What you expect to come back during the course of HL2

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Hello Everybody!

First thread :cheese:
Well, Half-Life 2 is coming closer and closer and I thought to myself, what do I expect from this game?
After all, it's the sequel to Half-Life, a game that I've playing for several years now (I've finished it countless times, and never lost my having fun), and with it being such a superb game with such great stuff in it that I thought - what was in the original Half-Life that I'd like to come back, what will I be willing to be left without?

First, the bad stuff that I wouldn't like to see:
1. Chapters like Residue Processing. I thought of Apprehension as a 50/50 chapter that's way to depressing to be enjoyable, altough the last couple of fights (the fridge journey and the Black Ops unit at the end) kind of made up for it... And then came Residue Processing, most depressing level in any friggin' game. It was so unnecessary and unenjoyable that it really made me feel why Valve would be willing to put such a level in such a quality release.

2. Snarks. These were by far my most hated enemy in any game. They were annoying, hard to hit and their halting you right where you are always frustrated me, especially in deathmatches... They were totally useless as weapons and annoying as enemies, thus totally unnecessary

3. Xen-ish Mario Parties. Probably my biggest gripe to Half-Life was the Xen level - why make a not-fun jumping puzzle in a game that relies on such over-the-top action? It was boring, it was annoying and it was frustrating.

4. Lame final boss. Please Valve oh please, if you're planning on putting in a final boss, please make it WAAAAAAAAAAY more challenging than Nihilanth. I mean, the idea behind him was very nice, but still, it was way too easy... Please take into consideration that the final boss should be the climax of a game, not a surface-based part two hours before it ;)

That's about it... Now for the good stuff!
1. Marine vs. Alien gunfights! Of course, I know there will be alien/combine fights for me to watch, but I really hope that Valve will be successful at recreating the great feel these moments had. Remember On a Rail, where there was the huge fight between 4 Alien Slaves and about 6 marines? It was one of the best moments in the entire friggin' game!

2. Black Ops! At first they jarred me a bit... But then I played Opposing Force and learned that the Black Ops were the smartest, msot enjoyable enemies I've ever fought in any game. They jumped around, used cover and grenade-lobbing incredibly well and had incredible evasiveness that made them an incredible joy to fight! I saw somewhere a Combine Assassin, I really hope it's the counterpart for the Black Ops!

3. Half-Life's arsenal. I know, most of it is here, but I saw somewhere a list of Half-Life 2's weapons that showed that there were no stchel detonation packs and wall mines, let alone no inclusion of the Gluon Cannon! I really hope this list is incorrect and that the new OICW and Alien Pheromones will not replace such incredible weapons! No snarks I hope, though.

4. Alien Grunts. I looooved fighting these dudes since you HAD to use cover against these and put your head to work in order to beat them witout losing tremendous amounts of health. I hope to see them as prime enemies in the game, and even though I saw that the Alien Slaves are now on our side, I hope to see them rebel or something so that we can fight them! Also, Bullsquids, Alien Controllers and Tentacles were very lovable enemies, hope they put them in too.

5. Incredible moments. The first Half-Life is, without a single shadow of a doubt, the most thrill-packed game EVER. There were so many great moments; when you crawl slowly hoping not to be heard by the Tentacles, when you race the Gargantuan to the generator room, where you go full-speed with a train into a barrier to be sent flying into cold, murky water, where you fight the frst chopper - every single moment in Half-Life is a memorable and creative one, and I hope Valve maintain their ability to create them.

6. The great feel of not knowing waht to expect. The feeling of uncertainty of Half-Life was simply breathtaking, unlike games like Unreal II, Halo or Doom III, which fell to predictability way too soon. In Half-Life, you couldn't guess what was behind the next curner, and you could see the level of attention that Valve put to the creating the game.

7. More visits to Xen. Yes, I didn't like Xen itself, but the fight against Gonarch and Interloper were great chapters. I really hope to see great Xen moments in HL2, and maybe even get a hold of the Displacer Cannon.

8. Opposing Force's new enemies! If there was one thing that Half-Life fell short of is the comparison of enemies with Opposing Force. The shock troopers and Pit Drones are truly the highlights of this game and would've made Half-Life a much more rich and impressive experience. Imagine seeing a great battle between Combine and Shock Troopers! It would be simply awesome! Man, my heart is beating like I just took a 1.5littre syringe of adrenaline...

