What would you do if you couldent get HL2 on time?

Sep 20, 2003
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What would you do if you couldent get HL2 straight away and had to wait a week whilst loads of other peole could play it!
I would curl up into a ball and cry untill i could ;(
Go to friend´s house and play with him or say to my friends that my computer its better and they could play on it (haha)..
Go about life as normal, no, wait

I WOULD COMMIT SUICIDE because my life is centered around this game...

It'll come out when they feel it's time.
Calm down man i dont take the game that setriously!

take my advice and......

CHILL!!!!!:cheers: :afro:
I'm just about out of my mind as it is (waiting another 9 days and 18 hours before I can buy it). If they delayed the game or I couldn't get it on Tuesday... :x:x:x
Best Buy better have HL2 by september 30th or i'll kill myself. :flame:
I'd likely be glad if there was a short delay (maybe a few days). That could mean less bugs, and a more finalized product.
I will go nuts, get a shotgun and start shooting people in a public school :D
I would kick the kid who sits behind me in 8th period in the face because he keeps poking me and giggling. Oh wait, I'm going to do that anyway. Cheers :cheers:
I would cry. Long... and hard...

Hmm, I seem to be confusing crying with something else... Can't think of what though
i would kill time by going to scool and learning crap i would never use...
Originally posted by blade 24/7 365
What would you do if you couldent get HL2 straight away and had to wait a week whilst loads of other peole could play it!
I would curl up into a ball and cry untill i could ;(

i would leave this place and never look back :borg:
I'd just wait till the new release day or when I could get. I wouldn't be to terribly troubled if I couldn't get it on the 30th. I'm building a new comp for hl2 and seeing as I've just been shoping around, more time would be better.
I can't get HL2 on time; my parents wouldn't let me spend $50 on a game and I'm not going to be begging. So for me, it's "what will you do" and I guess I'll just be disappointed, go to school, and wait till Christmas... I really hope somebody in my family gives it to me then. And if I don't get it then....then I'll have to buy it :).
Originally posted by sharp
I will go nuts, get a shotgun and start shooting people in a public school :D

that isnt at all funny, u are sick! :flame:
i would kill time by going to scool and learning crap i would never use...
some quality answers coming from this thread! keep um up
Originally posted by blade 24/7 365
What would you do if you couldent get HL2 straight away and had to wait a week whilst loads of other peole could play it!

Go to Valve and pry it from Gabe's cold, dead fingers! Muwhahaha!! :devil:
I would make countless threads asking for people to make enormous gameplay videos of the entire game untill i recieve my copy!:bounce: :bounce:
Originally posted by Okt
I would make countless threads asking for people to make enormous gameplay videos of the entire game untill i recieve my copy!:bounce: :bounce:

If I were them I would dismiss all knowledge of what 'forums' were and devote my all to the game...really...who's gonna take the time to come on here and talk about the game if they have it? I guess I could see if someone got a copy early in the mail and the majority of gamers were still without one, but other than that no way.
Why is every headcrab has to start out like this? can't you just stfu and post in the thousand other cheeseball threads?
Kill myself

First, i would slit my wrists and pour salt onto them.
Second, i would cut off all my toes with a dull rusty pocket knife.
Third, i would drench myslef in gasoline
Fourth, i would strike a match

At least i would still have all my toes
I would play Halo, Bf1942, Ravenshield and NHL2004.. should keep me busy for the short delay and then uninstall them so only Half Life 2 graces my HD til I am done the single player game :D