What WOULD jesus do?


Dec 4, 2004
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I know there are many people wit different beliefs about jesus and who he was but there has always been that phrase what would jesus do? So i'm asking you (fellow forumnites) What do you think jesus would do if he were here right now?
Personaly I think he would do a lot of base jumping :laugh:
There's not alot he could do.. he wouldnt be in the system for a start, that means he'd become a 'person of interest', then if he starts preaching or rabble raising, well, he's a terrorist..

:p the rest writes itself
He would sit in a cave in afghanistan devising ways to make the western world stop and take a look at their corruption in the hope of making a better world.

God bless america? hahaha, riiiiiiight.
He'd create an R18+ game classification in Australia.
I love Jesus.
he would forgive us all of our sins, and lead us together onto the path of righteousness.

i wonder if he might like some ice-cream? or perhaps if a taser would have helped him back in 0BC...

but above all.....

Jesus Saves

[SARCASM] Passes to Moses and scoooorrreee! [/SARCASM]
take over the world and make it a better place.
Star in a hit sitcom of the same name: "What Would Jesus Do?"
My RE teacher told me in all seriousness but quietly 'When jesus comes back hes basically going to kick arse' I dont know what that means specifically, if hes coming back with uzi's or if hes even coming back but thats what he said. :imu:
Hectic Glenn said:
My RE teacher told me in all seriousness but quietly 'When jesus comes back hes basically going to kick arse' I dont know what that means specifically, if hes coming back with uzi's or if hes even coming back but thats what he said. :imu:

George Bush?

I really hope it doesn't turn out he was the new Jesus.
Hectic Glenn said:
My RE teacher told me in all seriousness but quietly 'When jesus comes back hes basically going to kick arse' I dont know what that means specifically, if hes coming back with uzi's or if hes even coming back but thats what he said. :imu:
Jesus of Nazareth - The Revenge

When there are no more cheeks to turn, the saviour will walk the Earth.

Coming to theatres summer 2006
I bet Jesus would suck in CS:S,he isn't made for games like CS.
Welllll, I suppose it would be the second coming. So he'd rule the earth for a thousand years ;)

Clearly kirovman, Jesus is made for a role more like Sole Survivor...

:x Yeah I didn't think it was that funny either.
Jesus probably was a very cool and legere guy... as well as God. Only some human religious wackos misinterpretated the whole thing... :|
What's with all the Jesus threads BTW?

Some random old guy earlier was handing out leaflets about the people who doubted Jesus's return would be proven wrong sometime soon.
CREMATOR666 said:
I dont think Jesus needed hax :p

He had wall hax and aimbots IRL...with rocks.
The Bible always misses out that bit. He clearly just reskins the jug of water into a jug of wine, and obviously noclipped on water...
And feeding the 5,000; "npc_create npc_fish" anyone?
Hectic Glenn said:
My RE teacher told me in all seriousness but quietly 'When jesus comes back hes basically going to kick arse' I dont know what that means specifically, if hes coming back with uzi's or if hes even coming back but thats what he said. :imu:

hes gonna get revenge on people from jerusalem?

phew.. im glad i live in the UK. :angel:
If jesus was here he would probally start getting almighty on everyones asses.
He'd get really damn stoned and forget why god sent him here
He would prolly move to some far away country and every now and then he would make headlines in the news, he would pretty much become the pope w/ magic.
Jesus would rock at CS, he would just ask his Dad to make all the walls invisible.
only christiams and other people of the jesus belief could see him. And jews lol. also he would have the highest css scores ever. And then hed ban all the racist people in the servers and hed get headshots all the time
he will own us all

"I am jesus the son of god fear me!"
He will be the one to return a free us from the Matrix... then he'll appear in a better movie. Like a sequel to the bible with lots of vengeance by Rocket Launcher and stuff.
He'd be spinnin on 26"s with some lambo doors on an escalade and a whole load of groupy bitches in back
he and moses would go clubbing and they would take over the mexican mafia for some reason
If Jesus were here today. He'd be playing Doom and fragging them demons.
Probably write some books, and eventually be ignored and forgotton.