What's going to happen to all the mods?

What will most mods do after this leak?

  • They're gonna keep converting to HL2

    Votes: 11 52.4%
  • They'll keep working in HL1 for the moment

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • I have no clue!

    Votes: 8 38.1%

  • Total voters


I know alot of mods were in the process converting over to HL2, including a bunch that aren't yet finished. However, after this leak it looks like HL2 is going to be delayed for a while. I'm curious as to what the mod developers are going to do in the meantime (particularly Bushido:))
no matter the release date, if they intended to do it for HL2, I see no reason to change now.
and as Majestic said, they can do everything except the code.. and perhaps some of the mapping..

This delay just means more dev/concept/layout/etc time for mod teams.
no mod is at the stage where they are now "waiting for HL2 to be released so they can compile"
well none I know of
And this will sort the bad planed mods from the good planed mods. The bad ones will die before HL2 releases.

Im not sure if this is the right place for this thread. Ill report it and see what happens :) (I cant mod here)
Well i don't think mods being made just for HL2 will go to hl lol.
It's gonna be a b*tch converting some older mods to HL2.. As I imagine a good deal of the entities will need to be changed to work in it properly, we all know how difficult that can be on decent maps, all the different names and what effects what and which does what where when and how. I don't envy some people :)
Yes, my mod (www.rivalspecies.com) is going to wait and see how HL2 does for a couple of months before converting, it's going to be a hell of a job because we have the most models I've ever seen in a HL mod, and all of them will need upgrading.

The only other thing we could do is keep the level of detail the same, but scale up the battles to make it something epic. Many hundreds of AI players per side, huge war machines and Titans (like mechs only far, far, far bigger).

Yes, so HL2 is worrying a lot of HL mods..
Well we just plod along like we have done the past few months.

Moddeling, texturing and refining the concept.

All the mods will be rubbish, barring a couple anyway, so why even bother?
Originally posted by Dagobert
All the mods will be rubbish, barring a couple anyway, so why even bother?

lol you're going to far in life m8

The mod I've been working on wont realy be affected by the delay. It would have been nice to be able to do some testing of certian things, but I have ALOT to do anyhow.
I have been tinkering with RTCW for some testing of model and map ideas, just to see what they look like during play, but I'm for sure not going to convert over to RTCW.

I sure do hope Valve gets things straightened out soon, I'd realy hate to see DoomIII released first and attract mod developers that could realy help HL2 along in the early stages.

I do honestly believe that Valve would do themselvs a favor by releasing the SDK now. The modding community is what made HL1 such a long term success. If they want te same success with HL2 they need to give the modders some tools and info they need to stay interested in hl2, rather than start to focus their attention on D3, which contrary to what alot of HL2 fans think will probably be alot more capable of good mods than people think.
Originally posted by Punisher454
I do honestly believe that Valve would do themselvs a favor by releasing the SDK now. The modding community is what made HL1 such a long term success. If they want te same success with HL2 they need to give the modders some tools and info they need to stay interested in hl2, rather than start to focus their attention on D3, which contrary to what alot of HL2 fans think will probably be alot more capable of good mods than people think.

There's too much that can and/or will change in the SDK for it to be released now. I don't mind waiting for the SDK; at least you know it'll be up-to-date.

If Doom 3 is anything like its predecessors, it will be made with mod makers in mind. The original Doom opened id Software's eyes to mods, when the first user-created level was released.