Whatever happened to splintering wood?

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Dec 2, 2003
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I am getting worried. I think one of the coolest things about HL2 was the splintering wood, but, after being widely evident in the E3 2003 video, it seems to be quieting down. It wasn't shown really in the 2004 video, and there is one major concern I have... It isn't in CS:Source! Since, CSS is made in the source engine, you'd think the splintering wood would port over to CSS. I realize that it would be horrible to play online with the wood physics calculationsm but do any of you know why it's not in CSS and whether it's still in HL2?

Instead of splintering, it's been replaced with bullet holes in CSS. Really cool, complex bullet holes, by bullet holes none the less.
It's a design decision. The map maker could have made the wood splinter/break realistically but chose not to.
It wouldn't be in cs:source bcause it's multiplayer and to register that server-side wouldn't be too much fun.
Well it's pretty evident in the ravenholm video, but it's one of those game elements that doesn't add a massive amount of awesomeness to the actual game...or does it?

"Oh look the wood splinters....hurahh?"

You see? No? I don't know.
I thought the splintering wood in the Ravenholm video was pretty awesome looking!
Cyperious said:
do any of you know why it's not in CSS?

Cyperious said:
I realize that it would be horrible to play online with the wood physics calculationsm

Think you answered it before you asked there.
Would a bullet spinter wood or make a hole? Did they try it for real?
yeah, the wood in ravenholm looked very nice.
If you've played the stress test map in cs source, you can splinter the wood that you use to get onto the upper ledge from the water, it only splinters in to 3 or 4 pieces, but it's still splintering.
in de_dust there is a basket lid that splits in two :D lol
The splintering wood, only splits in certain ways. It's not like RL where you can break it in infinite ways. It's just a bunch of preset points.
The Wood got wet, IT no longer was able to splinter due to being over humidified, Just think about it.......
The Wood got wet, IT no longer was able to splinter due to being over humidified, Just think about it.......

Yes, it's quite humid in the desert
How do u know its in a desert, plus if it just rained in the desert it would be quite humid indeed, when it rains and the tempeture is out and hazy the water evaporates and causes mosture in the air making wood, sorta like the wood we are discussing quite possible to be very humid and thus causing it not the splinter but to just break in chunks.
D@Linkwent, why are you turning every thread into a spamfest? This thread was answered within the first couple posts.
How do u know its in a desert, plus if it just rained in the desert it would be quite humid indeed, when it rains and the tempeture is out and hazy the water evaporates and causes mosture in the air making wood, sorta like the wood we are discussing quite possible to be very humid and thus causing it not the splinter but to just break in chunks.

De_dust doesn't take place in a desert setting? Oh, that's right, yes I forgot it was in the jungle.

Even if the wood was wet, it wouldn't matter because this is a game not real life.
Im not, im just trying to put a plauseble twist on every topic.

Well you obviously failed, because none of your arguments are plausable.
are u sure, didnt my desert theory make sense to somone as intelligent as yourself, or maybe it didnt because you dont understand basic ways of life, that if rain occures and its hot it causes the air surrounding you and wood to be very moist making it not splint but tear and cause you to sweat.
There is splintering wood in test_hardware on CSS, on the ledge and on the hallway behind the spinning glass pieces (you have to use noclip to get into the hallway.
you dont understand basic ways of life, that if rain occures and its hot it causes the air surrounding you and wood to be very moist making it not splint but tear and cause you to sweat.

WTF does sweating have to do with wood splintering?

btw, wood still splinters when it's wet
D@Linkwent said:
are u sure, didnt my desert theory make sense to somone as intelligent as yourself, or maybe it didnt because you dont understand basic ways of life, that if rain occures and its hot it causes the air surrounding you and wood to be very moist making it not splint but tear and cause you to sweat.

Yeah, but the ground or buildings in de_dust aren't wet, therefore you're theory about the wood in CS: S holds no water. (har har)
No wood when its wet, tears. If its Moist inside the wood its not gonna splinter think about it, guys it seems your inside too much on the computer to actually know how mother nature works, Please im thinking about making a game on how Life goes on outside of a computer.
Very clever Sedako, see you actually bring a valid point which makes me say, Im wrong and the wood should splinter because the desert is infact dry due to lack of rain.
No wood when its wet, tears.

It's the same bloody thing! Whatever the word you use, it breaks up into smaller pieces. There you have it. It doesn't matter whether the woods wet or not, it still breaks into smaller pieces. wow!
SPlinter is not the same as Tearing, but thank you for admiting i was right. maybe we should discuss a different topic in which you prove me wrong?
Ok, go say something stupid and I'll prove you wrong again.
Umm, 2+2 is 4, i sure hope im right about this...BUt u can prove me wrong anytime..Ill be waiting until 2am.
This thread is turning into flame filled spam

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