What's everyone asking for, for Christmas?

Propably a small amount of cash that will go towards a new system that I will get sometime next year.
bvasgm said:
Tippman A-5
Band of Brothers DVD
Black Hawk Down UMD
Battlefield 2: Special Forces (maybe)
Case of Bawls
New copy of Red Storm Rising
A not shitty keyboard
Razer Copperhead gaming mouse
nice chose for the gun, atm i have a tippman 98 custom
Nothing :( I'm going on my Mission so theres no point in asking for anything, cept maybe a trip to my old Hometown to say goodbye.
cant really think of anything. I already have a decent pc and an ipod, dont really want a 360 THAT badly..but wouldnt be disappointed if I got it :D
One of those 1- or 2- gallon aquariums
...A dog? Or a fish?

That's about all I can think of, except I'm kidding about the crayons because I already have some of those, and the dog is just the old traditional "Can I have a dog?" part of the list, and I'd have a hard time trying to figure out what to do about the aquarium because I want it for my dorm room but don't know how I'd get the fish or what I'd do with them when I have to leave.

Just a fish would be nice though. :D
Dog-- said:
I'm not asking for this, I know I'm getting it, but ti's still on my list, a PSP

eh i got one and got bored of it over a week. they arnt that great...
I'd like world peace and happiness on earth.


I'll take a pony. Thats a realistic one.

But seriously, what I get, I need to buy for myself.
*rubs hands together* Samurai dvd's, and lots of them
A gold-plated spyglass.
A nice pair of shorts for Summer.
A book or two for some holiday reading.

What I'm more concerned about is what I should get for my girlfriend. I was thinking about some kind of engraving type thing but I'm not quite sold on the idea. Another possibilty is some kind of small, cuddly teddy-bear with something goofy written on the chest.
Clothes and some money..not much money..just a little.

SOME OF YOU HAVE TOO LONG OF A CHRISTMAS LIST!! You don't need 20 things every year..GET A JOB!!
Mario Kart DS
Sonic DS (or DX whatever it is)
AOE 3: collectors edition (maybe)
Some clothes
and maybe some driving lessons...
Peace and unity.

Failing that, I'm getting lots of stuff for my kids - that's what Christmas is for.
I'm not asking for anything but an NVIDIA Geforce 7800 GTX and Half-Life 2: Aftermath would own. :naughty: