What would you do in an era without video games?


Jul 25, 2007
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I thought this would be an interesting topic although many people here already like to do other things than just sit around and play games all day. Imagine if you were born during the pre-video game era say before the 60's or so. What would most of you be doing instead of posting here on the net, watching DVD's, and playing games since none of that stuff existed back then? Not to say alot of you are probably already busy doing other activities like reading, working, exercising, etc., but really, what would you guys be doing?:|
Okay okay, I got in a funny. Now, let's not have a bunch of quotes to it. Serious discussions!
I've thought about this before and I'm really not sure.

Best case is pretty much what Raziaar said, getting in at the ground floor for all the major technologies we have today.

Also it was much easier to be a jack of all trades back then so that would suit me just fine.
Start some wars, unleash a virus, hack a man. Seriously, no video games, so do the real shit of course!
I'd probably go outside. Or farm potatoes.
I'd probably go outside. Or farm potatoes.

I'd be a dirt farmer. I'd sell you dirt for your potato farm, and you'd sell me potatoes for my stomach.

Win win.
My hobby would be playing music or building stuff from wood.
My hobby would be playing music or building stuff from wood.
Why do I get the feeling that most reponses are going to be stuff like, "arts ands crafts", or "carpentry", or "music"?:LOL: I wonder how many of you guys even think about it? For younger kids, I guess they'll likely be more into stuff like, "shooting marbles" though. Or maybe, "thumb twiddling".:LOL:

Hahaha I couldnt even keep a straight face. I dunno, probably go insane with boredom and go on a killing spree, claiming ive seen the future where games are everywhere anad blame it on their 'influences'.
Well, if I was in the 60's I'd be taking loads of drugs and going to amazing concerts
Probably the same stuff I used to do before I had a computer: draw, paint, watch TV, rinse and repeat...:|
Dunno, join the army?, farm a field?.....what did boring tossers do before technology?.


I am so glad that is now in the dark dark past.

Seriously though, I guess I'de read books, play board games, card games (I bought a poker caddy and none of my boring ****wit mates and family can be arsed to play grrrr) take up a sport or sports, socialize allot more, though getting pissed up at 3am on a Friday at a mates flat throwing a party is about as sociable as it gets, maybe go away to war when the kaiser starts shit again, because naturally life would be so boring I'de see war as some exciting undertaking, fishing, I'de love to take up fishing, especially during a time before this fishing association thing in the UK decided to start telling everyone they can't fish anywhere ever unless they pay some massive anglers license even though Britons have been free to fish their local waters since time immemorial, join politics and work my way up to grab power, seeing as power hungry greed is something to do when you don't have games, go to the picture house and pay a half pence or whatever it was for a whole day of movies and snacks, smooch girls I liked in the back row, "court" a nice young woman, get married, shit out the 7 kids, attend church claiming a devout piety when in fact, like I presume, its more to do with social circles and taking part within a community group, go hunting with my lads into the wilderness (of which some we may had yet had back in the days) and go to bed at 8-9pm as soon as the sun set.

I'm sure if gaming disappeared tomorrow, most, essentially all but a precious few, would adapt and find new things to do, especially considering for most gamers, gaming is not in fact their sole over-riding use of time, its a dominant feature, and a label they wear as a badge of identification, a defining feature if you will, but yeah. I will probably just place more priority on my other interests.
i don't play games anymore. sadly

it would be the same for me, if games would case to existing this moment.
Interesting question.

Personally I wouldn't have been introduced to internet forums, which lead me to good music taste and a lot of knowledgeable resources (Wiki, et al).

If Internet is included with the original post, then I'd probably be a lot less connected with intelligible people and would be more connected to mainstream society (which would be considerably different with lack of Internet and whatnot).

I couldn't have lived without PC games when I was 11-16. All I did was gaming back then. But when you grow older your interests shift to completely different things.
I would play Risk.. lots and lots of Risk. Unless, through some unforeseen circumstances, I come across enough money to support an unhealthy Magic: the Gathering obsession once again.
I'm not trying to cause a b-big s-s-sensation, I'm just talking about my g-g-generation.
Probably sophisticated oil paintings instead of computer-drawn video game characters.
I couldn't fathom what it would be like for me, and I mean that in a positive way.:p Though I would imagine I probably wouldn't be nearly as big a loser as I am now.:D Actaully, I'm not doing so bad for myself right now, having attended several semsters of college, paid intership, and soon-to-be U.S. NAVY recruit, but I just know I would have probably been doing much, much, MUCH greater things with my life right now had video games not existed. I just like to set higher standards for myself tbh. Or at least I try to anyways. Not to say I still don't enjoy playing them though.:)
You wouldn't be missing anything because you wouldn't know what you'd be missing
billiards and bowling(I love wii bowling,I'd do the real thing without VG's)