What you can really do in HL!


Oct 16, 2004
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Check this page out... totally amazing... the guy did, without using the console, manage to do several things in the game. He saved some scientists that should die (scripted), and almost saved others. He even managed to get up close to the GMan - tried killing him in many ways but failed of course. Very, very inventive and worth checking out.

I tried hitting the "Use Key" to start a conversation
with the administrator -- but as one of your fellow
scientists tells you just after the disaster: "I tried
telling the Administrator, but he just would not listen!"
Common mistake confusing Gman and administrator....but this could be a clue.
Did the Gman warn the administrator??
Anyway, great page.
That stupid time limit for edits...
Anyway, been trying this out, much fun.
Just blew up the microwave. This time a little chunk of meat came out. A scientist walked over to it later, looked in, and said "that's odd", then went back to fighting the soda machine.

Just for the heck of it, I noclipped into the occupied bathroom stalls. Both had scientists, and both said "Hello!" or "Good to see you!" when I entered. Hilarious.
Of course, I'm sure millions have already done this :p

EDIT: Just blew my self up in the test chamber. Funny, the scientists didn't care that the person they were talking was in several chunks scattered around the chamber, but kept right on with their dialog.
also if you watch the half life in 45 minutes speed video, i can do *most* of those tricks (minus the bunnyhopping, anyone know how to do that? :-/ )
In the 45 min vid the guys saves the silo door scientist in another way. Not much new in there, the falling elevator thing obviously is useless and the microwave thing and light switch is as old as grandmas underpants.
Shame on me, I never noticed that you could use microwaves and get the scientists excited over that.
I ve also tryed to do the impossible things in Half Life. I tryed to save some cientist several times but never had such a patience doing it as that guy.
The reactions of the characters are more advanced in HL2 ,so it´ll be fun to come up with different things in that one too :) .
hmm, i know alot more then that. You can skip huge portions of the game if you want to by many different tricks, try watching that guy beat HL in 45 minutes, hes got loads of tricks. Kinda takes the point out of the game alot of time though to get around some of the levels since the whole fun is in beating the level. I want to actually play through the whole game some time b4 HL2 comes out, casue the last 2 times i played through it only took me two hours cause i was usin all these tricks, and now i realised ive missed huge portions of the game that I should play.
Where is the 45 min. video?

EDIT- NM found it
there is more things to do in the pre-disaster phase than those. example in the reception hall (after train ride) there is computer at the corner and button under Barneys desk to interact with.
What about the level where you get shot, and the marines take away your weapons, and you just so happen to find another crowbar...Did he not find anything for that?