whats everyones take on tge G - MAN??

Well according the the OP4 manual the G-Man was hanging around the marine base weeks before the incident as they went through special training for fighting in the BMRF.

I never read the Op4 manual, and I think I've thrown it away long time ago......
(big spoiler)

Gman is a COW!

that is all

the secret is revealed

or maybe the BMRF incedent was like xXx and now gordan freeman is hired? sounds about right.
I only have the portion of the op4 manual which was included in the Blue Shift manual, unfortunately :|
He's just trying to get around and live his life just like all of you. LEAVE HIM ALONE!
Interesting site Mecha, if only they had the Decay transcripts up as well :(

I wish you could have heard the soldiers' radio saying things like:

Message for Gordon Freeman, you will not escape this time.

Attention all units, renegade Freeman is now your primary target.

Alert remaining containment force, Freeman may have experimental weapon.

Would have added more tension to the game, but perhaps they left them out not to overdo it.

I think Brian is right, the G-Man is the
Agent Coomer, also known as Agent Sixteen
from the sentences.txt file.

My take on him is that he is a human, from this dimension, time etc., is in no way related to Freeman or Shepherd, but as a stone cold government man he has no qualms manipulating individuals when his idea of the greater good is in jeopardy.
prehapps. or maybe gordon needs to wake up from this dream we've spent mindless hours playing.
We think so. Did you read the whole thread? Agent Sixteen/Agent Coomer is mentioned in several areas of the HL files/source code/miscellaneous guff.
City 17, plus ***** 16. I doubt there's a connection, but who knows?
the gman is a scout for the government. at any rate, gman's not who we should be concerning ourselves with. We should be thinking about his employers. But then again we know nothing about them?
the g-man is cool as fork. He has a suit and crazy stuff and all, weee