what will games be like in 2012?

There is no such thing as running out of ideas. A lot of great things (books, movies, games) are based on history. Do you really think that by 2012 there will be no new content? There might be a game on the Muslim vs. Catholic war that might occur. People have been getting new ideas by invention aswell. As technology progresses, don't you think videogame worlds will look more and more interesting? Photo realistic graphics aren't going to wow me. When I see larger than life graphics I'll be amazed. You should remember that artistic style is also judged on the graphic sides of games. You can't "run out of ideas" and you can't "hit photorealism and stop". But what CAN happen is that we run out of talent.
thx for the replies guys! :)

i bet there will be a game for olympics london around that time tbh too!

games in the future i suppose will be like movies, but one which we can explore and discover ourselves. movies is for people to sit back and relax and games are the 'movies' where we can get involved and possibly change the storyline

i want games to get rid of the 'route' more (if ya get me)

better npc's aswell. :)