What's a good way to make background buildings?



The map I'm making is intended to be entirely indoors; however, I have translucent, breakable windows in most of the rooms. Also, the second floor of the building has the roof torn off.

I would like to give some decent looking background buildings, as if the map were in the middle of a small city. On one side of the map, I would especially like to have a (static) combine "building harvester". I'm not sure what those are actually called, but I think you get the idea...

Thanks in advance for any help offered.
for any faces not seen by the player, use the nodraw texture. also, use big blocks with the right textures to eliminatethe most possible geometry.
Look in the props_buildings folder. There's quite a few there, but it doesn't have any combine buildings.
Hopefully, I'm missing a step somewhere. If I create a prop_static and give it a model from props_buildings, the resulting model is about half the size of the player.

Should I be using something other than prop_static? It doesn't seem like you can scale the model...
Those are skybox buildings. There are a few models that are fullscale, but unfortunately not too many. Just pick one that doesnt have '_skybox' or does have '_fullscale' at the end. Yes you should use prop_statics.
Beautiful! Thanks, that makes it a lot more clear. Do you know if there any sites with additional full scale models? As you mentioned there are precious few supplied with the SDK.

Thanks! :)
what do you need the full-scale buildings for?!
just make a 1/16 scale 3d-skybox...
OK, I understand the 3D skybox a lot better now. I didn't get the point before...