What's a good MMORPG?


Nov 23, 2008
Reaction score
What's a good MMORPG that you can buy and that you don't have to pay monthly for and that isn't turn based or Guild Wars or Diablo.
Not Guild Wars

Good job you've eliminated all choices.
lol, pes is right, you're not gonna find any decent mmos that arent subscription based. Plus, MMOs in general really suck. Why not just dl gametap instead :D? You pay 60 bucks for hundreds of games a year, rather than one grind fest, "collect the 10 frog legs" stupid boring ass missions that make up any mmo? *Sigh*..if only someone could make a decent FPS MMO.
No reason, I'm just gonna preach it to annoy the shit out of you. :D, you cant say I'm totally useless.
I know :sleep:. But atleast I win our little argument, come to think of it gametap isnt renting, unless you consider an MMO renting..since it too is subscription based and is worthless without paying monthly. Right?
Having a physical copy of something doesnt mean shit in that case. Anyways, on topic..tabula rasa is free til like mid feb. you can find the client on fileplanet or something.
Maybe it'll be his style, he obviously has no taste hence why he plays mmos in the first place. Dont dash his hopes..try it out reflex and report back to us.
Also, Diablo is not an MMORPG.

It's the best game in the world, but it's not an MMORPG.
It's not. Even the developers recognize GW is an Action RPG, but it has elements of an MMO in it, such as global meeting places and global competition.
Alright, fair enough. But I always hear people constantly refer to it as one...I played it for about a week and felt like putting a gun in my mouth and blowing my head off, that shit was so boring. Although better than "collect 15 goose eggs" type missions most MMOs come up with.
Personally I thought GW was very interesting and fun to play.
Do you still play? I was thinking about giving it another try, maybe my tolerance for rpgs wasnt high enough at the time. The ideas behind it seemed pretty interesting though.
I liked it for about two months. I didnt play very often though so that probably extended it. It got boring on me after that.
I loved PS the first 2 weeks, it was brilliant..but there is no actual goal to the whole war...if a faction wins all the caps nothing happens! They should have atleast given one faction points and then start it all over again, instead it became a worthless mess because noone had any reason to defend their capped continents. Besides the game was too huge, I cant tell you how many times I capped facilities with just acouple of others with no fighting.
^am I doing it right?
Yea I hear alot of good things about a game called WoW, maybe I'll check it out.
Free to play? I heard it was going to be subscription like WoWarcraft. Might have to check that out if it's free, the first one kept me busy for the best part of a year. woot a game to look forward to for a change.