What would be the coolest weapon EV0R?

A cube that destroys all the guns in the world except the ones owned by the millitarys and police forces and also all WMDs, biogical or chemical weapons.
duffers20 said:
Isn't that the massive WW2 cannon that can fire a shell like 25 miles or something!
It takes like 2000 energy to fire each shot, and teh commander needs to stay near it, because if that thing gets destroyed, tahts alot of Energy and Metal wasted. + you gotta keep a scout flying aroudn their base so you can aim at THEIR commander, and blow him sky high so you see the base go BOOOOOMMM....

Shit, where is Supreme Command?
A blue (Note, it has to be blue not white) sock attached to a giant polar bear that attacks things with it's nostrils.

If only...
A real zero-point energy field manipulator, or any zero-point singularity device in general.
Orbital ion cannon...

*Laser designates someone

"Get in the truck billy-bob!"
Da-Muffin-Man said:
A Mac 11 in .380 can get up to almost 1500 rds/min :rolling: :E
yes, but it's in .380 (not .308 because that would make it the coolest SMG ever and the pinicle of the MAC ideal [being totally innacurate and uncontrollable]) and is smaller and, more importantly it isnt in .45 (the coolest SMG/handgun round ever) and they have acctually made ones that dont jam/break easily (hell the Isreali Special forces use them for hostage rescue)
Some crazy-huge sonic weapon that distorts the air, like in that film with that guy who wore crazy armor and lived in a trashheap.

Or perhaps a shard of broken glass. Ouch.
The hypno-gun!
The pikachu seeking missile launcher!