What's Happening to Me?

I m a nearly professional body builder, and my advice is: to stop all pro-max, pro- shake.....etc products... and start taking natural foods.

the products your taking are increaing your testosterone level by %5-%10..

which is very very high, and could lead to heart problems in your early 40s..
FFS- It's clearly puberty and immaturity combined with blatant ATTENTION SEEKING. GET A LIFE YOU RETARD.

Next it will be "oh noes, I have hair where there was no hair before. What is happening to me?" or "my little thingy gets hard and points out when I look at girls. And boys. Why does it do that?"


I thought (from the title of the thread) that someone was having a REAL problem.

Like- "what's happening to me- I got into a teleport machine with a fly, and now I might be turning into one. Help?"
short recoil said:
That's what i'd preferably use but seeing as i work with both i'll do whatever everyone else is using so they don't have to do a conversion.

I have to admit i usually measure a person in feet an inches though, i guess it's kinda like measuring horses in hands though.
I wasn't aware of measuring horses in anything else in hands. Grew up in the business most of my life too. :)
Gorgon said:
I m a nearly professional body builder, and my advice is: to stop all pro-max, pro- shake.....etc products... and start taking natural foods.

the products your taking are increaing your testosterone level by %5-%10..

which is very very high, and could lead to heart problems in your early 40s..
I agree on the natural food part, you should see my diet :P
However natural foods increase testosterone in exactly the same way as supplements, if you start eating lots of brocolli, fish, eggs etc your testosterone levels go up the same amount as taking basic supplements such as vitamins, creatine and whey protein /mass gaining formulas.

The advantage with natural foods is however, it's more balanced, gives your body more stable levels of nutrients, a full tool box if you like.

If he has a good diet with natural foods as well as supplements i doubt it will cause him heart problems, if he ate shite and supplemented he would....but that would mainly be because he ate shite.
Increasing your hormone levels artificially (steroids) is the real cause of problems, that's why i'd never use them and advise no one else to either.

One important factor about supplements must be stated however, you must cycle them (take it for a month and a half, take a month off etc) to make sure your body dosn't give up producing stuff itself.
This applies to any non-essential compounds in large "unatural doses", like creatine.
Shasta said:
FFS- It's clearly puberty and immaturity combined with blatant ATTENTION SEEKING. GET A LIFE YOU RETARD.

Next it will be "oh noes, I have hair where there was no hair before. What is happening to me?" or "my little thingy gets hard and points out when I look at girls. And boys. Why does it do that?"


I thought (from the title of the thread) that someone was having a REAL problem.

Like- "what's happening to me- I got into a teleport machine with a fly, and now I might be turning into one. Help?"

:| You're in a forum section where a popular topic is naming your bits with any two words, which gives me not only the right to post this, but to also tell you to kiss my behind.

Anywho, i still havent gotten an answer. I have had the same weight schedule/routine before, along with taking the same suppliments and I was the same weight. Puberty is hard for me to believe, cuz I've been there and done that.

.....Unless this is a second puberty in which Im changing into this.
Uriel said:
Anywho, i still havent gotten an answer. I have had the same weight schedule/routine before, along with taking the same suppliments and I was the same weight.
It's an exponential increase in hormones as you both age and gain muscle.
The opposite happens to people who get fat, their lack of activity and larger amount of fat means they become more womanly, fat contains aromatase with promotes oestrogen.

If you have less fat you have more tesosterone, generally if you've got more muscle you'll burn off the fat.

As your body gets stronger it will allow you to push your body even more, your body pumps out testosterone, in essense it "thinks" "****ing hell i'm the man now i must stay strong".

Don't worry about it, it's normal.
You say in the first post that you go to school. Not college or university. School. So you are either still a kid, going through puberty, or you are really slow and dumb. Which is it?
If you knew anything about me, you'd know I live in small town. Theres a elementary/middle/highschool slapped into one. I use the Gym there because I dont feel like driving 20 minutes to get to another one.

You're getting annoying. Quit posting.
Axyon said:
You go every day? Congratulations - you're wasting your time! Your muscles need around 24-36 hours to rebuild after you break them down at the gym.

good thats why I work out every other day..gives the body a chance to rest
You can work out every day aslong as you dont work the samething twice, and make sure you're not even touching the muscles you previously worked. Like Benching works your shoulders and triceps, even though it focuses mostly on the chest.

Best combo, upper body then lower.
Gargantou said:
Guys, stop using all those annoying " and lbs, and join the Light Side of the Metric systems in the Kilogram galaxy..
Uriel said:
If you knew anything about me, you'd know I live in small town. Theres a elementary/middle/highschool slapped into one. I use the Gym there because I dont feel like driving 20 minutes to get to another one.

You're getting annoying. Quit posting.
Leave the kiddies alone. Won't somebody think of the children!? Oh, the humanity.

Post silly things, you get silly replies.
Uriel said:
I was aiming more towards "Why is my body reacting this way now, instead of previously?" Summertime i was just as physically fit and heavy. Haha, maybe i am a late bloomer.

I most certainly hope not! Im only 160, aiming for 170. I think thats reasonable for being 6'2.

And yes, I am an asshole. Ill get a tatoo on my forehead.

You think you got it bad Im 5'9 and barely 130
Shasta said:
Leave the kiddies alone. Won't somebody think of the children!? Oh, the humanity.

Post silly things, you get silly replies.
You're pissing everyone off. Go away. And shove hot pokers in your eyes. Then post the video on rotten.

Someone will LOL.

P.S. I'm 6'4" and 160 lbs :(