What will you do with the SDK?

Oh yes... I'm hoping the physics will spawn a re-emergence of the SKC :D. (god I loved some of those old maps :p)

But anyway, aside from trying to kill scientists, I'm gonna see if its possible to make fully demolishable buildings. And then... demolish them. I figure theres no point unless they're pretty detailed (as in: individual beams forming a skeleton inside the walls), so they probably won't be able to be very large. No more than 4 or 5 stories I'd guess. Probably 2 or 3. But either way, you could do some cool stuff with a building. Like make it fall on enemy troops and stuff :D.

Kind of like those old school bridge building simulations. But with bombs and ragdoll physics. :D It could even evolve into an actual game. "how many load bearing walls can you demolish without toppling your building" or "who can create a perfect implosion using the fewest charges". stuff like that.

Unfortunately the research I've done thus far into Havoc (read: fiddled with the Max Payne 2 editors for a week or so) suggests this may not be possible. There's no way to attach two "physical" objects togeather without them loosing their "physicalnessityarityness...ness". You can have a bench that is movable, or you can have a bench that can be broken into two movable pieces... but you cannot have both. But hopefully that's just because of something Remedy did, and not a limitation of Havoc itself.
I'm pretty sure you can have both, using havok fracture, I.E. a bench could facture at its legs of break into (depending on how you set it up) but only if enough force is applied, meaning you could push or shoot the bench, roll it over or whatever but unless an "explosion" hit it, it would stay in tact. But i'm not entirly sure that hl2 supports fracture like this. I know valve has their own "fracture" type system in place, but i'm not sure how it works. I'm affraid some peoples expectations are a little to high here. Havok is great fun yes, but its not the holy grail, and it can't do everything you want it to. And i'm pretty sure valve isn't using all the havok tools either, like softbodies, water, cloth, rope etc. Anyone know if they are? (because i heard that the makers of the vampire game that uses source had to implement softbodies and cloth on their own, but i could be wrong)
1. Download and install
2. See what's in
3. Read all the docs
4. Mess around with hammer
5. Analize the code
6. Write up what each source file can do
7. Mess around with code
8. Start MOD
Innervision961 said:
I'm pretty sure you can have both, using havok fracture, I.E. a bench could facture at its legs of break into (depending on how you set it up) but only if enough force is applied, meaning you could push or shoot the bench, roll it over or whatever but unless an "explosion" hit it, it would stay in tact. But i'm not entirly sure that hl2 supports fracture like this. I know valve has their own "fracture" type system in place, but i'm not sure how it works. I'm affraid some peoples expectations are a little to high here. Havok is great fun yes, but its not the holy grail, and it can't do everything you want it to. And i'm pretty sure valve isn't using all the havok tools either, like softbodies, water, cloth, rope etc. Anyone know if they are? (because i heard that the makers of the vampire game that uses source had to implement softbodies and cloth on their own, but i could be wrong)

It's possible to make a bench that has fully destroyable physics but can be pushed as one. Look at the techdemo vid with the wood thing. Ropes are also in the game, look at the wires in one of the vid's *I think it might have been the trailer video* The gunship actually made it bounce around from wind.

Besides this Valve also very heavily modified Havok. They said that even Havok was impressed with what they had done.
I know I read in one of the first interviews to hit the PC mags back in April-ish that they had done things with ropes and such. I believe the example given was powerlines blowing in the wind. (now that I think about it they do sway and move around under the flying porpouise's ass-turbine in barricade.)

But i've no idea if they did that on their own or not. (and I AM trying to hold my expectations at bay concerning Havok... but it's kinda hard :p)

(And I should hope that Valve would have kept as much of the Havok goodies they could possibly justify, since they're using the whole "physics" thing as a selling point. Remedy could get away with not including some of the juicier tidbits because they used the physics only to help with the atmosphere of the game. Also: there were no crowbars in Max Payne 2 :D)
I'll make a rats level of my appartement. :)

or even better, make te rooms even bigger and make all the all the walls ladders, so the player can be a wall crouching bug :)
wait wait wait......... YOU CAN COMPILE MAPS, AND RUN AROUND IN THEM???

*jaw drops*

OMG I want the SDK!!!
I'll just download it nd mess with it..even though i wont mod lol
I think some of you are getting ahead of yourselves and dont actually _know_ what the SDK is. For a start, you don't need the SDK if you only plan on making maps to play in HL2, or even changing textures, and quite possibly adding new things such as character appearance (so long as they behave like one your replacing/copying. Like with HL1 you'll get Hammer/Worldcraft included with the game and can start right away making maps to play. And should come with tools for doing some of the other stuff.

