whats everyones take on tge G - MAN??

is a mistery man that is creepy also
Gah. He's the head of a top-secret government organisation. Perfectly human. Probably.
i know that nobody knows who he really is i was just wondering what people thought. i do think he is human though
I doubt it, chimpmunk. Shepherd and the G-Man seem completely different in character. Read Shepherd's journal. He's a soldier, through and through...
G-man does make a comment something like "you remind me of myself when I was young" that could mean that he has been a soldier. But I really don't think that G-man is a future person from one of the characters, thats just dunno. He could never be future Gordon, since if you decline his offer you end up being killed by those grunts. And how can you be killed by someone of the future who never got to the be in the future since he was killed.. erm yeah.. mmm Now I'm getting an idea of Monkey Island 4.. cool a rubber chicken with a pully in the middle, temporal paradox
-=Nemesis=- said:
G-man does make a comment something like "you remind me of myself when I was young"

jeez i just finished it... cant remember completely but I think he says something to the effect of "You have shown an extrordinary ability to overcome great endeavors, quit like my self really."

dunno if thats what your refering to?

But yes it would imply that the G-man may have had a similar past. The G-man obviously likes the way sheperd gets things done when he says that his "employers do not share the same faith in (sheperd) that I do" which would also imply that he sees something similar to himself in sheperd. Who knows. Perhaps sheperd becomes the G-mans protege or something like that, which would be pretty cool imo.
Michael Jackson. He was once black(I will prove it someday!) and now white.
well, his name (G-man) Implies he is a Government agent, most likely of the F.B.I or A.T.F (they are nicknamed "Gmen")
-Gman works for 'The Administrator'.
-He opens up some paths for people who he thinks have potential. However, he also blocks some paths.
-He has advanced technology at his disposal.
-He is directly involved with the destruction of Black Mesa, as part of an unknown plan.
-He is responsible for preparing the Marines for the BM conflict.
-He hires people who are excellent fighters.

I think that he was attempting to assassinate Nihilanth, since it looks like he blocked specific areas in an attempt to funnel Shephard and Gordon towards the Lambda labs. Sending some excellent warriors to Nihilanth would do all the work for him, especially since the normal marines weren't totally competant.
Because the Nihilanth was spreading vile rumours about him - "He lies", "Not a man" etc :p

Wasn't the Nihilanth what was holding the portals to BM open after Decay events? That's a fairly sensible reason to want it dead.
They wanted Xen.

And later on something bad happened and the aliens come back really pissed off.
I think "G-man" means "Grey man" cuz he is grey skin :cheese:

He wanted Xen. Why else would he have taken it over? And he wanted it so he could use the teleportation tech to it's full. As for his "they (Shepherd) remind me of myself" remark, I'd like to offer a theory that I think can be credited to Brian. Think about what Gordon had to do to get a job int he 'G-Man' organisation. How did the G-man get in? We can only guess.
Well, we know that the scientists in HL2 are using Xen as a "Dimensional Slingshot", (I think that's what Mossman says in the vid)... so I'd say that being in control of Xen would give one power over who can or cannot teleport... or something like that.

Sulkdodds... I don't actually remember spouting that one :E. Memory like a sieve, me.
I believe your exact words were 'an agency with incredibly stringent employment requirements' or something... ;) Might have been someone else but I don't think so.
Well, I can't find that sequence of words with the search function, so I'll take your word for it. It does sound familiar...
I stick by my original theory, of the G-man being Gordon's 'Tyler Durden' (fight club).

If scientists were referring to the 'administrator' in the HL1 (which I originally thought they meant the Gman)...then I dont believe they EVER referrenced the Gman.

I dont think hes Gordon from the future yadda yadda, I think hes Gordon in the present. HL2 opens up, and gordon has no idea whats been going on, because hes BEEN the GMan. Everyone recognizes Gordon...this could explain why.

This also really supports the Gordon freeMAN thing.

