What will the world be like in 2020?

Hoping we're still alive by 2020, I don't think it'll be too different from now. I wish for hotels on the moon and flying cars, hell world peace is nice too, but it just ain't gonna happen.
Okay guys...let's cut the bullshit...what's up with robot sex?
DeusExMachinia said:
Hoping we're still alive by 2020, I don't think it'll be too different from now. I wish for hotels on the moon and flying cars, hell world peace is nice too, but it just ain't gonna happen.

aye i remember watching the discovery channel.. :naughty:

well definately by 2030 anywayz.. heh :p
Whats the deal with 2012 just because the maya calender ends.
Why would the world end because they think that??
element alpha works for the government!!!!11

how else would he know exactly what the government are going to do? *shifty eyes*
I think we'll find out in about 15 years right :E

anyways.. i have now idea.. and with bush on as president.. I don't think it's looking good..

and not to forget... NO MORE LAG WHILE GAMING.. NEVER!!!
Bullseye said:
I think we'll find out in about 15 years right :E

anyways.. i have now idea.. and with bush on as president.. I don't think it's looking good..

and not to forget... NO MORE LAG WHILE GAMING.. NEVER!!!

Oh It'll be just SOOOOOOOOO bad..

damn you Bush.
Think of what people thought 2000 would be like in 1980. Now think of just how similar it is now to the 80s. Well, I'm sorry to burst your bubble guys, but 2020 will not be all that different from today. There will not be hotels on the moon, and most likely we wont have a cure for cancer or aids. We will have crappy new pop music, crappy new fashions, faster computers, and most likely a massive reflux of hair metal.

*edit* well, maybe not faster computers.
Homer said:
Think of what people thought 2000 would be like in 1980. Now think of just how similar it is now to the 80s. Well, I'm sorry to burst your bubble guys, but 2020 will not be all that different from today. There will not be hotels on the moon, and most likely we wont have a cure for cancer or aids. We will have crappy new pop music, crappy new fashions, faster computers, and most likely a massive reflux of hair metal.

*edit* well, maybe not faster computers.

In 1980, home computers were almost at their infancy and the Internet (not to mention the WWW which is only fourteen years old) was virtally non-existent.. Fast forward twentyfour years: things have changed.

The cure for aids and cancer within the next twenty years is possible, even likely.
actually look how much the world has changed since 1980 too 2004!
back in the 80's nobody had good pcs, the only games that was out was tetris..im guessing, LOL
and the clothes people wore were awful. My parents said they loved the 80's tho...
i think it willbe basically the same, except the internet will practically take over, cars will be so smooth they will be practically balls, and PCworld will ripp off people in the millions. £700 for a 50 GHz, 256000 RAM machine with an ATI sythe 2200 5 gig graphics card? pfft, thats a rip off.

and yes, 5000 players on a NYC map sounds about right :) (crosses fingers for REAL LIFE / gta MMO
Suicide42 said:
and yes, 5000 players on a NYC map sounds about right :) (crosses fingers for REAL LIFE / gta MMO

LOL aye i was thinking of REAL life GTA when i said that :D
Gah! All that has changed in our day to day lives since the 80s is computers! And its not that big a change. Most facets of life are exactly the same as in 1980, if you want to talk about widespread change you have to go back about 90 years. I would assume you would also have to go forward about 90 years to see anything all that different.
I predict that massive food shortages will drasticly alter our way of life. Or maybe terrorism will when some islamic militant brings a few nukes to the US. OR else there will be wars involving nuclear weapons. Either way, there will be chaos in the future.
Alientank said:
That site is retarded. I put in the width of the projectile at 1 million miles and it said it would have no effect on the earths mass.

Yeah I noticed that =/
This is an honest to god picture from a 1954 issue of Popular Mechanics. Probably old news, but funny as hell.

Point being, if this is what they thought of 2004 fifty years ago and technology increaes exponentially we're in for a crazy future.

What's the wheel for?
abconners said:
I predict that massive food shortages will drasticly alter our way of life. Or maybe terrorism will when some islamic militant brings a few nukes to the US. OR else there will be wars involving nuclear weapons. Either way, there will be chaos in the future.

People said the same thing about the year 2000 in 1960.

About the meteor discussion earlier in this post, I would be MUCH more worried about that caldera swelling up in the northwest if I were you. The last time one even close to that big(and this one is considerably bigger) blew the explosion could be felt on the other side of the planet, then felt again a few hours later when the shockwave came back around.

Yea yea, I'm a geology major.
Fishlore said:
This is an honest to god picture from a 1954 issue of Popular Mechanics. Probably old news, but funny as hell.

Point being, if this is what they thought of 2004 fifty years ago and technology increaes exponentially we're in for a crazy future.

What's the wheel for?
rofl :D they didn't have a clue
They also though we would be living on the moon and have flying cars. You never know where the advancement will come, but it most likely will not be where we expect it.
also i think in the future well all be able to buy tv/pc monitors the size of your bedroom wall

plus, did any1 read that scientists were trying to make strawberry flavoured bananas, and apple flavoured blackberrys ..wtf, LOL
KoreBolteR said:
What will the world be like in 2020?

personally i think we will have hotels on the moon,

have 3d virtual reality, with 5000 people on 1 server =map the size of nyc :D

we will find another planet with life

there will be a half life 6

world war 3 will occur (hopefully not) lol

not family cars... family planes ^^

yes world war 3 is imminent...
Oh please, stop with the WW3 bollocks. The risk during the cold war was much greater than now, and we survived that.

I've noticed that people are mainly concentrating on how their life would be different/the same, in 2020. What about the huge majority of the human race who have no access to running water, computers, telephones, whatever you fancy? How will their lives change?

Not ****ing much.
WARS, A lot of wars :hmph: :( :flame:
the messiah will come to save us :)
Fishlore said:
This is an honest to god picture from a 1954 issue of Popular Mechanics. Probably old news, but funny as hell.

Point being, if this is what they thought of 2004 fifty years ago and technology increaes exponentially we're in for a crazy future.

What's the wheel for?

wow thats funny
Gorgon said:
WARS, A lot of wars :hmph: :( :flame:
the messiah will come to save us :)


he will bringeth the 10 commandments, inscribed onto the holy crowbar, such as "SV_gravity = 800" and "thou shalt not DL warez"
it will be just like now except more taxes,more bs laws, and more cool shit we can't afford because of more taxes and bs laws
before the year 2000 people thought that the world would be a very advanced place...it's not. so in the year 2020...we will have bigger cities with more homeless people and and even worse economy.....it's sad but that's how i see it.

supposed time travelor from 2036, i know that this topic is for 2020, but its quite interesting articles. I suggest you read alot of his stuff. He tells that there will be a civil war in america in 2005 due to many of the laws that are taking away americans rights (E.G. Patriot Act) he also says that there will be a world war in 2015 or something like that. Even if you think that is b.s (i dont believe most of it) but it is really a great read.

P.S make sure to read the posts by date under home on the left side
The Mayan calander ends on Dec. 12 2012. They always talked about mysterious visitors. That's the day the aliens pull the plug on the "human experiment." Afterall we're just an alien high school kid's ant farm for a universal science fair.


2020 is only 15 years from now. I seriously doubt anything will change drastically in that short of time period. Try maybe looking 100 years into the future. Then we could see some major developments.
and mine, thats the ONLY book i read, ROFL!

....Have you all seen matrix when it shows the world in 2199,

that is what the world will look like in 2099, imho :(