9. Opposing Force's new alien wepaons. Opposing Force had the Spore Launcher and Barnacle grapling hook that made fighting a lot more fun. Also, the inclusion of the electric tick was much needed in my opinion. I wouldn't protest to see the M249SAW also, but the Barnacle should be included in my opinion.

That's it. This is what I'd like to see in Half-Life 2 that stays from the original games... I'd love it anyway, with or without these things, but if they're included - the game will be simply perfect. I know I'm going blind stating stuff, but after reading the reviews and watching the trailers god-knows-how many times, I don't believe or think, I KNOW that this game is going to own big time.

So, what do you want to stay from the original and slip into Half-Life 2? What would you be willing to ive up?
Im hopeing for a black ops style enemy, as you said, they were quite a highlight, nice work on the list by the way, you make some good points and bring back some old memorys... :)
Good listing... I absolutely agree with jumping puzzles and Residue Processing, those made HL worse. Mario-like jumping puzzles are bad in shooters - I don't mind the occasional difficult long jump, but please no Mario stuff. Residue Processing... yep, it sucked. Not the worst level I have played, in all games, but definitely the low of Half-Life for me.

Another thing I hope will be included would be atmosphere of something grand - like Black Mesa. The Citadel might be just that...
i want to move on, i dont want the old weapons, i want new ones. this shouldnt end up being like that new ET movie where its just the old one with updated shizz.
So, what do you want to stay from the original and slip into Half-Life 2? What would you be willing to ive up?
I would be willing to give up shadows. trainlevel(s).Ninjas.cutscene(s)
Thats about it.
that is the best first topic ive ever seen, well done :E

remind me what level residue processing is again?
Wraith said:
i want to move on, i dont want the old weapons, i want new ones. this shouldnt end up being like that new ET movie where its just the old one with updated shizz.

Yes, but every aspect of every sequel should have throwbacks to the days of the originals.. Doom 3's most of the arsenal.
Dr0ndeh said:
that is the best first topic ive ever seen, well done :E

remind me what level residue processing is again?
The one where you make your way through the man-crushing machines, flamethrowers, chemical tanks and stuff like that... With the headcrab crusher at the end
Great list man. I hated residue processing, i had an awful comp to play HL on, and i died alot in those levels... waiting 2 minutes to reload a save in the worst level in the game is not fun. My personal favourite chapter was surface tension, Half-Life was this claustrophobic style shooter up untill then. Suddenly you're greated with massive outdoor areas, choppers, and a full on war between marines and aliens, it was spectacular. I imagine there's plenty of bits like this in HL2, the strider scenes have already shown us there will be.

What i hope there's alot of in HL2 is things like this, surprising changes to the levels etc.
Loomis said:
Great list man. I hated residue processing, i had an awful comp to play HL on, and i died alot in those levels... waiting 2 minutes to reload a save in the worst level in the game is not fun. My personal favourite chapter was surface tension, Half-Life was this claustrophobic style shooter up untill then. Suddenly you're greated with massive outdoor areas, choppers, and a full on war between marines and aliens, it was spectacular. I imagine there's plenty of bits like this in HL2, the strider scenes have already shown us there will be.

What i hope there's alot of in HL2 is things like this, surprising changes to the levels etc.

I know someone who always says that ST was the best level of the game but he also says that HL2 will suck because it has open scenes... Only the fact that it has open scenes makes it have 10 times more potential than HL, and ST is a great example of it.
NoAssKicker47 said:
The one where you make your way through the man-crushing machines, flamethrowers, chemical tanks and stuff like that... With the headcrab crusher at the end

that wasnt that bad, it was fairly short. it was just a bit frustrating when you fall off. i find 'on a rail' alot more boring.
NoAssKicker47 said:
The one where you make your way through the man-crushing machines, flamethrowers, chemical tanks and stuff like that... With the headcrab crusher at the end

Yeah, residue processing sucked ass. But the very next level was one of the greatest in the game, when you finally get the gauss gun. What i really loved about halflife was hearing the marines talking, communicating, screaming and taunting. "You want some of this?" "You like that?" "Grenade" and the kind of robotic "Fire in the hole".