Lastly, rip of fight club or not, the climax in halflife 2 being someone calling you the G-man...or some neat thing like you seeing 'the gordon model' instead of the gman (signifying Gordon slowly but eventually 'becoming' the gman)...would be awesome.

PS. If youve seen the movie, this will all make alot more sense
I still really doubt it. Slightly more now, in fact.

I doubt the G-Man would give himself the chance to kill himself.

Also, there were a couple of points where you see scientists talking to the G-Man... so they weren't unaware of him.
it just struck me...

g-man is gordan freeman in the future. look at their faces. both have green eyes, both have the hairline that comes to a point. i seriousily think im right. how would "g-man" know so much about gordon? "you remind me of myself when i was younger"? they are the same person. i am a genius.
he is obviosly working for the real goverment that is called by some people"the shadow goverment",they are the puppetmasters of the president and those clowns in washington.
Also, there were a couple of points where you see scientists talking to the G-Man... so they weren't unaware of him.

That happened in fight club, too. At those points, Gordon is actually talking to scientists and hallucinating that he's standing five metres away watching the G-man talk to scientists. Like fight club. Of course, I don't believe this theory is right, but it's an unusual one to be sure.

If the G-man is Gordon in the future I will eat my hat - and I mean that. The idea of Valve delivering some cheesy cop-out time travel plot is ridiculous. If it was going to be a game about time travel then wouldn't it have featured more in the first game? I have blue eyes and the same hairstyle as one fo my teachers, so does that mean he's me in the future? NO! Even if his name is 'S Dodds'.
g-man is gordan freeman in the future.
That just can't be true. Why would the future Gordon kill Gordon when doesn't take up his offer? If past gordon was to be killed then future Gordon would never exist. And if the future gordon never existed then Gordon could never be killed and.. yeah then he lived anyway and got the offer.. mmm vicious circle
G-Man isn't Gordon because Gordon doesn't talk. :flame:
Doesn't Shepard see the G-Man while Freeman is still in Xen? Whenever you reach the dam in op4.
And doesn't Calhoun see the G-Man using the rail cabs after the Resonance Cascade?

I think the G-Man also appears in Decay, can't remember when though (my friend has it, not me).
ok, 1st. just becase you and your teacher have the same eyes and hairstyle does'nt mean he's you from the future. there are billions of people in the world. im stating that g-man is freeman from the future because you only know a certian amount of characters in the "half-life" world. and could it be, just a possibility, that g-man is freeman in the future. and why has g-man taken a liking to freeman, and not barny, or some scientist that is now a zombie?

2nd, the reason he would have freeman killed if he didnt accept the mission is because he knew the future was fu*ked anyways without freeman.

just my opnion.
kotic said:
ok, 1st. just becase you and your teacher have the same eyes and hairstyle does'nt mean he's you from the future. there are billions of people in the world. im stating that g-man is freeman from the future because you only know a certian amount of characters in the "half-life" world. and could it be, just a possibility, that g-man is freeman in the future. and why has g-man taken a liking to freeman, and not barny, or some scientist that is now a zombie?

2nd, the reason he would have freeman killed if he didnt accept the mission is because he knew the future was fu*ked anyways without freeman.

just my opnion.

He's also taken a liking to Shepard...
Also, I think it was Adrian who reminded the G-Man of himself when he was younger, not Freeman.
You can find the whole script of Half-life here: http://db.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/file/half_life_script.txt
Samon said:
Is he Alien, is he from Xen, is he human....or is he niether?

The G-Man is............................................................SCARY!!!! :borg:
i seriously doubt time travel is in there.....it better not be. i will not be happy if that is the case but valve arnt stupid enough to put something as loame as that in
who was it that sent the military in in HL? was it the administrator, the g-man or somone else? and come to that who sent the balck ops in too?
I like to imagine the G-man simply teleported himself to D.C. and told the President - "We have a situation."

I would imagine he BS him with stories about terrorists and biological agesnts, considering the amount of the forces he sent with the fact some were ready for some sort of NBC condictions.