What wil be the hardest/most annoying enemy?


May 11, 2004
Reaction score
I tihnk I will have trouble with the fast attack zombies. Theya re WAY to fast, especially if they arent contained ina hallway(that would be alright, but if they surrond you...). Hopefully it only takes a few shots to take them down

Striders must have a trick to beating them. Like maybe tripping them(ala star wars). It would be awesome if you coul take them out by using the manipulater to remove a man hole cover seconds before they step on it and the strider falls down it with tha tone leg, and the others break. Or maybe lead it into powerlines

(PS, I bet in multiplayer one team will be able to control striders and use them as a vehicle. A few peopleoperate walking, and one uses the gun)
Yeah those zombies & the Striders will probably bring a lot of people a lot of trouble :) And those noises the zombies make... Horror!
Striiiideeerrrsss probably. But if I remeber correct there is a concept about some two-legged robot also. Oooo...
probably, once again.......the ichthyosaur
Bongfarmer said:
(PS, I bet in multiplayer one team will be able to control striders and use them as a vehicle. A few peopleoperate walking, and one uses the gun)

Be a bit cramped don't you think. Personally I'm hoping they aren't operated enemies. They lose there coolness if I know theres someone in there operating it. Much more freaky it being 'aware'.

So yeah I'm hoping the strider is a tough cookie to beat! I'm gonna bag me one when I get the chance. :E
Headcrabs.. Sitting in every corner you don't expect them to be.

Or the Ichtyosaur as Sai said :)
Striders,................And other new Alien Creatures we have not seen yet. For example HYDRA
Striders, yeh.. i havnt seen or heard any proof you can take them down..? yikes.
Mr. Redundant said:
Alyx, most annoying period

I bet she can get pretty annoying when she's on her period yes.

Another vote for the leaper zombies from me, annoying, but very cool!
I think those giant ant lions (the one that killed gordon at the end of last years e3 demo) will be a pain. They look pretty tough and they move fast.

Striders will also be a problem. That gun looks serious and I'm pretty sure it could step on you and impale you if it wanted to.
I bet the most annoying/hardest enemy will be something we haven't seen yet.
Sai said:
probably, once again.......the ichthyosaur
You are right !!!!!

In HL1 I was to scarred to get in the water and i could felt my heart beat so fast ... And when i entered the water and he came behind me i screamed so loud my father ran into my room to see if i was fine .

I can't remember a game thet maked me scared like this ... it was even more then AVP !
Dark Auro is correct imho ;] I won't go into details for obvious reasons ;b
Its is most definately the striders. Remember the vids of the resistance fighting them, one of them took about 7 RPG hits, 5 I-Rifle shots, and about 200 rounds of ammunition and yet they walk around. I wouldn't be surprised if its just invulnerable
Sai said:
probably, once again.......the ichthyosaur

That thing scares me to no end , even in badly modeled HL1 form. I hated falling in the water , the Dam was horrifying.
I wouldn't be surprised if its just invulnerable

No , otherwise u'r squad just shooting for nothing ... And you lose ammo for nothing .
And i doubt there is a unique wat to kill them cause there are to many striders in to many places to kill in a unique way like the big fire arms monster from HL1.

Unless they did more job to kill some bunch of striders in many forms and ways.
The most annoying enemy will probably be the rollermines because they never stop coming after you and they attach to your jeep and I can see myself right now just screaming at my monitor "GET THE F OFF ME!"

The hardest will probably be the striders, or maybe the hydra.
Most annoying: those ****ing metal things that fly at you.
I reckon it's going to be the Hydra.
Most annoying enemy will easily be the rollermines. They annoyed me even when I was watching the vid.
SLH said:
You can see the tank near the start of the uber vid, when the guy thinks you're the police and is looking out the window.

Are u sure that its the same vehicel.
The prowler looks like a crossbreed between human/combine and aliens, i'm sure he'll be a pain in the ass.
Investigator said:
Are u sure that its the same vehicel.

Yup, I'm almost entirely positive that they are.

Also, it's called a 'carrier' and seems to be able to shoot powerful missiles from bays on the top, like a submarine can.
They're on the bridges in the hovercraft vid.
Those fast zombies obviously can't be handled with the pistol.

Are you kidding about the rollermines? They are so awesome! They're almost personable with their strange little beeps and whistles, and they look like a blast to have in the middle of a chaotic battle: a really fun new element. I think those and the manhack things are a little similar in the way they keep charging right at you, but are easy to dodge as long as you remember that they are coming after you.
I agree with Apos, they sound so funny with those beeps and stuff, like R2-D2 :D
God i had forgotten about the hydra and prowler, there are gonna be loads of surprises in this game :D
Apos said:
Those fast zombies obviously can't be handled with the pistol.

Are you kidding about the rollermines? They are so awesome! They're almost personable with their strange little beeps and whistles, and they look like a blast to have in the middle of a chaotic battle: a really fun new element. I think those and the manhack things are a little similar in the way they keep charging right at you, but are easy to dodge as long as you remember that they are coming after you.

I can imagine myself being hit in the back unsuspectingly by those little bastards quite a few times while your busy fighting other stuff :)