What will prevent you from playing HL2?

Well i work night shift i start back tonight, start time 10PM [UK TIME] finish time 7AM [UK TIME] the only thing thats gona stop me playing HL2 is been over tired but i think i will manage to stay awake till 1pm maybe lol maybe later, so hopefully Steam has no problems. I get home 7.30AM quick wash get shorts and t-shirt on get relaxed pour my self out a Jack Daniels and restart steam every 2 mins lmao OOOOOO i cant wait hopefully work goes in quick.
my homework :/

I have a lot of homework in this week... :///////// :'((((((
:((((((((((((((((((((((( !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRRR
Heh...i have only one more TEE exam... stupid applicable mathematics... but that like my easiest subject so i can probably spare a day for half-life 2... but then as soon as i finish that exami'm going on LEAVERS!!!!!!!... i'm going to dunsborough and yallingup for like 2 weeks....
Clavius said:
My empty wallet

Didnt you learn anything from GTA? Steal a car, then take it to a chop shop and get some money.

If the skies filled with meteors and smashed all of earth except the areas that connect me to steam, nothing would ever stop me from playing this game when its unlocked on my computer. NOTHING! not school, work, parents, terrorists NOTHING! NOTHING!!!!!

If someone chopped off all my limbs id still play the damn game. Pencil in mouth and start bashing on the keyboard if it took me a lifetime to complete.
1. Not getting my pink-slip in time.
2. Power breakdown.
3. Horrible sickness.
4. Death.
5. Death in the family.
6. Horrible accident.
7. Minor accident (ending up in hospital)
8. Computer explodes.
9. Router explodes.
10. Meteor falls through the roof.
11. House collapses.
12. Someone breaks into my house and steal computer.
13. A plane accident (explodes in my yard)

Hmm... thats about it.

Ooo .. 14. A giant tidle wave.

And... 15. My ex girlfriend comes to my house and wants sex all week.

Im done :)
The fact that I don't have a computer to play Half-Life 2 at... yet...
1-My University
2-My PC is on the way, gone takes 2-3 weeks to come ;(

I am buying HALFLIFE2 on Wednesday. And I am going to come here every day, but I am not going to read teh spoilers :frown:
Well, I'm arranging a big raveparty in my hometown on both Friday (for kids, I'm getting funding) and Saturday (for 18+) and I have two different livesets to prepare.. Fun but hectic, lots to do.. but I'll have to take HL2 out for a spin nonetheless.. damn this will be sweet.. ;)
Can i be ****ed to wake up at 8 o clock to play it? Probably not..
The fact that I need Internet Connection to activate it. I will be held back playing it for about a month (Till I get a proper modem, Anti-Virus Software equalling £150), then I will play the single player, then counter strike: source. Then, if lucky, a few singleplayer and multiplayer mods will be out there. My christmas bonus will come through, giving me chance to buy a new motherboard and graphics card....

So it is true, good things come to those who wait.

Work, I'll buy it on my lunch hour, then I have to wait till 5:30 to play.

Thanks to this stupid idea of net based activation I have to bring my PC into work.

Thankfully I'm in I.T Support. :)
The fact that I need Internet Connection to activate it. I will be held back playing it for about a month (Till I get a proper modem, Anti-Virus Software equalling £150), then I will play the single player, then counter strike: source. Then, if lucky, a few singleplayer and multiplayer mods will be out there. My christmas bonus will come through, giving me chance to buy a new motherboard and graphics card....

So it is true, good things come to those who wait.


Ive just read that and I can't believe it, I don't have an internet connection on my computer. Surely there is another way to do it? I'm getting the net after christmas surely I won't have to wait till then?
I haven't gotten my 500somethin dollar paycheck to buy HL2 yet. After I buy HL2, I'll play it on my laptop...until I build my BEAST AMD 64 PC!!!! I can't wait to get that built to get the great DX9 graphics and super speed and all them goodies
Swift said:
The only thing that could stop me is Jennifer Love Hewitt asking me to have Crazy Monkey sex with her all week.

hahaha yea same with me
oMarKs said:
Ive just read that and I can't believe it, I don't have an internet connection on my computer. Surely there is another way to do it? I'm getting the net after christmas surely I won't have to wait till then?