I hope the combine still communicate like that. In the e32004 demo you can here a female communicating with combine solders through a Radio in the apartment building. It sounds really convincing and Really atmospheric. They even through in cool little bleeps at the end of each radio call.
Sharasment panda said:
Yeah, residue processing sucked ass. But the very next level was one of the greatest in the game, when you finally get the gauss gun. What i really loved about halflife was hearing the marines talking, communicating, screaming and taunting. "You want some of this?" "You like that?" "Grenade" and the kind of robotic "Fire in the hole".

I hope the combine still communicate like that. In the e32004 demo you can here a female communicating with combine solders through a Radio in the apartment building. It sounds really convincing and Really atmospheric. They even through in cool little bleeps at the end of each radio call.

Yeah, Questionable Ethics was definitely one of the best levels of the game... It also was a bit short, but it made up for its length in content... It was also a neat puzzle...

On a Rail was fantastic in my opinion.... The action sequences between the tram rides were excellent
All i want is that feeling of accomplishment halflife 1 gave you in it's pivotal moments. Reaching the surface was amazing, and so was seeing the scientist and barney in the heart of lambda... going to xen... wow. I was so excited!
Just got a thought on another thing I'd love to see... maybe as a flashback or something, one of the old HL1 moments, in the HL2 graphics. Probably not going to happen, but here's how I could see that...

GMan: "When you went to Xen 10 years ago..." (we see Gordon jumping in the portal) "... and defeated Nihilanth" (we see Nihilanth floating away with bolts shooting from his brain).

Something like that would be nice!
Solver said:
Just got a thought on another thing I'd love to see... maybe as a flashback or something, one of the old HL1 moments, in the HL2 graphics. Probably not going to happen, but here's how I could see that...

GMan: "When you went to Xen 10 years ago..." (we see Gordon jumping in the portal) "... and defeated Nihilanth" (we see Nihilanth floating away with bolts shooting from his brain).

Something like that would be nice!

I doubt that will happen. That specific example is a no-go because you're never going to see Gordon in the game.

Also, am I the only one that actually enjoyed Residue Processing? Meh, guess so.
Yep, you're probably right on that one, even a flashback of himself wouldn't go with the whole "You are Gordon" thing. It's simply that seeing an old moment again would be nice. Like, in HL:OpFor, I enjoyed the moments that crossed directly with HL.
Man, I've never finished Half Life. In fact I've only gotten a few hours into the game. This makes me want to finish the game. And perhaps I should with HL2 coming around the stretch.
From the reviews i believe we will see some amazing things in this game and that it will hold up to ALL of our expecations. My favorite memory was when the troops came down on the ropes in the vent-shaft...that was incredible. Valve better talk about Team Fortress 2 after HL2 is out, they promised, but they promise a lot huh...
Ehh yes... for those who have never finished HL, this is IMO the best time to do so. Playing a sequel is always better if you know the previous game, and this case is even more so.
thank you for this good thread ... not like those 50 other stupid ^&(*&$!!!

I agree with everything. I hated the same levels as you did, I enjoyed the great moments as much as you did.

But I want a great story first!
hmmm. i can't seem to remember residue processing (and i cant recall this thing you says are in it), but are that the one with the transport lines (cant find the english word for it).

I love ST, and i hope hl2 will be some of the same
Koffern said:
hmmm. i can't seem to remember residue processing (and i cant recall this thing you says are in it), but are that the one with the transport lines (cant find the english word for it).

I think you are talking about conveyor belts...yes that would be residue processing. I thought it was fun, a short level and nice as a change of pace, but then again I liked Xen too, unlike most ppl here.

Best level: Surface Tension (especially the part where you're on a cliffside)

Worst level: On a Rail (confined to a little railcar with no idea where you're going unless you want to get off and run around getting shocked trying to figure out the maze of tunnels)
Residue Processing:The Shitty level after you are ambushed by Marines and are thrown in a garbage disposal unit. God, that stench! Ah.... my crowbar! *passionately embraces crowbar*
i tottaly agree wit ressedue clearing DAT SUKED SO BAD!!!
my personal fav scene was when u go to the surface an u dodge the chopper an u hide in dis like little vent an u see these to grunts slowly coming down on ropes an u had to ditch it bad!!!

