What's next for battlefield?

Where is battlefield headed next?

  • Another war from the past

    Votes: 7 10.8%
  • Continuation of the modern era

    Votes: 19 29.2%
  • Going into the future, sci-fi/futuristic

    Votes: 31 47.7%
  • The end of the battlefield series

    Votes: 8 12.3%

  • Total voters


Jul 5, 2003
Reaction score
Well, seeing as they've already done WWII, vietnam and a modern combat thing, what's next for the battlefield series? As I see it they have 4 options:

1)choose another war from the past
This could probably be a good option except for one thing: gamers are going to expect more. If they go back and do say, WWI, they will not be able to have things like missile tracking and helicopters and satellite scans and UAV's. These are the new improvements which the game community expects from battlefield games now, and going into the past would only dissapoint in these areas.

2)stick with the modern era, and each game becomes more "modern"
This method would be sound, as always...time progresses. However, seeing as they could get a new game out every few years, every game would start to seem exactley the same, and again gamers would be dissapointed.

3)move into the future for a sci-fi type thing
I think this option has real potential, since they can keep adding new technological features to spice up the game, and they could get very creative with new unit types and game features. (I personally would think it would be awesome to see a battlefield game with armies resembling The Combine or units from a game like ground control 2) However, this could seem extremley cheezy, and some gamers might not like it at all.

4)stop making battlefield games
To me, this seems like the most likely outcome. They will probably continue to make expansions on battlefield games, and perhaps redo past games, but it would leave most gamers feeling sad inside.

so what do you guys think?
I would love to see a futuristic Battlefield game. As long as the guns shoot bullets, they can be nuclear-warhead-tipped bullets for all I care as long as there isn't no laser shit ;) Like you said, they wouldn't need to stick to realism (as much) and could come out with some really innovative and creative ideas. I'd love to see halo-style dropships flying about, it would definitely be a step forward in my opinion. Even if they don't, there are still plenty of mods ;)
guerilla warfare, covert ops, spec ops ...there's a ton of things for them to do
whatever they do, after BF2 I don't see it as not being fun.
I don't care where they go with the series, but given the success of the series and the fact that EA owns the majority of DICE, I wouldn't expect to see it dissapearing anytime soon :)

I can't wait to see what expansions they release.
Definately the future. Maybe not with aliens and different planets or anything, but I would love to see maybe a Warhammer 40,000 kind of armies and weapons. Still huge lumbering steel behemoths, some huge flying dropships, landspeeders skimming across the ground and water ultra fast. Huge armor on infantry, big powerful sounding guns.
? isnt that what we have? They just dont wanna say it because they wanna be politcally correct.
combining the expansive maps, vehicle combat and purty graphics of BF2 with the award winning gameplay of CS.

in other words you can now get all your smacktards, vehicle campers and l337 speakers in one place! oh joy!

on a more serious note, it would be nice to see more objective based gameplay, other than capturing and defending flags (as fun as it is).
I think it'll be a while 'till we see another Battlefield game. It doesn't seem like they'll go futuristic with the series because it wouldn't feel like Battlefield. I'd guess they'd go with some past war or conflict after doing some expansions for BF2.
Krynn72 said:
? isnt that what we have? They just dont wanna say it because they wanna be politcally correct.
DC was Iraq. BF2 is just what it is, future conflict between a united coalition of Arab military forces, and with China. Both could happen. War with China alone is more likely than the Arab states ever uniting totally though, and many Arab nations are allied to the US (Kuwait, Qatar, new Iraqi government etc)
AmishSlayer said:
I think it'll be a while 'till we see another Battlefield game. It doesn't seem like they'll go futuristic with the series because it wouldn't feel like Battlefield. I'd guess they'd go with some past war or conflict after doing some expansions for BF2.

Im stoked for those expansions though, that and hell the mod tools.

I reaaaaaally want to mod this biatch. (even if it's just swamp racing maps)
How about stick with the modern weapons and vehicles, but set the game in a made up war. I'm sure they could have modern combat in the jungle, or in a huge city.

