Whats is up with the steam bandwidth changes?


Sep 2, 2004
Reaction score
Hey, I've noticed that steam has upgraded it's maximum possible bandwidth recently, does this means CS: Source may be coming sooner than we think?
hello! hl2 is finishing the preload right now

restart steam and click on the icon for hl2 and continue the preload. :cheers:
My guess why the max bandwith goes down becasue the content severs are downloading data from the first content sever.
Once all content severs have the data the bandwith is returened to full.

what this means is less bandwith = content severs are sending to each other getting ready for something

Full bandwith = all content severs have the latest preload data?
warban did u notice ur posting in a thread that was last answered a few days ago?
It was last answered on the 14th , today is the 16th .. ah .. time travels at such incredible speeds..