What would you do for a bologna?

I hate bologna sandwiches, had them too much as a child and developed a dislike for them, so I wouldn't do anything for a bologna sandwich.
I'd kill them, then throw the bolony (THATS HOW IT SHOULD BE SPELLED) shit away.
I hate bologna sandwiches, had them too much as a child and developed a dislike for them, so I wouldn't do anything for a bologna sandwich.

I agree.

this is getting weird
We have agreed far too much lately. I think we need to go out and punch some guys for their bologna sandwiches, and not eat them. I don't know what that will solve but it sounds like fun, what do you say?
Darkside, unlike you, you know I need a reason to hurt people. A morally justified reason, so I don't become like you.

So if you can find some baby killing bologna eating baddies, then it's a date.
i'm supposed to be the good one :(
Ok ok look we can spin it like this...the guys eating bologna sandwiches...are...because they're consuming bologna they are upsetting the balance with other deli meats...so...it's bad.

Look man I'm gonna start the car and if you wanna come you can come but I'm leaving in two minutes. I'm going to drive to a construction site and wait around for lunch break.
Whatever, I have higher standards than this.

... let me get my shoes on.

I love that video! I wish I thought about that earlier ):

EDIT: The guy in black at 1:00 looks like Adrik_Senturu :D
I hate bologna sandwiches, had them too much as a child and developed a dislike for them, so I wouldn't do anything for a bologna sandwich.
Same thing happened with me and corned beef. Used to have it every day in school, now the smell of it repulses me. Also, like zt, I'm worried at how much I'm agreeing with you lately. You haven't been the same ever since the linograph thread. I'm begining to think you didn't burn those collector's items at all.
I would definitely trade my Klondike Bar for it.
I would walk up and barf all over his sandwhich and ask him why he eats that shit. Bologna is the worst kind of meat there is.

Now if he was eating a roast beef sandwich, things would be different. But then again I don't know where his hands have been. But if I saw him clean his hands and he then took out a roast beef sandwich I would definitely assault him for it.
I can't eat or even think of bologna without having the mental image that I'm eating Kamikazie's c*nt flaps.
What's with you? Quit being a childish prick and grow some balls.
What the hell is your problem all of a sudden? I made one little joke post and you're getting sand in your c*nt?
I've been sitting back and watching you post a piss storm of nothing but useless SHIT. Complete and utter shit. All your "funny" posts aren't that funny, they're stupid and worthless.
Really now? It's not like you've had anything worthwhile to say in all of the 4 years you've been here.
You mother ****ing asshole. At least I haven't spent 4 years wasting my life posting on here Mr. 13,630 posts. 13,630 posts of wasted internet.
Look now you can't even talk. You've got 7,727 posts. What is that shit? It's "wasted internet", that's exactly what it is.
Also, like zt, I'm worried at how much I'm agreeing with you lately. You haven't been the same ever since the linograph thread.
Have I changed? Or have you two changed?

*cue sinister laughter*
Seriously using my own argument against me? When you grow some balls and then some hair on those, maybe then you'll be able to hold an argument.
I can't stand watching my parents fight anymore. ;(

Seriously using my own argument against me? When you grow some balls and then some hair on those, maybe then you'll be able to hold an argument.
I used to think you were a pretty cool nice guy. Jesus Christ you're really just a total shit.
Apparently my reputation doesn't perceive me. Get over it. Something that you DO need to do is stop posting with your flamboyant shit called posts. I'm starting to think you're worse than all the newbies combined into one.
inb4 thread lock due to TB willie and Kamikazie having a.....arguement.
Quit being an arrogant douche and stop worrying about the way I post. Maybe the quality of yours wouldn't be lacking if you'd stop worrying about others.
The attacker was clearly the scout. He shouldn't be hard to find, but he'll be difficult to catch.
The only reason I'm complaining about yours is the fact that I come in here and see your name next to a thread and think to myself "It's going to be something that's pointless and stupid. Why waste my time" Oh yeah, you're so cool with your turrets posting. Let's egg Willie on because he's acting like a 2 year old.
Are you listening to yourself? You seem to have it in your head that everything I post will end up being some sort of garbage, as if you don't post anything worthless or stupid. "Oh hey it's Willie. Boy I'll avoid this thread because God knows what shit he's shat out this time." Seriously. Take a look at some of your own posts for once.

If you have such a problem with me and my posting then throw me on ignore. That way you you won't have to cringe every time you look in a thread.
Basically, yes I do think that the majority-all of your posts are complete garbage. And my posts? They may not be the creme de la creme of posts but I at least I don't spam in every single one of them.

And **** ignore. That's just not dealing with issues which leads them to a festering boil that needs to be popped.
Check around a bit more often. You can hardly call most of it spam. I at least manage to keep on topic, even if I do tend to have fits of derp.