The SDK is only of any use to those making actual real changes, like those creating total conversions and using little to nothing from HL2, new weapons, entities, changing code and so on, and will probably need it for setting up .fgd files for the new entities and lots of other interesting things. So its really only of use to those who are serious about making something other than just regular maps. And unless you have some knowledge in things like that it wont be of much use to you.

Thats obviously not directed at everyone :) Just by the sounds of it some think its the holy grail to making their maps when in actuallity it wont be of use to that many people. You could use everything from HL2 and make all new maps and storyline without ever having to use the SDK. But if you want to make a WWII mod with completely custom made resources, you'll be stuck without the SDK.
heheh, yeah nicely put.

I don't want to start my maps on the current version of hammer because I want the terrain displacement tools that are said to be with the new version. + the mod I work on needs the sdk for its coders... :)
I like Fenric slashing everyone's tires :)

Yeah, he's right though guys, most of you will look at the SDK scream :) (unless you know what you are doing) it's not for mapping tbh, or modelling really....

Although it does contain tools for working hard on the aformentioned :p
Errr... NC|7... the SDK hasn't been released yet...

*Sniff sniff*

I sense stolen goods...

EDIT: Yeah... onya Fev, ya beat me :p.
uhm... develop LGW :D

we've been waiting for sooo loooong...

I never tried mapping before. But Because it HL2, I will start experimenting my NOOB skills.
What fanric is saying is about 80% true. He is right... if you want to make default levels you already can start mapping with the beta Hammer (still lots of bugs) or the 'old' Worldcraft en soon when HL2 is released you can re-compile hl1 maps into hl2 maps. But the new final Hammer (be released within the SDK) will have alot of new changes and nifty tools - making levels with dynamic light etc. much easier to do. it's also easier to implement mp3 sounds, textures and other recources into your maps.

Therefor I will wait for the new HL2 SDK before I will go into moddeling/mapping :)

but i'm planning to use some CAD designs to use in my test level (great option :) )
I prefer making maps on bar napkins, which i will then import into HL2.
With my 2-3 weeks of C++ experience from summer, i will. . .
try to see if i *could* do anything
then give up
and see if i could play with the face animation
. . .
and give up : )
Ill h4x0r it and tell valve and get a free hl2 hoodie *Rolls eyes*
I will make love to it, gently and passionately.

err, I mean of course try to make some simple mods yeah of course
marksmanHL2 :) said:
heheh, don't you go tempting me to download the illegal stolen files (Its not a beta god damn it)

And anyway, am I like the only person here who still hasnt downloaded it?!?!?

you forgot about me dammit. i didn't download i tells ya!
Fenric1138 said:
what you mean 80% right, 100% thankyou very much :p :D

well 100% right if you mean that most people won't use 100% of the SDK... since, well, isn't hammer included? lots and lots of people can use that and not tinker with the other stuff... like me hehe, don't you crap on my plans to make a map of my room and find the best way to clean it w/ physics gun :angry:
Jackal hit said:
well 100% right if you mean that most people won't use 100% of the SDK... since, well, isn't hammer included? lots and lots of people can use that and not tinker with the other stuff... like me hehe, don't you crap on my plans to make a map of my room and find the best way to clean it w/ physics gun :angry:
ooh, a clean yer room mod.. I can see applications of that in the training the women of the future centers around the globe. Owned and operated by the B.E.R Corporation (British Empire Ressurected)

The B. E. R. Your future, is our past.
I will start probably by making some maps in the new editor. After that, I will try to change some things with the SDK.
You mean the Sexual Development Kit?

I will try to enlarge my penis with it of course.
hmmm gives new meaning to the term "rigid body" i guess
Can someone answer me this? Will you be able to test your map as if in game? If not then that would suck.
ray_MAN said:
Can someone answer me this? Will you be able to test your map as if in game? If not then that would suck.
no, couldn't in hl1. Why would that suck? It's simple enough to test a map done in hammer in hl1. Probably be easier in HL2.
Fenric said:
no, couldn't in hl1. Why would that suck? It's simple enough to test a map done in hammer in hl1. Probably be easier in HL2.

I hope they include very basic lighting *I think it does* and a way to walk around and test what it'll look like. That's the things I hope from hammer.
Fen it would suck because you would have to wait until HL2 comes out until you can test the map and see if it works, or doesn't.