What would you rate Half-Life 2 out of 10?

What would you rate Half-Life 2 out of 10?

  • 10

    Votes: 63 62.4%
  • 9

    Votes: 28 27.7%
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    Votes: 2 2.0%
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    Votes: 6 5.9%
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    Votes: 1 1.0%
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    Votes: 1 1.0%

  • Total voters
9. The only downside is... long load times, and occasional sound-stutters thanks to the engine not preloading sounds. :/

But FANTASTIC otherwise. I just finished the airboat level... holy hell, a game hasn't had my adrenaline going like that in... yeesh... ever.
10/10. This game is amazing, it was everything I expected, and I had high expectations!
10. It's probably the best game i've ever played.
If this game doesn't deserve a 10, I don't know any that does.
id give it a nice 8.2% (thats still good ppl :) )

basically i like the game and its keeping me entertained which is the main thing, there are lots of nice touches and i wont say those coz dont wana spoil it for anyone, i play on hard btw as thats how it should be :) it would score higher if it didnt have these or fixed these

1.graphics are a little over rated, in the news the editor said they were better then dooms, it bafels me how he thinks that when there clearly not. The GOOD thing about the source engine which makes up for it is the water effects, im really really impressed with that and think now elemential effects have finally got good :)

2. not bad AI but not gr8 AI either, i like the way they will move and take cover, just a pity there aim is awful, e.g when i saw snipers i thought oh dear this will take awhile, but nope didnt get hit once and even stood still and wasent hit, so that kinda dissapointed me, but it makes up for it in other parts

3.the worst loading ive ever seen in my life, it seems the game loads more then you play it, this disrupts the game flow which isnt good, maybe they should have done it like doom3 where they just do a 1min load at begining of each area and then when you get to somewhere new just load all of it up etc.. seems a shame

4.too much time spent on hoverboat and buggy, im sure im the only one who thinks this but it really started to irritate me after awhile as i just wanted to kill stuff and progress with the story, not do the same thing for like 5yrs, i have to be honest and say that this did effect the score because it was just repatative and i cant stand repatativeness in a game, but i know some people loved that.

5.the sound effects and music were quite funny really, they dont seem to go together at all. as if your being chased by monsters or trying to get on top of building etc.. why does it have dance music? lol shouldnt it be atmospheric music perhaps?

but ppl they are just 5 faults and i could find over 5000 good things but i dont wana spoil it for ppl who havent played, overall its a good game and keeps you entertained and not bored which is rare in games today. Personally i love the game and am really happy with it and i know you will be to :) but i cant give it a 10 mark as it fails on fundementals of games and there are many games i hate to say that are better then hl2 :( im not saying its bad because it really isnt bad at all, but when you put it all together we have seen this stuff before and some have done it better and some havent, this is just my opinion and i know majority of you wont agree. HL1 is still my fav game of all time
Man, I think if some of you had your way... you'd start off with a 5 hour story sequence, followed by killing a few people, then hopping on a vehicle, hopping off about half a mile down the road, then killing a couple more enemies, hopping on another vehicle only to hop off around the corner because it'd be too long otherwise... and then enjoy a nice three hour story sequence.


I love the game just how it is right now, i'm sure the story will get tons better.
@#47 wow... you are one picky bastard... this game is crazy fun.. WAY more than doom3
Finished it about 2 hours ago. it rocked major ass and was worth an overnighter :D
10. Just amazing. The loading is not to bad. i was glad for it in the ravenholm chapter
Those fast things creep me out. The are so fast and keep on coming. and those poison zombies suck. so the load time lets me avoid those for a bit. :)
Tlaloc said:
@#47 wow... you are one picky bastard... this game is crazy fun.. WAY more than doom3

haha im not a picky bastard lol :) im just realistic thats all, as i said in my review i love the game which i do as its quality and worth every penny, just to get the label "best game of all time" means you have to re-think about all those hundreds of games you have actually played since you been alive and ask yourself is it better then them. All those momments in history that live with you forever and you still recall them crystal clear today, sure hl2 has loads of these momments, but none that re-define the genre of fps, as if you feel so stongly about it being the best game, explain how it is the best game? as not one person has said there reasons for it being the best game and what makes it stand out above the rest so highly that it gets a 10. And i agree with you its much more fun then doom3, doom3 was a nightmare
Basicaly the Gamespot review realy did it for me. They lowered my expectations and now all I have to say is WOW!!! This is the best FPS I have ever played! I have almost every fps for every system and this game surpasses them all. Right now I cannot even remember what Halo2 is about and if you take into account my previous posts I was difending that game a lot on these forums (you biased fricking fanboys ;) ). Honestly it seems to me now that the Gamspot people were playing a diferent game.
Although I have to agree with some people about the AI not being all that (it is on par with other games for me at least) and that the game is a bit too easy, the overall game experience is simply amazing!
What I have seen, Its a full blown 10. It really sucks you in, mangels you to death with a brilliant refreshing gameplay, and spits you out as a drug addic wanting for more. :thumbs:
blahblahblah said:
- You don't get to experience the levels or the brilliant art design because you are constantly getting shot at
I always found myself drifting off to admire my surroundings when there was no enemy around. If a combine was in the next room, that gave me the chance too look around. As soon as I heard a combine aproaching my full attention would be refocused on them instead of looking at interesting textures, designs and architecture within the levels. In fact one time I found myself killing the combine for the soul purpose of being alone again to look around. haha
Wicked, Awesome, Blown Away, More Than I Expected :)

I Have To Say WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO man, this game is so wicked, i am blown away, its more than i expected hl2 to be, this game is the s**t bro, i would rate it to be 9.9/10 or 10/10 is awesome man, don't see why it wouldnt be game of the year, i think hl2 will take the throne for game of the year this year :)
I not a gamer normally, i can play games for less than 10 mins with out being bored, hl2 has hooked me like a drug, im addicted to hl2, i feel like im always on the edge of my seat when playing it, cuz i know that something unexpected could happen at any corner, and i like that :)
I find the AI quite good. I had those ant-lions and they flew up onto a different elevation, then further up onto the high platform a combine was on in order to kill him. I was very impressed. I have seen all sorts of good AI so far.
Well... Lets see, it beats the pants off Far Cry and Doom 3 in ALL graphics areas, the physics are like NOTHING anyone has ever seen (I think this is as close to real world physics as possible right now), the weapons are great, and it is even better than halflife1. The only thing I was disappointed in was the steam problems I had getting the game installed, but that is not HalfLife 2. I would give an 11 out of 10 if possible, but since it is not, I gave it a 10/10. I LOVE this fricken game!