What would you do?

What would you do?

  • Revenge

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • Psychiatric hospital

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • Jail

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 4 40.0%

  • Total voters
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Oct 1, 2007
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There?s a person who has throughout his life been shaped into a psycopath. His dad died at an early age and some of his brothers too, and he was always the least wanted in school and in his family. He never had any friends - he certainly never gained respect from anybody, because he would exhibit attitudes of aggression, gossip, backstabbing, and tatter-telling among his friends; he would always get in trouble in school and his teenage years were the hardest. He got involved in cocaine, alcohol, and cigarettes; in fact - his foster dad was a drug dealer. He was also rich. Deluded, demented, and disrespected, he was always trying to escape - all he ever learned was how to manipulate and decieve people in the most cruel of ways, and he would appear to be friendly, when in fact, he was devoid of empathy, affection, or feeling for his fellow man.

There was this other individual, serious, introverted, and shy. He would lack self-esteem, was also an alcoholic, but thought that he should write poetry, music, and drawings to escape from life, rather than run away and be alienated from society. In his teen years he was well liked among his peers, but he was always a sort of enigma; he was antisocial, lacked self-esteem, and was a little egocentric and put himself above other people. He was sometimes down for short periods of time, but not for long, and certainly had a desire to keep living. He came from a well-to-do middle class family and had no reason to be angry at anyone; he had friends, love, and family.

When the psycho met the introvert, he thought, "Well, what if I tell secrets about him just to make myself look like a hero, and I will finally gain friendship and trust? Nobody really knows him anyway... he rarely hangs out with anyone, he?s practically unpopular and gullible. I think I?ll hack into his computer, twist and turn the truth and spread horrible lies and rumours about him, just to put myself into a well-deserved and respected position?"

The psycho got away with his cunning plan and the introvert could not comprehend why all his friends had turned his back on him, why he was not liked anymore, and why everyone was practically conspiring and saying the cruelest, most unbelievably evil things about him. Through a period of 3 months, he suffered severe depression, and he was stripped of his humanity, so that he finally tried to suicide - but failed, luckily. Now he wants answers, and he is finally connecting the pieces.

So what would you do if you were the introvert.

1) Revenge
2) Put him in a psychiatric hospital
3) Send him to jail
4) Other

Please say why you would do either of these options.
Are you talking about me? Is this Christopher?
O btw, if you?ve read "Without Conscience" by Richard D. Hare, he basically fits into most of the categories of a psychopath. In fact, he has a perfect psychological profile.
I would write a scathing poem about him and cry in a corner.

If I were me, I would punch him in the face and tell him to gtfo mah computernets.

Also, I would get new friends. What kind of poeple turn your back on you just because of rumors and something some weirdo says? Jerkoff dirtbags, that's who.
On a more serious note, how can I make a decision if I do not know what resources I have to work with? Do I even have any incriminating evidence to put him in jail?
Roses are red, violets are blue; I'm schizophrenic, and so am I.
We pick number two.Psychiatric hospital.
I'd realize that I tried so hard and got so far, but in the end...it didn't really matter.
Greatest newbie thread ever? I'd say so.
On a more serious note, how can I make a decision if I do not know what resources I have to work with? Do I even have any incriminating evidence to put him in jail?

As a matter of now, it`s just assumption... but if it turns out to be true, then holy hell...
There?s a person who has throughout his life been shaped into a psycopath. His dad died at an early age and some of his brothers too, and he was always the least wanted in school and in his family. He never had any friends - he certainly never gained respect from anybody, because he would exhibit attitudes of aggression, gossip, backstabbing, and tatter-telling among his friends; he would always get in trouble in school and his teenage years were the hardest. He got involved in cocaine, alcohol, and cigarettes; in fact - his foster dad was a drug dealer. He was also rich. Deluded, demented, and disrespected, he was always trying to escape - all he ever learned was how to manipulate and decieve people in the most cruel of ways, and he would appear to be friendly, when in fact, he was devoid of empathy, affection, or feeling for his fellow man.

There was this other individual, serious, introverted, and shy. He would lack self-esteem, was also an alcoholic, but thought that he should write poetry, music, and drawings to escape from life, rather than run away and be alienated from society. In his teen years he was well liked among his peers, but he was always a sort of enigma; he was antisocial, lacked self-esteem, and was a little egocentric and put himself above other people. He was sometimes down for short periods of time, but not for long, and certainly had a desire to keep living. He came from a well-to-do middle class family and had no reason to be angry at anyone; he had friends, love, and family.

When the psycho met the introvert, he thought, "Well, what if I tell secrets about him just to make myself look like a hero, and I will finally gain friendship and trust? Nobody really knows him anyway... he rarely hangs out with anyone, he?s practically unpopular and gullible. I think I?ll hack into his computer, twist and turn the truth and spread horrible lies and rumours about him, just to put myself into a well-deserved and respected position?"

The psycho got away with his cunning plan and the introvert could not comprehend why all his friends had turned his back on him, why he was not liked anymore, and why everyone was practically conspiring and saying the cruelest, most unbelievably evil things about him. Through a period of 3 months, he suffered severe depression, and he was stripped of his humanity, so that he finally tried to suicide - but failed, luckily. Now he wants answers, and he is finally connecting the pieces.

So what would you do if you were the introvert.

1) Revenge
2) Put him in a psychiatric hospital
3) Send him to jail
4) Other

Please say why you would do either of these options.

hit him with da shovel
I'd realize that I tried so hard and got so far, but in the end...it didn't really matter.



New guy, decent thread, but you ruined it by giving people a choice of actions.

Edit: This sounds like a do my homework thread.
As you wish.

A few excerpts from Without Conscience:

- Repetitive, casual, and seemingly thoughtless lying

Psycho here is known for his blabbermouthing, shit-spewing lies and gossip he comes up with. He is always the first to know things, always into other peoples? business.

- Apparent indifference to understand pain from others

The people he hurts - he doesn?t give a damn. He could practically destroy you and he`d feel happier than ever.

- Defiance of parents, teachers, and rules

He is known for being awfully defiant. My ex teacher and he didn?t bode well. He would always be interrupting and disrespecting the teacher, making snide remarks, and being disrespectful. This was also true with the majority of teachers.

- Continually in trouble and unresponsive to reprimands and threats of punishment

He would pick fights with decent classmates, he would be suspended continually from school, he would bring packets of white powder (maybe cocaine or weed) to school in class and snort them

- Persistant aggression, bullying, and fighting

Yep, he bullied the introvert, he bullied everyone who didn?t stand up for themselves. Like I said before he was always messing around with people, all the time.

I haven?t hit the requirements of a psychopathic profile chapter yet, but from what I read before I remember he classified as egocentric/grandiose and a lot of other of these categories.

I have reason to suspect, that because he is rich, and involved with drug dealers, he was able to break into introvert`s house and replace protein foods with anabolic steroids. Introvert suffered sexual confusion and growth of a mammary gland.

He`s done many other things to him, harmful things. Should I poast moar?

Additionally, does anyone know a decent way of tracing an IP address? Zone Alarm Pro detected a high-rated intrusion, with in.addr.arpa as host. This may lead to the next clue. PM if you prefer.
There?s a person who has throughout his life been shaped into a psycopath. His dad died at an early age and some of his brothers too, and he was always the least wanted in school and in his family. He never had any friends - he certainly never gained respect from anybody, because he would exhibit attitudes of aggression, gossip, backstabbing, and tatter-telling among his friends

/Does not compute
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