u gotta admit on the edge of the cliffs was scary even for u the atmosphere was so great (even for a crappy graphics game) but it was the whole atmospere that made the game also i recently started playing half life like 6 motnhs ago an i keep taking long long pauses i dun wanna move into the water lol :( i have read the walkthrough (for a spoiler) an im right near going to xen :o NOOO!!! - i also when i first played it neva got the story line its starting to make sence but thats good climax for hl2
Sgt_Shellback said:
Dude don't dits the Snarks... ;-)

snarks were ok dey were funny lookin an i liked the sound of em eating youu :S :cheers:
SsmitzZ said:
snarks were ok dey were funny lookin an i liked the sound of em eating youu :S :cheers:

MY GF hates em.. Playing LAN games I wouldn't even have to be near her on the map. I could just let them go and the sound of em hopping around on my PC would get her to say, "Sonofabiotch" while running wildly out into the open shooting in every direction at once. Too much fun.
Solver said:
Just got a thought on another thing I'd love to see... maybe as a flashback or something, one of the old HL1 moments, in the HL2 graphics. Probably not going to happen, but here's how I could see that...

GMan: "When you went to Xen 10 years ago..." (we see Gordon jumping in the portal) "... and defeated Nihilanth" (we see Nihilanth floating away with bolts shooting from his brain).

Something like that would be nice!

Yes it would, but remember that this will jar the flowing, seamless feeling of HL2 by creating what HL hated the most - cutscenes
BTW, I haven't been here for two days and there are too many 'hl gold' variations.... There's a game here to talk about fellas :dork:
grrrrr the_monkey stole my avatar...
grrrr remove it or ill cutcha bitch

NoAssKicker47 said:
First, the bad stuff that I wouldn't like to see:
1. And then came Residue Processing, most depressing level in any friggin' game. It was so unnecessary and unenjoyable that it really made me feel why Valve would be willing to put such a level in such a quality release.
I always liked Residue Processing. It came about midway through the game after you lost your weapons (long before that became an FPS cliche!) and was something fresh and new. It's when the game started to pick up steam (no pun intended).

2. Snarks.
Snarks were great. Yeah, they were annoying, but they weren't hard to avoid. You just had to run and get up on a crate or something and they'd run around harmlessly until they exploded. They were also great against enemies. It was always great fun to unleash a dozen of the bastard on the marines then sit back and enjoy the show!

3. Probably my biggest gripe to Half-Life was the Xen level - why make a not-fun jumping puzzle in a game that relies on such over-the-top action? It was boring, it was annoying and it was frustrating.
Xen gets a bum rap, in my opinion. I think it is one of the best realized alien worlds ever in a video game. And the jumping puzzles were short and easy, though to hear some gamers talk about it, Xen was nothing but one 20 minute long jumping puzzle.

I'm actually kinda bummed that we won't be seeing Xen in Half-Life 2.

As for the good stuff, I expect to see enemy AI at least on par with Half-Life's marines (still the best game AI to date in my opinion). Also, as someone mentioned, the sense of accomplish is a great thing to have. I can remember several moments in the game where I actually felt a sense of relief as I would accomplish one goal or another (launching the satellite into space is one great example).

In short, I'm hoping Half-Life 2 will be Half-Life times 10!
I agree that losing weapons was fine, it was indeed refreshing, surprising and all-around good. The problem, though, with me and I'm sure many others, was not the fact that you lost the weapons, but simply that Residue Processing was constantly tedious. While short, it seemed long to me - jump, jump, avoid some hazard, jump... meh!

As for Xen... yeah, the world was made very well. It looked absolutely, freakish alien. Thumbs up to that. The part that I didn't like were the jumping puzzles, nonetheless - short, yes, but not fun. I've never liked arcade games like Mario, and jumping puzzles in FPS were one of the things I've always hated.
I'm hoping for plot twists. I'm hoping to actually feel for the other characters in the game instead of just capping them in the head and moving on. I hope for an emotional ride like HL1 was. I felt confused when I felt they meant for me to be confused, I was angry when they meant for me to be, I wanted that scientist to live when they wanted me to, I want Valve to play with my emotions. That was the single best thing I remember from HL1. The awe of the first train ride into Black Mesa, the wonderment about that strange guy in a suit staring at you in random points of the game, the anger when the military started mowing down Barney and fellow scientists, all of these things ring as true gaming bliss to me.

Oh and btw, in most reviews I've read of HL2, they mention small things about the ending being simply stunning. I'm excited about that.