What will HL2 earn its Mature Rating for?

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Jan 11, 2004
Reaction score
  1. Blood
  2. Violence
  3. Animated Blood
  4. Animated Violence
  5. Blood and Gore
  6. ANimated Blood and Gore
  7. Suggestive Themes
  8. Strong Sexual Content (Alyx)
  9. Use of substance and alcohol
  10. NUDITY
  11. Mild language
  12. strong language
  13. cartoon violence

What's yo take.
Neo_Kuja said:
Spammers seem to have evolved these past few years ....

It was after E32k3, we got a sh*tload of newbs...dont worry though, they will get bored and go away :)
1. Your gay.
2. Your a worse spammer than I used to be.
3. Your grandmother wears a thong.
4. Your gay uncle wears army boots.
5. Stop spamming
6. Your gay
7. Noone likes you.
8. Your threads suck/irrelevant/gay like you/stupid/pointless
9. I hate you
10. Your gay
Exuse me, sir. To use my best judgement, I would say that you are spamming by what you just said. I can't help that I just had an influx of 3 brilliant topics I would like to notify the community about, so the least bit of rebuttle is a little uncalled for. Please, if I make 3 threads at once because of my sheer brilliance, don't bring me down from my moment of glory. If making 3 threads at once is against the the rules at HL2.net, may you please quench my thirst with a link to the FAQ telling. Carry on.
goldenboi said:
Exuse me, sir. To use my best judgement, I would say that you are spamming by what you just said. I can't help that I just had an influx of 3 brilliant topics I would like to notify the community about, so the least bit of rebuttle is a little uncalled for. Please, if I make 3 threads at once because of my sheer brilliance, don't bring me down from my moment of glory. If making 3 threads at once is against the the rules at HL2.net, may you please quench my thirst with a link to the FAQ telling. Carry on.

oh god! that is sooo funny! I am actualy laughing! hahaah! well for one, you are correct, Guinny is spamming, but he thought up Source World so no harm shall cometh to thy creator, and secondly your threads were not 'Brilliant', they were utter crapspam. I suggest you go to www.halflifesource.com or www.hl2central.com - you would fit in very nicely there...
Probably the "Off with the zombies head" thing will take it to a R18 rating .....
Blood and gore, violence. Maybe suggestive themes, but they don't usually include that in a MAture title, as they have quite a bit of cussing.
i told you they were gonna be locked :)
haha, slap me some skin my brotha! :afro: (not)

Well, I don't think VALVe will include anything obscene, as I think they have a lot of teen gamers who's parents don't want them playing obscene content.
Knock off the flaming and spamming, all of you.
goldenboi said:
haha, slap me some skin my brotha! :afro: (not)

Well, I don't think VALVe will include anything obscene, as I think they have a lot of teen gamers who's parents don't want them playing obscene content.

no sh*t sherlock...
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