What would you do for a bologna?

Guys this is supposed to be about sandwiches. Where's the love/mayonnaise?
Check around a bit more often. You can hardly call most of it spam. I at least manage to keep on topic, even if I do tend to have fits of derp.

Really now? With most of the posts I looked at you weren't anywhere NEAR the topic. It's like that with most of the threads you post in.
Shut up dog, I want to listen to this. Beats the hell out of ****gna sandwiches.
Really now? With most of the posts I looked at you weren't anywhere NEAR the topic. It's like that with most of the threads you post in.
Get your eyes checked once in a while. I'm not sure what else to tell you.
Bologna looks pretty gross.

On my few visits to the US and Canada I've never found a nice sausage :(
Probably why bacon beat it in that poll.
Have I changed? Or have you two changed?

*cue sinister laughter*
No Darkside, you're losing your touch. Even your pre-recorded laughter is beginning to show it's age. I can hear the scratches.
No Darkside, you're losing your touch. Even your pre-recorded laughter is beginning to show it's age. I can hear the scratches.
This thread is hurtful. It's just people saying mean things about each other.

I love it.
**** you guys. Balogna is good when you're poor. :D
Anything is good when you're poor.

Being poor gave me a taste for butter sandwiches, because if there's two things you can get at the food bank, it's bread and butter. Everything else, better come early in the day before other poor people take it, and hope that shit ain't past expiration date. But there's ALWAYS bread and butter.
Being poor, I eat ramen. A whole lotta ramen. Ramen for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I have many different flavors of ramen because it all costs the same. I love ramen.
Go all Gordan Freemhan on him with mah golden Cr0wbar
**** you guys and your hate for balogna. **** you up your non-balogna ass.