What would you do if you get bullied

CptStern said:
also 2 open handed slaps to the easr like you would if you wanted to make a big slash in water ..it'll momentarily deafen him and will be extremely painful

use a cigarette lighter and with the butt of it slam down on his collar bone or bridge of his nose, elbow or wrist bone ..if on the floor ..in the ankle bone

all the above guarenteed to bring down even the biggest person if done right ..they'll be in so much pain you'll be able to walk away not run

but be warned, done incorrectly will make the person very angry
What the hell is this? You do know that those two methods can kill someone if done with too much force, right?
well if you hit him in the nose it wont kill him ...you swing down not up

it's self defense and only used when necessary, you try to inflict momentary pain, not long lasting damage

which other one are you referring to?
Some of you already said this but ill say it my way.

Teachers are nothing, usually all they do is give the bullie a warning that in most cases dont help. I dont know the situation in China but here where i live id go directly to the police and im sure they'll help. But to be on the safe side, id take some lessons in boxing, the fastest way to learn to use you fists, else you could let your daddy learn you some punches. Now if nothing would work, id really take a baseball bat to school and hit all the bullies in the legs, arms or the stomack, this is bad for you but atleast those ****ers wont bother you more.
CptStern said:
it's self defense and only used when necessary, you try to inflict momentary pain, not long lasting damage
Garfield_ said:
Now if nothing would work, id really take a baseball bat to school and hit all the bullies in the legs, arms or the stomack, this is bad for you but atleast those ****ers wont bother you more.
lol :laugh:
That's the best thing Garfield has ever said :laugh:

anyway Sieg, good luck, hope everything turns out alright.
john3571000 said:
that never happens ever
if its done right the teachers will come down like a sack of bricks on this fool and you can go back to normal life
and find some decent friends who will stick up for you at all costs

Are you ****ing serious?

When I was at school, I probably got beaten up every day, I told teachers etc just like the TV adverts,
they basically gave the bullies a slap on the wrist and told them not to do it again.
I had to put up with 10 years of being beaten, burnt, stabbed and generally ****ed around, all because the teachers didn't want to expel or punish anyone properly.

School was the biggest waste of my life, I would like to think that no one would ever have to go through that again, but thats just wishfull thinking, school is a bunch of bollocks.
Shodan said:
Are you ****ing serious?

When I was at school, I probably got beaten up every day, I told teachers etc just like the TV adverts,
they basically gave the bullies a slap on the wrist and told them not to do it again.
I had to put up with 10 years of being beaten, burnt, stabbed and generally ****ed around, all because the teachers didn't want to expel or punish anyone properly.

School was the biggest waste of my life, I would like to think that no one would ever have to go through that again, but thats just wishfull thinking, school is a bunch of bollocks.
Stabbed O.o? If they'd go that far I'd look for a gun and the next day tap him lightly on the shoulder, he turns around and finds himself staring down the barrel of a Colt Python :p
Seig, remember you ain't pussying out of anything but running and telling anyone. The hardest guys you know would not stand up vs like 4/5/6 people at once. The most you could take is 2 at one time really. (47 if you are short recoil). If you are clever you will run and tell people to sort these people out. KEEP TELLING PEOPLE, till its sorted, you don't deserve to have to deal with this every day.

(and any need to hurt them, the stuns are really useful, but also knee hits are very effective at stopping them running or any type of quick mobility for some time. A burglar with a knee injury cannot continue stealing such is the impact)

And be strong about it, if they know your dead strong with telling other people / stopping them, the confidence will rattle them, as they like to scare or frighten you. Next time he asks for money, you tell him he ain't getting NOTHING off you ever again. Take that deep breath, push your chest out and remember you have a pair of bollocks between your legs.
CptStern said:
well if you hit him in the nose it wont kill him ...you swing down not up

it's self defense and only used when necessary, you try to inflict momentary pain, not long lasting damage

which other one are you referring to?
Slapping the ears with open palms. People in the UK will remember the Tango adverts getting banned because kids copied it, ending up with a number of permanently deaf children. Going with further force can cause even more damage.
Also, if they're close, you could do a "Billy" (that's how they call it here) : Kicking their calfs (spelling?) with your knee. Do it really hard and they'll feel it for days on end. Creates instant fiery pain but leaves the inflicted person incredibly pissed.
kirovman said:
That's the best thing Garfield has ever said :laugh:

anyway Sieg, good luck, hope everything turns out alright.

