What will prevent you from playing HL2?



For me, finals.... Why did the release of the biggest game ever have to fall right in the middle of finals week, right in the middle of most finals? I'm predicting a noticable drop in final grades in computer related majors here.... But how cruel.. I could easily play it, but at the cost of everything I've done for the past 10 weeks...
My neighbour coming over and telling me how great he thinks Halo2 is.

I'm gonna shut off all my lights like its halloween, cuz I don't have any candy for ANYONE who knocks on my door.
I can only play games on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.
Luckily, my parents don't enforce that rule very well so I might be able to play it on a school day. But what will suck is that if I do play it on a school day, I'll also have a lot of homework and that just ruins the entire feeling. I might just wait for a long weekend.
Prince of China said:
I can only play games on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.
Luckily, my parents don't enforce that rule very well so I might be able to play it on a school day. But what will suck is that if I do play it on a school day, I'll also have a lot of homework and that just ruins the entire feeling. I might just wait for a long weekend.

Wow, slap your parents, then run away.

Oh yeah, nothing.
The only thing that could stop me is Jennifer Love Hewitt asking me to have Crazy Monkey sex with her all week.
What if your computer explodes for absolutely no reason with your Half-Life 2 CD inside of it?
I'll be in college studying, 70km away from my computer with unlocked Half-Life 2 on it. Dammit!!!! But when I come home for weekend... :sniper:
Nothing except...maybe if Godzilla attacks I have to save the city.
I can't play because I don't have a non-suxy pc yet. :(

Beserker said:
Nothing except...maybe if Godzilla attacks I have to save the city.
Consider it done! :p
Here in the eastern time zone, I believe it will become available at around 3am. Barring any problems with steam (i'm sure there will be). I get home from work at around 2:30-2:45am so I should at least be able to get involved in all the forum 'stuff' that will be occuring :rolling: .


p.s. IMHO I really don't think EVERYONE will get it the very nite it is released. Network issues I think will be a nightmare?
The only thing that would stop me from playing hl2, is a massive natural disaster(SP)
well, the only way they can stop me from playing is cutting off both my arms, legs and tongue.
Meeting Marathon Day(tm) :( I step into the meeting room at 9am which is exactly the moment HL2 unlocks. I thought about calling in sick but I can't as I will have to moderate the discussions and my boss is a HL2 fan and will know why I call in sick ;)
nothing anymore, i just finished 2 bloody long hours of school work, worth of today and tommorrows, so i can play it, the instant it comes out.
Lindsay Lohan twidling my balls with a pair of tongs.

Apart from that.....pretty much nothing.
lol !!.

only thing stopping me would be steam having a nice cry from being overloaded. That is if its possible, and i suppose it may be ><
Beserker said:
Nothing except...maybe if Godzilla attacks I have to save the city.

I thought Godzilla would attack my city first....
Mikademius said:
maybe sex....maybe

Crazy people, you can get laid for the rest of your life, but this is your only chance to play HL2 on the release day...
I will upgrade my rig early december so no hl2 for me tomorrow :/
Gabe and Doug form a suicide pact and when they go they leave in thier will to give thier money to the development team. They also have it so the only copy of the decryption key gets buried with them and valve can't release it. Also they die becuase they suicide bomb vivendis headquarters. So they don't care if hl2 comes out anymore.

That will be the only thing keeping me from playing. It will happen cause I have seen the fuchair.
Well I start work tomorrow (tuesday), HL2 can be played here (South Australia) at 6:30pm.
At 7pm I have a formal dinner with people from work, then it's back to work on wednesday and then after work i have sport, so im not going to get to play it till Thurdsay night.
I watched this one episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation in which The Enterprise got caught up in a temporal loop - the crew were repeating the same day, but not realizing it.

I'm thinking that this might happen with Half-Life2.

Here I am... waiting... waiting... oh, what's happened... the game was leaked to the public and it will have to be delayed?

Oh well - all right then...
Nothing at all. :)

By the gods I got Tuesday off from work (my one day off a week) and will probably play HL2 from the moment it's unlocked through the following afternoon. Eventually I will past out at my desk from sensory overload, crapping myself in the process from the game's awesome beauty.
an act of god :D

after climbing from my tree at 7am, i`ll have a quick shave shower and shine, jog down to my local shop (execise is a by gone era in my life), pick up my copy, be home and have it installed for 8am, play the game, i ignore e-mails / phone calls / msn / the front door / the call of nature, play the game again, then some more, my buisiness falls through, the postmans worried as a bad smell eminates from the letter box.

finally 6 weeks later the police break the door down.

the police find a malnourished, bearded hermit, mouse in hand, halflife 2 running, bucket of excrement next to him. :bonce:

hes in a badway

but it`ll be worth it :)
Nuclear war, in which a missile lands at my feet
I don't really have anything that stops me, altough I do need to do some schoolstuff
Link said:
Crazy people, you can get laid for the rest of your life, but this is your only chance to play HL2 on the release day...

maybe..I said, maybe...
ShyGuy91284 said:
For me, finals.... Why did the release of the biggest game ever have to fall right in the middle of finals week, right in the middle of most finals? I'm predicting a noticable drop in final grades in computer related majors here.... But how cruel.. I could easily play it, but at the cost of everything I've done for the past 10 weeks...

I can't get HL2 because all the polls and things tell me that Halo 2 is more popular. I mean, if thousands of 12-year old kids won't change your mind about HL2, what will?