What would you like to see added to halflife 2?

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Well, not actually in the game, but as a mod I'd love to see a realism mod.
Originally posted by Tredoslop
-D0ncing Gabe easter egg
-Heartbeat sensors
-Mustard Gas
-Breaching Charge
-Leaning left to right abilities

I bet you play Raven Shield :cool:
Originally posted by Flyingdebris
To have a machinegun that isn't useless like the original halflife's mp5

After getting used to DOD, I went back to play HL and was shocked by how silly it is to have to unload your whole clip to kill a human enemy: human AI's should be difficult to kill because they're smart about cover and tactics, not because you have to put 50 bullets into them.
Originally posted by Mr Neutron
After getting used to DOD, I went back to play HL and was shocked by how silly it is to have to unload your whole clip to kill a human enemy: human AI's should be difficult to kill because they're smart about cover and tactics, not because you have to put 50 bullets into them.

Well, they were wearing those PCVs. Headshots should have been instant kills, though.
And I know this will never be implementd in HL2, but perhaps in a mod. I'd like to see iron sights like Vietcong or Call of Duty. Those are very usefull.