What's inside the G-Man's briefcase?


May 27, 2003
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One of the easter eggs of HL1 was that you could look inside the G-Man briefcase using noclip, or viewing the texture in the model viewer.

If I remember correctly in HL1 he has a handgun, some papers, and a computer screen of some sort.

Has anyone tried this in HL2? (I forgot how to do it :x )
Maybe he has a Playbody spread of Alyx.
:D That's all the incentive I need... next time he shows up I'm checkin'
I think in another post someone said that you couldn't see into the briefcase. Doesn't hurt to try it again though.
ladies underwear. in the other dimension he's a bra salesman.
He's change his briefcase. In the original he had a case with Black Mesa logo on it, in HL2 he doesn't. Check it out on model viewer if you don't believe me.

Besides its not a briefcase at all, its some sort of futuristic vacuum cleaner
he definitely has same s&m gear. i could see the gman gettin pretty freaky
Hutz: Mr. Burns, we've got witnesses, precedent and a paper trail a mile long.
Burns: Yes. But I have ten high-priced lawyers.
Hutz: Ya, ya, yaaa!!! [runs out of office]
Homer: He left his briefcase. Hey, it's full of shredded newspaper.
don_johnson said:
he definitely has same s&m gear. i could see the gman gettin pretty freaky
and with the help of the Model Viewer, i'm sure a lot of other people could see the gman gettin pretty freaky, too.
Probably his lunch. A spare pair of underpants as he probably sh*** himself everytime he gets teleported. About 500 dry-cleaning bills for his suit and a kiddies drawing that he made showing him killing aliens and taking over the world.
Its not a briefcase at all! You press a button on the side and it turns into a flying car.
I found this in his briefcase frosty.

Paper, probably. Maybe some other stuff, but definitely paper.
materials not comprehendable my man
Or even...*gasp* super string! The stuff the universe is made of!

The G-Man tells me he keeps a mobile phone, chicken sandwiches made by his mother (with the crusts cut off), important documents and paperwork concerning his operation, the documentation for his portable teleportation device (which is hidden in the briefcase and activated by the code lock), a pocket calculater, a pakcet of Worther's Originals, a snack bar, a pair of sunglasses, several Parker pens and a fold-out sandwich board reading "This way Gordon!" for emergencies.
Well if you look in the model viewer you cant see in his Briefcase, so I figure what it is, is he has a whole universe in there and the reason it looks blank in there is because we just can't comprehend what we are seeing. Also In-between HL1 and HL2 and now after it Gordon was in there which is why no one could find him.

But honestly what he really has in there is that cat.

Ok, I'll end this. It's his universe/time/travel machine. It's obvious. :rolleyes:
It's more than obvious that the briefcase contains a device that allows him to control the dimensions, I mean we know that he can control the dimensions, we just don't know how he does it. It's a Portable Localized Dimension Difusor Control System(tm), no doubt about it :)
Jesus, ya'll. What is so hard about this? It's paper. What do you keep in a briefcase? Papers. Maybe a few pens. That's all! What we ought to be asking is where did he lose the black tie and pick up that hideous purple monstrosity?
Jenga said:
ladies underwear. in the other dimension he's a bra salesman.

Best answer so far. :LOL:

Realisticly though, I agree with Steve. It's paper. And maybe a sandwich. Everyone's gotta eat.
It's obvious... He's a human who's been taken over by a small alien creature, only instead of the normal cliché of it being attached to his head, spine, chest or whatever, the thing's in the case. THAT'S why you never see him without it.
Depends undergarments

Perhaps the G-man has his depends in the case since he seems too busy screwing with Gordon to even bother to take a break to let out some fecal children. :farmer:
Actually, the briefcase is in fact part of combine high command and is controlling the G Man. Plot makes a lot more sense now, eh?
it's the letter to santa claus (he was gonna mail it, but got this offer from you-know-whom to lend you-know-who and put it away for the moment) with only one wish: new host body, preferably hot brunette. wouldn't it be great if santa granted that wish till HL3? :naughty: