what's better between Nvidia 5600 And 9600Pro?



could you guyz plz tell me what's better between a
Nvidia 5600 Pro
Ati 9600 Pro

In Hl2 i seem to better with my 9600pro, but my friends say blablabla 5600 pro is better, should i trust him ??
thx in advance all...

You dont know what to choose between the 5600 pro n 9600 pro
the G-force 5600 Pro is so much better than the 9600...
it's easy to understand! Ati sucks!
Same,depends on what kind of person you are.
I'm a nvidia guy.
sysmen you are acting like an idiot... if don't like Ati please save your comments... did you know that the best cards are ATI? ATI is pushing a 512MB video card, so please it would be good if you just shut up.
PS= Another good choice beesides ATI would be 6800 GT Ultra, awesome card... not as good as X800 XT though.
E-2k5 - memory means nothing, besides nVidia are also pushing a 512mb card, even though this argument is pointless because 512mb graphics cards have been around for like 5+ years.

the 5600 is bad, it's built on a bad core that struggles with most things that arent coded specifically for it.

the 9600 is good. it handles everything without a fuss, and beats the 5600 hands down in all benchmarks.
lepobz... what ya think is better? 6800 ultra or X800 XT (not platinum)
lePobz said:
the 5600 is bad, it's built on a bad core that struggles with most things that arent coded specifically for it.

the 9600 is good. it handles everything without a fuss, and beats the 5600 hands down in all benchmarks.
that when games have the "Best played on nVidia" sequence at the start.
is it true that nVidia actually pay money to the game companies to make them have that logo and have a little extra code?
if so, does it really do that much for their sales

btw im an ATI person, Radeon 9800 Pro
Tough one, that would depend entirely on the game. If I was buying, i'd go for the X800 XT, simply because it doesnt need its own power station or air condition unit (unlike the 6800 ultra)

They're pretty much equal in terms of price and performance, although the 6800 does have the bonus of being SLI compatible.

X800 XT, final answer :)

edit: I dont know if nvidia do pay to get that 'the way its meant to be played' sticker on games, I do know that games with that sticker are coded to run better on nVidia cards ... nVidia probably sponsor the developers with free graphics cards etc.
preferred vid card for doom 3 and HL2? ati right? :) (X800 XT)
top end nVidias run Doom3 faster (it's openGL) but you wouldnt notice the framerate difference.

iD and nVidia were scratching each others backs over Doom3 too.
Definately go for the 9600.
The 5600 is rubbish, even an overclocked Geforce4 Ti4200 has been proven to thrash a 5600 Ultra in all Direct X 8.1 benchmarks & games.
The 5600 Pro sounds like it would barely be able to "fight its way outta a wet paper bag".

And "bang for buck" the best current card is the 6800GT.
Bang for buck, the best card is the 6600GT - its like 80% the power of the 6800, yet less than half the price...
I don't think it actually matters if you're an ATi or Nvidia person here, the 9600 pro is better than a 5600. A 5600 Ultra maybe would be a wash, but I would go for the 9600 pro.
The 9600pro is the card to have i would say, but if you are saving for a card, then I would strongly recommend the 6600gt since it performs really well.
Duh, I wouldn't even ask myself wich card to buy, the choice is really easy, 9600 Pro.