what you do when depressed


Oct 13, 2007
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What do you do when your depressed?

My girlfriend split with me (don't worry about ole Tibbsy, we got back together :E) and when im under major emotional stress, I lose all sanity.

I went to the place I vowed not to ever go to again... McDONALDS!!! (I know, it's silly...)

I bought the biggest drink there, then I put all the drinks that were there in it, sat down and cried while drinking it. I looked at it and made up a song...

Depression cup, depression cup, your my best and only friend;
Depression cup, depression cup, you'll be with me til the end...

I made up a bit more, but i won't get into that.

Then I wanted while walking back home like a lady and singing at the top of my lungs very badly to just piss everywhere, I had lots of soda. I promised her that I wouldn't do anything stupid over this, so I didn't.

Then I acted like I had tourettes and yelled many expletives (not cutesy ones, like crudmuffin and dorkhumper) out to the world, and continued with the depression cup song.

Then I stopped on a patch of grass on the parking lot and went on all fours and yelled more expletives and asked why karma was kicking my ass, while crying in front of some dude.

And then yelled at a dog because it barked a me.

Then my stupid people in my head started coming out. And mucking things up even more. They come out when I'm under emotional stress and make me feel less stressed. Sometimes they're little bastards. (Jim, Gregory, Tyrone, and Tammy the Talking Trash Can.)

Yeah, crazy straightjacket nutjob, thats me.
depression is just a phase... grow up... stop being an idiot.
depression is just a phase... grow up... stop being an idiot.

Shut the **** up if you don't know what you're talking about.

Anyways... When depression strikes me, I can't do anything about it. I do fun things, happy things, but it doesn't lift me up from the lows very well at all.
im not even going to reply... (yes i technically am, shut up)

I sometimes listen to the Streetlight Manifesto, they always make me happy
How do you ignore the world's pain?
-Sgt.Tibbs, Against the Pain

Although, I also tend to not eat enough if I'm under stress/depressed. Quite a few times I've gotten really weak from it :/
I sleep a lot as well. I also lift weights and eat very little.
Whenever I get like that I enjoy the little things in life. Yeah your life might seem devastated and you think everything sucks, but you will be amazed at the small things in life that will bring you joy. Perhaps just watching the sun go down and realizing it's beauty and that nothing will ever change that. Play an old game you used to love, whether it be starcraft, kotor or whatever you have, you will remember the good times of your life. It simply takes time for people to get over it. Some people it takes longer than others, but basically try to keep yourself occupied or else you will constantly think about her. It's good to do...but not too much. Just keep on going I guess, it will get slightly better every day and one day you won't even think about her.

As some have suggested excersize will help as it naturally boosts your confidence. Really, just try to do any stupid thing that might bring you joy. I usually do eat like a fatass when im really down, watch stupid movies and anything else I would enjoy. Oh...stay away from competetive games. I really get into halo and when I am down it makes things so much worse cause I always get angry that I get stuck with a bunch of idiots who think it's a great idea to drive our warthog right into the guy with missle pods, or run right by the enemy carrying our flag. Arg...people are stupid.
I usually just sulk and do little things to myself, like biting/punching/random stupid things like that. Other than that, I play lots of video games, and most cases, I'll come out of it in about a week. Really sucks when something big hits, because then it lasts longer, and I get bored with games... :(
I don't ever get depressed, i'm not joking either. Im quite lucky, i usually always am very happy or satisfied.
Whenever life gets you down
Keeps you wearing a frown
And the gravy train has left you behind

And when you're all out of hope
Down at the end of your rope
And nobody's there to throw you a line

If you ever get so low that you don't know which way to go
Come on and take a walk in my shoes
Never worry bout a thing, got the world on a string
'Cause I've got the cure for all of my blues

I take a look at my enormous penis
And my troubles start a'meltin' away
I take a look at my enormous penis
And the happy times are comin' to stay

I gotta sing and I dance
When I glance in my pants
And the feelin's like a sunshine-y day
I take a look at my enormous penis
And everything is goin' my way

I take a look at my enormous penis
And my troubles start a'meltin' away
Just be happy you're not sick as hell like I am and utterly miserable as a result.
What you do when depressed, well that is a good question and I am sitting here asking myself that question and I can honestly say that I would have no clue on what to do because I never really get depressed about anything. I do something get bumed out on certain things but for me a good song will always cheer me up and keep me happy and going.
I don't ever get depressed, i'm not joking either. Im quite lucky, i usually always am very happy or satisfied.

I know how he feels, I am generally in the same boat that he is in.
I usually just sit around and don't accomplish anything. That's my depression activity. I'll put on some God is an Astronaut, Explosions in the Sky, Mono, Agalloch, Damien Rice or whatever and talk to one of my good friends until the early hours of the morning a lot, too. I've been a lot less depressed lately, though; I've been lifting at least four days a week, every week, and I've been trying to make a lot more conscious decision to be a better, happier person. Life is just too short to be a depressed person.

Still hit a lot of down periods throughout the week, because I think thats just the way I'm made (my family has a long history of bipolar disorder and sever unipolar depression), but it's a lot less severe and a lot more brief. I put it mainly on the good amount of exercise I get. I read an article somewhere that weight training affects the brain a lot like anti-depressant medication does? I don't know, but it makes you feel ****ing good.
- listen to songs

- boxing bag

- go out with friends or just a run.
dunno, just kinda burn through it I guess. Maybe listen to music, I think that outta help quite a bit.
I put on some music that's got a nice bounce to, and go for a walk. Great way to clear your head, especially at night.

And I don't mean like, walk around the block, I mean like, WALK. I just go outside and start walking till I end up somewhere, never really do have a destination, and it's always interesting to see where I end up. Last time was on a park bench a few blocks down the road. Fell asleep listening to music, woke up at 2 in the morning, and went back home.

