Yeah, personally, I've been wondering, where does that figure (15) come from? I think I heard 9 years, somewhere else. Did Gabe say it? Marc Laidlaw?:dork:
I've heard it was from 10-15 years but Gordon wasn't in a coma he was like frozen or something because he didn't age at all. Pretty much, its 10-15 years after all the stuff happened at Black Mesa and Gordon doesn't know what is going on.
"Remember when we thought Black Mesa was as bad as it could get."
I'm still not sure who confirmed that guy as being Barney, he seems too.... cool to be Barney... but whatever. He sounds to me like he spent a nice vacation after Black Mesa happened so it's gotta be a couple years in the future.
Edit: Yay Zombie
I always thought barney was kind of heroic, he would only use his pistol agents even the biggest monsters, and even then he would be brave… so how could you not adore barney. That makes him cool in my book :bounce:
There has to have been enough time between HL1 and HL2 for the entire planet to get whomped on. So anything over a couple of years is likely, but not too long so that everyone involved is old/dead. And I'm willing to bet some money that Gordon hasn't been aging in that time, and he was more likely sent forward.