...atleast be semi-original.......

stupid CS fags want hl2 to have nothing but M4s flashbangs and deagles....
LOL flashbangs in hl2....that would ****ing make me kill ppl. I think a nice Colt 1911 would be great. Great power from a .45 and you dont see too many in todays games(though you should) Either that or a revolver of some kind.
I think there's gonna be somekind of plasmagun or something,that shoots nice blue shots..:P
im fed up with M16s and MP5s and all this overused crap, Im glad there focusing on rare prototypes and other stuff.
How about a prototype weapon that fires sonic waves? it could produce some hilarious scenes what with the new rag-doll animations, imagine blasting a combine and watching him fly back 20 feet and hit a wall, or send'em flying over ledges :)
and his hand would stuck on the ledge..and his body would do a flip :D
I play CS all the time, but I can't understand why a lot of people want CS guns in HL2 - that would kinda piss me off. Talk about boring...

I prefer different weapons - give me some variety. I can't wait to see what weird techno-weapons Valve has in store in HL2. I loved the Tau Cannon, it was my favorite HL1 weapon.
:afro: stationary mg's on some maps... a teezer. hmmm what else? ho i know! :bounce: a super sonic modulator chruser nuke lighter! (whit blowtorch offcourse)
Double guns would be fun. As long as they don't do it all crappy, like goldeneye. *snore*
Ahhh a tazer.

Anyway double pistols are ok, but akimbo automatic weapons is just ridiculous
I could just imagine that, gordon with 2 .50 cal machinguns, one under each arm, walking down the street mowing down hundreds of combine troops, RAMBO STYLE!

Would be cool for a starship troopers mod, where you blow away loads of antlions etc.

Btw, if anybody is doing a starship troopers style mod and they could use a coder/moddler, i'm your man!
Totally agree on that one, para. You guys will prolly think I'm gay, but I'm going to say this anyway: In CS i changed my dual beretta skin to golden castor troy deagles (or were they berettas too?), that was sooo fun to play with. not only the skin was great but the sound was excellent, i got them from a cs-nation hosted skin-site dunno if it's still alive but i hope so for people who still play cs.

Edit: found them, second skin from the top, the 3rd from the top are golden too but not with the castor troy logo's on the handgrip.
i know this sounds wierd, but it would be cool if you were able to get an old gun from some where, like a PPSh-41 (this being eastern europe, after all).

Also, a flame thrower might be cool. :D
I had the golden deagles for a while too, I thought they were nicely skinned and modeled. But after 15 reinstalls I became too lazy to find all the "good" skins" again. There was something about that skin that made the dualies seem more powerful :)

And no flame throwers are not cool they're overrated that's all :P
I think castor used colt 1911's.

If he used duel deagles i think he would need wrists like teh hulk!:bounce:
Originally posted by Private Snafu
i know this sounds wierd, but it would be cool if you were able to get an old gun from some where, like a PPSh-41 (this being eastern europe, after all).

Also, a flame thrower might be cool. :D

That PPSh-41 is that a so-called Tommy-gun, but a bit modified?? I just looked it up on google and the images i find are very tommy-gun like.

PPSh-41: http://www2t.biglobe.ne.jp/~ohige/tsuhan/hadoson/ppsh_41_smg_mg_01.jpg


The barrel seems different but the rest is kind of the same. I think.

Edit: About the castor's yeah they were 1911's. Sorry for the confusion.
Some sort of fuel tank of something, that you could place on the floor and shoot from a distance. It woould explode setting fire to everthing nearby. That would be cool, i know it's like a detpack, but i think it's cooler.
Something like that would be ingame part of the scenery, just like the barrels in doom.
Originally posted by Ro@cH
That PPSh-41 is that a so-called Tommy-gun, but a bit modified?? I just looked it up on google and the images i find are very tommy-gun like.

PPSh-41: http://www2t.biglobe.ne.jp/~ohige/tsuhan/hadoson/ppsh_41_smg_mg_01.jpg


The barrel seems different but the rest is kind of the same. I think.

Edit: About the castor's yeah they were 1911's. Sorry for the confusion.

Sorry, they're completely different weapons. The Thompson Model 1928 (the tommy gun) uses .45 caliber ammunition. The PPSh-41 uses a different caliber. Also the Thompson is an American designed by J.J. Thompson (i think that's his name). The PPSh-41 is a Russian design that borrows heavily from the Finnish Sumoi submachine gun used during the Winter War in which the Soviet Union unsuccessfully invaded Finland. Also, the PPSh-41 was designed to be easily manufactured and mass produced, while the design of the Tommy Gun had to be changed to the Thompson A1 when America entered World War II. There are numerous other differences as well.

Edit: Actually it's hard to see anything because the ammunition drum obscures most of the gun... so that confusion might be understand able.
Castor troy did not use 1911's, he used 2 golden springfields...
"How about a prototype weapon that fires sonic waves? it could produce some hilarious scenes what with the new rag-doll animations, imagine blasting a combine and watching him fly back 20 feet and hit a wall, or send'em flying over ledges"

That would be cool :D Sounds kind of like that sonic shotgun from Minority Report, if anyone's seen that movie .
Private Snafu thanks for the excellent explanation. It seems you know a great deal about weapons, as opposed to me hehe :) The guns seemed so similar with the round bullet-cases (don't know the exact name) and the similar butt. Thx for clearing it up though.

Ridic, any source for this? I've seen plenty of websites mentioning 1911 and castor troy in the same sentence :) I don't know this springfield gun you speak of. Lemme google for a sec hehe :)
Ok it seems that Springfield Armory produces 1911-A1 or something. See url here: http://www.springfield-armory.com/prod-pstl-1911.shtml

So are we both talking about the same gun here, or not?
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
Castor troy did not use 1911's, he used 2 golden springfields...

Shut up you silly goon.

On topic, i think that a sonic weapon would be amazing. Just like the one out of minority report, i hope it's in the game.

I think they should make it so the actual weapon doesn't hurt them but the force when they impact a wall etc. should do the damage.
Originally posted by FoB_Ed
"How about a prototype weapon that fires sonic waves? it could produce some hilarious scenes what with the new rag-doll animations, imagine blasting a combine and watching him fly back 20 feet and hit a wall, or send'em flying over ledges"

That would be cool :D Sounds kind of like that sonic shotgun from Minority Report, if anyone's seen that movie .

awesome idea!!!

awewsome flick!
Originally posted by Ro@cH
Private Snafu thanks for the excellent explanation. It seems you know a great deal about weapons, as opposed to me hehe :) The guns seemed so similar with the round bullet-cases (don't know the exact name) and the similar butt. Thx for clearing it up though.

So are we both talking about the same gun here, or not?

Here's a good site for the PPSh-41:

Also on the side bar there's a link for the Thompson (this site features better pics of both weapons, so thier differences will become more obvious.
Hey cool, I though all russia had to offer nowadays was cheap porn, old kalashnikovs and ugly women!! Thanks for the nice url snafu!
do you think will see those cheesy little alien pools that thrusted you upword?
There has to be cool alien weapons, maybe the manipulator is one?