Try to walk to the highest point in the whole town, the view will almost always lift your mood to some degree. If not, the scenery will at least make it a lot easier for you to think.

Realize that it's just an emotion. Explore it out of curiosity, and you'll almost always come out of it with a greater understanding of who you are. But if you dwell on it, you'll be the laughing stock of the entire world.
yeah, walkings good because you get heaps of time to think about things.
lol yep, wankings good because you get heaps of time to think about things.. lol ?
lol yep, wankings good because you get heaps of time to think about things.. lol ?

I find wanking to be actually bad for my mood.

I mean, when i'm in a good mood, sure, it feels good.

But when i'm in a bad mood, the wanking itself will make me feel good, but afterwards i'll feel lethargic and amotivated.
Shut the **** up if you don't know what you're talking about.

ya i do actually, i was "depressed" before, but i was a teenager... i didn't know any better. like i said... it's a phase you go through... realize the world isn't out there to get you.

people fight over rice in other countries, yet you got time to be depressed here? why... because you're unhealthy is probably 80% of most cases on forums, if not... it's a mental issue you need to solve on your own.

there's no reason to be depressed in north america/europe... hate yourself for being who you are? well then, ****ing change.
ya i do actually, i was "depressed" before, but i was a teenager... i didn't know any better. like i said... it's a phase you go through... realize the world isn't out there to get you.

people fight over rice in other countries, yet you got time to be depressed here? why... because you're unhealthy is probably 80% of most cases on forums, if not... it's a mental issue you need to solve on your own.

there's no reason to be depressed in north america/europe... hate yourself for being who you are? well then, ****ing change.

I agree, depression aught to be reserved for terminally ill patients (should they choose to be) and parents who outlive their children. The rest of you can get over yourself and be thankful for what you have.
ya i do actually, i was "depressed" before, but i was a teenager... i didn't know any better. like i said... it's a phase you go through... realize the world isn't out there to get you.
So what happened for you applies to everyone?

Here is a stat a quick google found
Although they comprise only 12 percent of the U.S. population, people age 65 and older accounted for 16 percent of suicide deaths in 2004.
Depressive disorder is not a normal part of aging. Emotional experiences of sadness, grief, response to loss, and temporary ?blue? moods are normal. Persistent depression that interferes significantly with ability to function is not.

I suppose it's just a phase >65 year olds go through :dozey:
Old age is just adolescence in reverse.

When you are 1 year old you are trying to be able to walk. When you 4 years old you are trying not to crap your pants. When you are 8 years old you just want to have friends. When you are 16 you want to be able to have sex. When you are 20 you want to go traveling... When you are 60 you want to go traveling again. When you are 64 you just want to be able to have sex. When you are 72 you just want to have some friends. When you are 76 you are just trying not to crap your pants. And when you are 79, you just want to be able to walk.
Old age is just adolescence in reverse.

When you are 1 year old you are trying to be able to walk. When you 4 years old you are trying not to crap your pants. When you are 8 years old you just want to have friends. When you are 16 you want to be able to have sex. When you are 20 you want to go traveling... When you are 60 you want to go traveling again. When you are 64 you just want to be able to have sex. When you are 72 you just want to have some friends. When you are 76 you are just trying not to crap your pants. And when you are 79, you just want to be able to walk.

Haha, no.
I'm never depressed, I'm grateful to be alive, ironically this makes me more happy than most of the healthy people.
What do I do?

I grab my dick
And start to click

I don't get depressed very often. I think perhaps I have had two moments in my life where I have been properly depressed. Generally, I find several things help.
  • Meditation.
  • Excercise.
  • Masturbation (I'm not joking, pleasure is perhaps the best reliever of stress and depression).
  • Lucid dreaming.
  • Expressing creativity (music, art, claywork, literture, etc.)
  • Sleep. One of the best.
  • Daily dose of HL2.net

I could go on, but it seems to me you don't have major depression, just a temporary "down" moment that we all get at some point in our lives.

EDIT: Also, don't drink to relieve depression. You'll likely come out feeling worse and with a headache that feels like a frieght train has smashed into face.
EDIT: Also, don't drink to relieve depression. You'll likely come out feeling worse and with a headache that feels like a frieght train has smashed into face.

And you'll throat will feel as if you were sodomized by a giant mutant octopuss with (...) for tentacles.
Whenever I'm depressed, I "de-press" my shaft and bulb. Then again, I do that all the time anyways, so it doesn't really stand out as a stess reliever method. :p I guess I'm generally a happy guy. More fortunate than others I suppose in that I don't suffer from depression.
So you broke up with your girlfriend. Look at it from another point of view. At least you were in a relationship, right? It was good while it happened. Don't dwell on the fact that it's over - be happy it happened.

Did it give you more experience? Have you been in any other relationships? Do you now know yourself even more, due to the relationship with your ex, and know what makes you (and other people) feel good and bad?

It's all about reframing. It's tough right now, but in the long run it will have helped you become a better person, if you choose to.

Also, surround yourself with positive people. Avoid pity-parties. Watch some The Office or your favorite comedy. Look at the bright things in life you've forgotten, as Glirkdient and Sinko suggest.

Every day visualize success for yourself. Get up and picture yourself making new friends or picturing yourself in a favorable situation. Tell yourself you can and will feel good - that this is only transitional and you'll get out of it soon. Distract yourself with everything you can, focusing your mental and emotional energy with your favorite hobbies.

Finally - don't hold on to this one incident to make your days gray and depressing.

Also do exercise, particularly jogging or weight training. It helps loads.

Hope this helps mate. Take your time, don't rush through trying to be happy right away. It's necessary to hurt sometimes. Otherwise you'd never really appreciate what true happiness is.
