What would you do if you had a Mini-Strider in your house??

PainLord said:
Id clone it and use selective breeding to make huge ones. Then destroy the Earth with my strider clone army :flame:

Sounds great, but once you destroyed the earth, then what?

Personally, I'd take it to the bank and steal all the money. Then have it protect me from cops and thieves :).
I would go around killing people tell it to bring me over chicks and say Hay! i got a strider bet your BF don't and go up to the people i hate have them give me there money and then tell it to kill and so much more.
PainLord said:
Id clone it and use selective breeding to make huge ones. Then destroy the Earth with my strider clone army :flame:

if you cloned it, wouldnt it be the same sex?? :|
I'd shackle its legs and use it as a coffee table.
I would train it too guard my room, no one gets in without the access codes or my little friend (I would call it Cutie) would kill em.

Im weird...
I have a question, though, what would you feed a baby strider. Like, baby food or rats for snakes?
thehunter1320 said:
I got this idea from a dream i had last night... well, i'd get a leash, take it on a walk, and make it attack people

just for an idea of this said strider's size... it is about 4 feet tall and 20" wide

I'd would wake up and say to myself: "Get a life..." :hmph:
i would looove to get a mini - strider with the special edition of half life 2.

are there any online-shops where you can get hl2 merchandise products?
*walks in*

Hey everybody, how's it... wow... what a ridiculous topic. And people thought my Half-Life 2 Breakfast Cereal topic was desperate.
Actually "Cereal fan-stuff" is more lame then a mini-strider. They're awesome. I'd definently want a 1meter tall rubber/metal strider at home. With movable parts, etc, which you can put in a corner as a statue. I'm not kidding, I'd buy one.
I can't believe i'm participating in this discussion but what the hell.
I'd train my strider to chase the dog around the house, and the kill the neighbours cat
I would love some HL2 plushies. Anyone know if VALVe will be releasing anything like that, or will I need to go down my local market to look for really stupid substitutes? *Alyx with Gordans head, Anyone? Genuine HL2 goodies straight from the makers themselves - EA Games* :naughty:

Edit: ^^ Is an insult to my local market dealers - The dodgy Bas***ds!
Good question!

I would fire mini-RPGs at him, of course.

Stan R.
i will cook it.. just to see if it tastes like crab meat..
I would take it outside and get it to blast random things with its laser gun.

Then I would train it as a guard strider, or possibly a hunting strider. Only instead of it retrieving stuff that I shot, i'd retrieve the stuff it shot.
hmmm....Its name would be Edger, The Strider. If it was small enough it would rest on my shoulder like a parrot, and I would tell it to kill my neighbors dog : /
I'd probably kill it... By the looks of the game those things look pretty dangerous.
This is what we're going to get in the Half-Life 2 collector's edition for those who don't know that yet.
i'd turn it upside down an laugh at it when it can 't turn back over...