What's inside the G-Man's briefcase?

the briefcase is a portable gateway to the other dimension. You know, where he keeps all his toys (Freeman, Shepard, Odessa)
He cant drop it, it's welded to his hand. And, its a portal to demension where every thing is normal.
This is an outdated comment but... "Playbody"? Is that the new politically correct name for Playboy?

He has a paper bag of a tuna sandwich and Lay's potato chips. A condom. And some nunchucks. End of story.
hah... marcellus wallace's soul. i wonder if anyone else caught that.
I don't know what the argument is. I've got a picture of the G-Man's open briefcase right here.
maybe he's a teacher part time. Probably a science teacher but you never know...?

Or a gangstA style tommy-gun?
big_king_frosty said:
Or a gangstA style tommy-gun?
lol... you mean the briefcase with a machined gun inside used during assassinations? :cool:
In Half-Life 1 he took the form of a government agent (aka g-man) to gain access to Black Mesa and to give a few orders to the military. Thats what the papers and gun were for. In Half-Life 2 he decides to keep this form because it is what Gordon knows as. The briefcase is part of this form so he kept it.
What if the briefcase is empty! :( He just carries it around for the looks.
sfc_hoot said:
What if the briefcase is empty! :( He just carries it around for the looks.

Holy crap. I never thought of that...
sfc_hoot said:
What if the briefcase is empty! :( He just carries it around for the looks.

That's what I was saying :angry:
One of my friends (Linda), who btw knows nothing about Half life, and is certifiably crazy posted the following in my blog after seeing this picture

Linda said:
they come to see, they come to pee, they come to see the value of


because that is the number of pennies in that silver suitcase.
btw, I made that picture using garry's mod if anyone is wondering where it comes from
Ch1cKeN said:
one pistol. some papers. revealed in OPFor.

Opposing Force wasn't writted by valve writer. So it isn't official. ;)

He's change his briefcase. In the original he had a case with Black Mesa logo on it, in HL2 he doesn't.

Maybe Valve changed the storyline. (HL1- g-man works for black mesa/ hl2- story changed, and they "cover up" that briefcase :E )
a paper with one word on it.... "Hoojinx" When questioned about this he simple replies "I dont have the illusion of choice, unlike Gordon"
riomhaire on ure :
Please help stop cruelty to Vortigaunts
Where did u get those pics as they r wicked

In the briefcase is: his trusty time,dimension traveling portally thingy but i like :
Originally Posted by Sulkdodds
chicken sandwiches made by his mother (with the crusts cut off)
From wikipedia (you can use it for everything)

In his briefcese there are:

3 pencils
2 scribbled sheets of paper(probably masterplans of taking over the world):p
A 9mm handgun in a holster
An identity card
A portable computer

Heres a pic of it:
Hahaha... Yes, lol...
I think that the gun in gmans briefcese proofs he is not immortal/unkillable.
He walks around cold ass ice, but if things where to get out of hands he pulls a desperado move and kicks up his briefcese and blast everyone away.

Gman = Normal guy/Alien in host body.
Well, so far all of the aliens or host bodies we've seen have been killable, too, so showing or suggesting he's killable doesn't really say much.
Anything is killable if you remove the head.
Well i onely say he is a normal guy. Alot of people says he is god. I think thats silly.
Yes of course. I just want to say that he is not immortal as in unkillable, or god, or anyting else super duper natural.
Gmans not rea,l Alyx is not real, Gordon is just having a bad dream.
That whould be the ultimate bad ending.

*Wake up Dr. Freeman, your late for the experiment!!!
Rizzo89 said:
That whould be the ultimate bad ending.

*Wake up Dr. Freeman, your late for the experiment!!!
Back to the test chanber eh?
I whould be very dissapointed if that where to happend.
I think G-Man is immortal. For instance in Half-life, when you use no-clip and you fly to him and whack him with crowbar or shoot him, he is invunerable to all attacks. And also, in Half-life 2, he can stop time to save Gordon from the blast.

So I think he is a immortal.
Psycow said:
In his briefcese there are:

3 pencils
2 scribbled sheets of paper(probably masterplans of taking over the world):p
A 9mm handgun in a holster
An identity card
A portable computer

Heres a pic of it:

I think the 2 scribbled sheets of paper were probably his plan on business and experiments. But who knows?
Double_blade, i can pull my hole not meant to be killed thing again, and i will.
The reason why you cant pop gman is the same reason you dont blast away Alyx or Eli. Like you get mission faild when one dies and have to start over again. You where not meant to kill the fellow. Even if you where able to kill him in noclip mode, what whould you have proven?
Rizzo89 said:
Double_blade, i can pull my hole not meant to be killed thing again, and i will.
The reason why you cant pop gman is the same reason you dont blast away Alyx or Eli. Like you get mission faild when one dies and have to start over again. You where not meant to kill the fellow. Even if you where able to kill him in noclip mode, what whould you have proven?
That G-Man is a Cock sucker and a fake.
Rizzo89 said:
Double_blade, i can pull my hole not meant to be killed thing again, and i will.
The reason why you cant pop gman is the same reason you dont blast away Alyx or Eli. Like you get mission faild when one dies and have to start over again. You where not meant to kill the fellow. Even if you where able to kill him in noclip mode, what whould you have proven?

Then, how do you explain G-man's time stopping powers? G-man have powers and how do you explain that how does he survive with many enemies swarming around?
Couple different theories on the "time-stop." One camp says that the G-man doesn't really stop time, and that he's only messing with Gordon's perception of time.

The other camp says he is stopping time. I'm of this opinion, except I think it's a bit more sophisticated than actually freezing time. That's actually pretty ludicrous, which is one of the problems people from Camp A have with it.

And then there are still other people who think that the G-man isn't really there at all and Gordon's just hallucinating. Which, if that were true, would explain why he doesn't bother about any of the enemies around him. :p

In any case, the G-man's "powers" over time and teleportation are irrelevant to his "immortality." In the first game he cannot be killed because you are not meant to kill him. That's it. No fancy, mystical reason for it. Sparks do not fly off him when you shoot him because he's made of metal or he's a robot or anything like that. You're just not supposed to kill him. It's the same in HL2. YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO KILL HIM. The end.

Also, Sparda...you're obsessed with cock, man.