what would you do if...


Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
there were Antlions in episode 3!!! oh noez!:sniper:
personally i would smash my keyboard or controller(if i play ep3 on a console)
Kill them. I fail to see what you people hate so much about them.
Uh yeah kill them. As long as they don't take up large sections of the game this time I'm cool.
Got to be honest, I've had enough of the antlions now. They were never the most challenging of enemys tactically speaking, you couldn't see them coming, you never knew how many were left and you didn't know which direction they would come from next.

Result? As soon as you hear their sound, you pull out the shotgun and stand still untill they are dead. The tunnel bit was a change of pace, but not that much.

Edit - Forgot about those ****ing bastard acid antlion things. Special circle of hell for the designer who came up with them, evil little scuzz buckets that they are.
Still not sure why the workers where tougher than the soldiers.
They could just be scouts, you know. Looking for places to make new nests.

Now, those workers! They're engaged with defending the nest itself. Now, that acid... Side effect of being nasty rock burrowers really.
There's no sand in snow, as someone quoted in their sig.

It answers your question quite fully.

Oh, and stupid filter:

_____ were Antlions in episode 3!__ __ ____!:sniper:
__________ I would smash my keyboard or controller_(if i play ep3 on a console)
If there are going to be more antlions in Ep.3, i swear i'm going to beat the Valve offices up with a sledgehammer.
Bugs don't exist in the artic, doubtful the antlions will either.

I never had that hate for them really, slight annoyance when they try and swamp me perhaps, but they die fast enough.

Ant guards can give me grief, but hats off to them, they take a fair amount of punishment.

Wasn't even annoyed at the workers. Its fairly easy to strafe out of their acid attacks, the key is to not be a noob and charge at them like...well a noob?.

I figure its fairly obvious. If somethings shooting at you, regardless of what its shooting, you avoid it, pop out, get a shot in, and avoid again, rinse and repeat till dead.

Granted the acid does some damage, but the grubs drop healy goo.

Don't fancy another big level of them though TBH, episode 2 covered the whole antlion nest thing nicely thank you very much.
Well, there really CANT be antlions up there.
The arctic is just one huge island of ice and no soil.

I hope they wont tunnel the ice...:(
I think they finished off with the ant lions in Ep2. They knew they had there last chance there, so it was more of a case of, yeah! Antlion fever!

Oh, and there could be, nearer the startish.
as in where?
The northern sea?
Or maybe the frozen lands of Nordkap or something?

I don't think we will be seeing any at all.
No, you may not start off in a polar environment. You could, technically start anywhere...

Although I'm betting on starting off on some kind've boat, in good old Valve "train-journey" intro style. In which case you might see them as you go past..

Or see dead, frozen Antlions in the ground.

Oh, and that reminds me, we might see the good old "Low temperature" warning again :D
I really hope there will be no zombies, headcrabs, antlions and barnacles in episode three. I mean come on I know they are part of the world and all that, but we fought them countless time now and they are not all that fun. It's not like they are the main antagonist of the game like the combine, they are just annoying critters. They should really focus on improving the fights with the overwatch and maybe introduce a couple of new enemies (Advisors and Aperture Science Combat Droids, maybe)
I really hope there will be no zombies, headcrabs, antlions and barnacles in episode three. I mean come on I know they are part of the world and all that, but we fought them countless time now and they are not all that fun. It's not like they are the main antagonist of the game like the combine, they are just annoying critters. They should really focus on improving the fights with the overwatch and maybe introduce a couple of new enemies (Advisors and Aperture Science Combat Droids, maybe)


How the hell can they not have headcrabs in Half-Life...?

Have you even played the bloody game??

"Oh, it'll be crap if Gordon has a crowbar in Ep3..."
"Oh, there can't be any scientists in Ep3..."
"Oh, I think Gordon's a crap character and he should die at the beginning of Ep3"
'Oh, it'll be crap if valve put any of the stuff from the previous games into ep3'

Jokes aside, i really don't care what they do with the antlions. If they want to make ones that are specially adapted to the arctic and have different traits to sand antlions, then go ahead. I have confidence that valve can pull off most things and they won't be as bad as everyone says it is. Anyway, there weren't that many antlions in episode 2. They were just more noticable because you couldnt just stand there with your shotgun out and blast them when they flew at you. You needed to think for once.
I just can't wait for the episode to come out as it is...
if there is a Portal-style level in Ep.3,it would be fun to see and kill the zombies of those that died trying to complete it
if Ep.3 is nice and long and not 100% arctic,so antlions may be in it
why do you say no headcrabs though?
What's wrong with antlions? Of course they are annoying, but the antlion nest chapters were done well. I loved those, and I really loved the workers. They made some sequences much harder and I'm happy with that. But I'm sure there won't be antlions in ep3.
Antlions are worn out. Leave them alone. Found the quote in Cheomesh's sig:

If they put antlions in the arctic it will take the piss. I'll still play the game end really enjoy it but it will annoy me. Doesn't make any sense. There is no sand in snow.
Fighting Antlions can be annoying, but fighting Antlion Guards is excellent.
I'd probably log onto halflife2.net and post a lengthy critique in someone's 'ugh! Antlions!' thread. Because that's how I like to waste my life.
If there's more antlions, I'll just be like "Meh." and kill them. I kinda think of them like a wolf or bear in any other game: they're part of the wildlife, they're gonna be there.

Now, if we have a chance to use Bug Bait again... Hoooo boy. <3 <3 <3

Also, in the case of snow =/= soil or whatever, I doubt we're gonna start off right in the arctic. You guys have at least seen pictures of waayyy northern places (if not live there). There's trees! Trees = soil. :)
IF there are Antlions in EP3 I think they will be of the poison variety, I don't think valve will use a new enemy for just 1 episode.
IF there are Antlions in EP3 I think they will be of the poison variety, I don't think valve will use a new enemy for just 1 episode.
They could simply wrap a Bullsquid model on the Poison Antlion code...

And we saw only 2 chapters of Stalker action. I doubt they'll be back.
Valve only did a load of creatures for brief amounts of time in Half-Life.

I mean, there aren't that many Ichtyosaurs, Grunts, and there aren't any bullsquids present in HL2... so why should they bring them back?
Because they're charming and likeable and somewhat emblematic of Half Life?
Because they're charming and likeable and somewhat emblematic of Half Life?

Um... if I were to think of an alien from Half-Life, I'd think Headcrab, or Zombie, possibly even Vort... but never Poison Antlion
Um... if I were to think of an alien from Half-Life, I'd think Headcrab, or Zombie, possibly even Vort... but never Poison Antlion

Houndeyes aren't awesome? Explain yourself.
I personally really much doubt that we will be located in the Borealise throughout the entire game - it will be like doom - long, similar, tedious and repetitive.
Stuck in the same ship throughout the entire game. Whoopde-f******-doo.
So dont you think Valve will have the common sense to drop us somewhere inland to fight the enemy at some point?
though they are annoying as **** all you gotta do is blast the bejesus out of them :sniper::sniper::sniper::sniper::sniper::sniper:
every game had some sort of vehicle that was usable
I hope for a new car