What would you do if...


Party Escort Bot
Oct 20, 2004
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What would you do if... :

...You are in a large building completely surrounded by SWAT teams and you have Jack Thompson at gunpoint?

...You find your lover/wife/sheep in bed with another person/sheep of the opposite sex in bed?

...You accidently run over a chipmunk?

...You find large amounts of cash in a cardboard box that happens to be standing in a dark alley?

I would :

...Start negotiations with the SWAT teams, and just after Jack thinks he'll survive this, shoot him in his masturbation arm. He will then go crazy and kill all the SWAT teams, and I can go home being sure I made Jack Thompson impotent (He'll never get laid so he'll have to go to sperm banks under another name :p)

...Take a shotgun and blast them both. Then I would vow only to become in love with sheep, they don't do such kind of thing. (OR DO THEY???!! *suspense sound*)

...Post about it on a random video game-related forum.

...Buy a huge comp so I can watch at more Pr0n at the same time than EVAR BEFORE!!!

So, what would you do?
- Shoot him, and then shoot the swat and steal a car because I am a master at doing so from playing GTA.

-Throw them out of the window, and then shoot them when they try to get up.

-Run over it again, and then find someone or something cool to run over.

-Laugh at the homeless people who didn't get to it first, then buy crack with it and have a giant crack party. You are all invited.
...You are in a large building completely surrounded by SWAT teams and you have Jack Thompson at gunpoint?
have a nice cup of tea with him and try to explain that all games aren't evil bastards like he is.

...You find your lover/wife/sheep in bed with another person/sheep of the opposite sex in bed?

...You accidently run over a chipmunk?
If it's dead drive on, if not, take it out of it's missery.

...You find large amounts of cash in a cardboard box that happens to be standing in a dark alley?
Get the cops, it probably belongs to a drug dealer(and take some too off-course)
-Say Hi and walk away.
-I dont have a lover/wife/sheep.
-Take it to closest veterinarian.
-Give it all to charity.
Cool thread by the way :)
...You are in a large building completely surrounded by SWAT teams and you have Jack Thompson at gunpoint?

Make a poll about it here and ask wether to kill or not.

...You find your lover/wife/sheep in bed with another person/sheep of the opposite sex in bed?

knock myself out

...You accidently run over a chipmunk?


...You find large amounts of cash in a cardboard box that happens to be standing in a dark alley?

Take it to the nearest police station.
-Open fire.
-Orgy! :D
-stop the car and see if its ok
-buy new computer
I also lol'd. We still need more beef cookie references, that thing will never die.
I would kiss jack t. on the cheek and slap him and kick him out a window.
Laugh then [insert random verb here]
pick it up and feed it to some random homless bum.
Take it and run and spend it on games,mah house, and other crap.
Ennui said:
I also lol'd. We still need more beef cookie references, that thing will never die.


that i got a cookie thread shall go down in history.
Beerdude26 said:
What would you do if... :

...You are in a large building completely surrounded by SWAT teams and you have Jack Thompson at gunpoint?


Beerdude26 said:
...You find your lover/wife/sheep in bed with another person/sheep of the opposite sex in bed?


Beerdude26 said:
......You accidently run over a chipmunk?


Beerdude26 said:
......You find large amounts of cash in a cardboard box that happens to be standing in a dark alley?

I'd do the shastamacnasty
Beerdude26 said:
What would you do if... :

...You are in a large building completely surrounded by SWAT teams and you have Jack Thompson at gunpoint?

...You find your lover/wife/sheep in bed with another person/sheep of the opposite sex in bed?

...You accidently run over a chipmunk?

...You find large amounts of cash in a cardboard box that happens to be standing in a dark alley?
- Hand him over, saying that I'd rather not waste a bullet on him and thus prove his stupid video game causing violence idea

- other person, be utterly devastated, leave them, and move on... but if it's a sheep, well that'd just be frightening.

- feel bad for a bit, then feel good about feeling bad and stop caring

- keep it. buy as much game development resources as I can, get a monster PC, and put it towards college
-Dont know who jack thompson is, so I would crush his skull with my bicep, then initiate fire blast level 4 and destroy the swat.
-wallow in my despair and tears of sorrow and depression.
-Stop the car, get out of the car, walk over to chipmunk, wave broadsword over my head to an epic fanfare, then possibly gain a level.
-Buy a house, then a nice car, and a motorcycle, then spend the rest on foods and drugs.
Beerdude26 said:
What would you do if... :

...You are in a large building completely surrounded by SWAT teams and you have Jack Thompson at gunpoint?

...You find your lover/wife/sheep in bed with another person/sheep of the opposite sex in bed?

...You accidently run over a chipmunk?

...You find large amounts of cash in a cardboard box that happens to be standing in a dark alley?

So, what would you do?
1-use my matrix skillzors to kicks azzors!!!!1

2-again use my matrix skillzors to cover everything whit gasoline and boom

3-whats a chipmunk?

4-like stern:
shasta shasta
oh yeah!!1
(I liked the tv serie)
1) Tell the SWAT team that they'll have to join the queue
2) Kill them both
3) Throw it at a tramp
4) Get rich
1.) sechs
2.) sechs
3.) sechs...twice
4.) sechs.....just once.

Oh yeah, I rule.
CyberPitz said:
1.) sechs -With Jackass Thompson? :x
2.) sechs -whatever
3.) sechs...twice -:x
4.) sechs.....just once. -:imu:

Oh yeah, I rule.

response in quote
shoot him and then take the bullets like Tony Montana
kick em in the teeth
laugh my ass off
spend spend spend.. but Glirk had the best idea.. i wanna go to a crack party!!
Id burn Jack To A crisp Then Kill Swat

Burn Them Too

Burn Whats Left :P

Oh What The heck Lets Burn that too :rolleyes:
1 - Fight over who gets to kill Thompson with the Swat
2 - "Oh honey! I see you're practicing your blowjob on this man! But here, you're doing it all wrong, let ME show you!" *sucks other man's shlong*
3 - Eat the dead chipmunk.
4 - Two chicks at the same timem.