Well one good thing is better than none right :D
Hmmm, weird situation. The worse thing you did was give him money. Some how you need to turn this around. If he asks for anything else just say no. If he beats you up then he beats you up. Just make sure you fight back your hardest. Don't give in or show any weakness. If you weak, get stronger. If your a terrible fighter go learn how to defend yourself. The world is dog eat dog. You need to learn to stand up for yourself. The reason your been picked on is because you may seem weak. Show them your not.
Axyon said:
Slapping the ears with open palms. People in the UK will remember the Tango adverts getting banned because kids copied it, ending up with a number of permanently deaf children. Going with further force can cause even more damage.

I agree but you rarely have an opportunity to get in a good blow ..it's not like the person will just stand there and let you administer it ..a simple cuff will do
CptStern said:
I agree but you rarely have an opportunity to get in a good blow ..it's not like the person will just stand there and let you administer it ..a simple cuff will do
A good kick to the knackers from behind always does the trick.
Axyon said:
A good kick to the knackers from behind always does the trick.

but hard to do if you're on the floor pinned down ...as most fights end up
If possible place them in the Walls of Jericho or the Crippler Cross Face. If possible get a mate and do both at the same time. Trust me, the pain is unberable when they do it properly.

The memories *shudders*
Bring a baseball bat to school.

Never give into them...who cares if it gets you in trouble, do as much bodily harm to them as possible..that's who I got bullies off my back, when one of them came back with a broken nose and a couple black eyes, yeah, they stopped.

Or call the cops on them.
In my experience, telling people doesnt work at all. There was this fcuk ass at my school that sat behind me in class once, and had an empty bottle. Now we had bad run ins together before, so I knew he was just trying to get to me. He was just bopping me in the head with his stupid bottle. I told him to "****ing stop dickhead" loud enough for everyone to hear, including the teacher. The teacher told me to calm down, and didnt do anything. The kid did it again, so I swung around and punched the kid in the head. I got in some pretty big trouble, but the teachers knew who the kid was, and werent that upset. The kid threatend me in gym after that, and actually ran after me. I stood still and just punched him in the head again as he came. It was really funny, and he went sprawling on the floor. After that I guess I has gotten some "rep" and nobody bothered me anymore. I was/am a dork, but after that nobody gave me any shit.

Just do something drastic like that to earn yourself a reputation, and people will back off.
In my experience telling people only works if you really ****ing go for it. By that I mean not just telling the teachers but telling the police and making it very clear that you're in danger of revenge attacks if they take the wrong course of action, telling your parents and getting them to back you up when you barge into the head teacher's office threatening to bring the regulatory people down on him like a ton of ****ing bricks if something isn't done.


EDIT: Always remember this in life - my dad constantly tells me it and it's worked well so far. People will always give in if you pester them. Bitch at them and moan at them and generally make yourself such a nuisance that they're willing to give you what you want just to make you go away. That's how I got my old PS2 replaced even though the warranty had technically expired. :p
Dont look stupid when your being bullied. I see people being bullied alot and they always seem to be the ones that whine and get emotional, or mad.

If you just laugh asif your going along with the joke and dont look scared, then they will probably stop.

Imagine how you look when theyre bullying you == Dont look like that.
Well, I personally would smoke marijuana with him to shut him up... errrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Nah, but really, W4E has the right idea, it's all about the vibes you put out, and believe me, they can smell fear
Once a guy kept puching me for no reason. I kept letting him to stop but he didn't so I kicked him in the chest. He then chalanged me to a fight and I acepted. A week later he built up the courage to fight me and I beet the crap out of him. Lesson: Robert Rochford is a pussy.

Edit: often people kick the back of my chair. I've found the ultimate way to stop this.

1: Calmly and politly ask them to stop
2: When the asswipe doesn't take out your compass
3: Stap him in the leg
They never tell anyone and If they don't understand the first time they soon do.
ríomhaire said:
Once a guy kept puching me for no reason. I kept letting him to stop but he didn't so I kicked him in the chest. He then chalanged me to a fight and I acepted. A week later he built up the courage to fight me and I beet the crap out of him. Lesson: Robert Rochford is a pussy.

Heh, invite him here so we can e-Bully him :D
As a direct consequence of your firm-handed actions no doubt?
I'm telling you. Call the Chinese police and tell them he's been spreading ideas like "freedom of speech" and critisizing the government. That will end the problem right away.
W4E said:
Dont look stupid when your being bullied. I see people being bullied alot and they always seem to be the ones that whine and get emotional, or mad.

If you just laugh asif your going along with the joke and dont look scared, then they will probably stop.

Imagine how you look when theyre bullying you == Dont look like that.
Get all your freinds together and fight the bullies.

Seriously, get like 5 of you get one on there own, put on a mask or something so he doesnt know who you all are, and beat the sh*t out of him.

If he comes back with more freinds, try and get one of his freinds and get them 5v1.
well firstly..best thing is to ignore them , usually it works but in the rare times that they dont stop, DON'T tell a teacher..thats being a rat and likely to make the problem worse...my suggestion at this point (if ignoring doesnt work) is to just either say something to him to try to get him to stop bullying you and if he puts his hands on you then you get physical...

but as my final statement for this post, DO NOT listen to these idiots that tell you to just get up and punch him in his face...because Im sure these people would be the first ones to run away from the actual fight

this has worked for me to drive off any bullys and is also the reason I havent gotten in a fight in a long time (a few close calls though), and trust me telling the teacher is the quickest way to get a reputation as a total b*tch and will likely cause more problems than its worth..btw solaris WTF with the 5 on 1 bs...who the hell needs 5 guys to beat up one person? That's up there with telling the teacher on the kid.
Solaris, why did you randomly quote me :)

What would beating him 5 v 1 do, if he doesnt know it was you.

Find out something funny about him, then threaten to tell everyone. Or if you cant find anything, photoshop him fornicating with a monkey :monkee:
Reading all these suggestion of beating the shit out of someone gives me a great irristable urge to do it to the idiots at my school ><
OvA said:
I'm telling you. Call the Chinese police and tell them he's been spreading ideas like "freedom of speech" and critisizing the government. That will end the problem right away.
They just might kill them, but what the hell? ::P
In all seriousness go to the Headteacher and tell him what is happenin. If the bully is making death threats take the matter to the brutal Communist Polic Force.

Or, hire some goons to take care of the bully, and then collect protection money from other students. Thus you will have created your own self-styled 'Mafia' Job done

*cough* double post ktimekiller *cough*
Best thing to do.... say to your principle, teacher, parent, or someone in the school that you DO NOT feel safe in your school and you FEAR that you will get hurt... something will be done- thats the magic word.
China eh?


You think your the only person to ever have to deal with bullies? I would say almost all of us have met someone who tries to dominate them in some way. Stop being a coward and stand up for yourself. I've done it and so have millions of people throughout history. Stand up for yourself or be stepped on for the rest of your life.

I don't care if your resistance is telling someone else, fighting, or just not admitting they are hurting you. Some way, some how, fight back. Be Gandhi if you have too, I don't care. Just do not give in, do not surrender to their demands, and do not give up.
TheGrimSweeper said:
China eh?


I agree, and you can keep him to wash potatoes and stir a bowl of cats when the trouble is sorted. :)
If the worst comes to the worst, hit in the cheek bone just below the eye

I used to get bullied when i was about 13/14 i just ignored them untill finally they couldnt be bothered with me anymore

In your case, you need to tell poeple and get them on your side. Teachers can come down hard on a person when they know exactly whats happening

[Edit] When in high school we used to have mucky fights just to test how much pain we could inflict with little effort. Infact we did this to Evo as a tester..we speared him to the ground, i put him in the walls of jericho, another firend put him in the crippler crossface....at the same time. He was writhing in pain...we didnt mean to hurt him so much... all im really suggesting is try and get back your freinds around you, seriously dude, having a group of freinds around you intimidates the bully and he cannot corner you.