Or, a more ambitious project could be MMOBF. It would be possible, look at Planetside. Just a huge persistant war could be great.
I would like to see some sort of modern jungle battle against north korea.
I suspect that any expansion to BF2 will introduce EU forces, which would be awesome. It's what I'd do, anyway, because then they've got an excuse for a change of scene, new cities etc. as well as new content.
[SARCASM]Maybe someone will make a WW2 mod for BF2, and EA will try to cash in on that with BF3 - a truer sequel to BF1942, then someone will make another DC/modern combat style mod and EA will cash in on that with BF4. Vicious cycle.[/SARCASM]
Reginald said:
How about stick with the modern weapons and vehicles, but set the game in a made up war. I'm sure they could have modern combat in the jungle, or in a huge city.

Or, a more ambitious project could be MMOBF. It would be possible, look at Planetside. Just a huge persistant war could be great.
Isn't that what we have. :D BF2 takes place in an invented conflict between the US, China, and a coalition of the Middle East. And both BF2 and BF:V have featured forest maps.
Direwolf said:
Isn't that what we have. :D BF2 takes place in an invented conflict between the US, China, and a coalition of the Middle East. And both BF2 and BF:V have featured forest maps.

I know that, but it is reminiscent of the second Gulf War with desert and lots of oil mining things... :p
I want tropical jungle maps like those in Joint Ops. Those maps were so awesome.
Kangy said:
I suspect that any expansion to BF2 will introduce EU forces, which would be awesome. It's what I'd do, anyway, because then they've got an excuse for a change of scene, new cities etc. as well as new content.

Yeh I'm hoping an expansion will introduce the British specifically :) A nice Challenger tank would be awesome. However, the L85A1 unlockable in the game is British standard issue so they'd be a bit screwed there.
Sci-Fi battlefield would be kick ass.
Mr. Redundant said:
combining the expansive maps, vehicle combat and purty graphics of BF2 with the award winning gameplay of CS.

:D, I'd rather have the graphics of CS:Source and the gameplay of BF2.

I think they should either go future, but a gritty, intesne and "realistic" future, or they should stop.

However, Quake Wars looks like it's already doing a perfect job of that.
TheSomeone said:
:D, I'd rather have the graphics of CS:Source and the gameplay of BF2.

I think they should either go future, but a gritty, intesne and "realistic" future, or they should stop.

However, Quake Wars looks like it's already doing a perfect job of that.

I was just being sarcastic, although I think that BF2 has awesome graphics, expansive maps etc... I in no way think CS has decent/close to being fun gameplay.

I was just trying to set it up for the smacktard/1337 speak combo.

yeah Quake wars looks absolutely awesome... Im not really a huge fan of the D3 engine though.
if they were using the Unreal 3 engine with the ability to stream in enormous city blocks and acres of landscape... then that would be amazing.

it's my hope for a BF3 game anyway.
Im not really one for the future-esque settings... I prefer modern and older era combat (modern mostly).
X-FacToR said:
The next thing for battlefield is hopefully a damn patch.
Hahaha, beat me to it.

TheSomeone said:
Quake Wars
You too.

I think they should go further than the "realistic" future. I'd love to see something like "Battlefield: In Space!" Imagine having two capturable capital ships, and piloting some high-speed dogfighter craft towards the enemy ship, taking on their opposing fighters, while a slower, ferry-type transport sneaks through the chaos and docks onto the enemy ship. From there your troops run through and capture points on the ship, blow up choke points, etc. There would of course be land-based missions too, but seeing something like that would be awesome, IMO.

It sounds more like mod material than an actual game, though.
Mr. Redundant said:
I was just being sarcastic, although I think that BF2 has awesome graphics, expansive maps etc... I in no way think CS has decent/close to being fun gameplay.

I was just trying to set it up for the smacktard/1337 speak combo.

Yes I understood that :D.

The thing about quake wars it's going to use a different version of the engine that doesn't include only dynamic-lighting. There would be no way to light those huge outdoor sequences otherwise. That way,t he models look less like plastic.
What's next?? Updated graphics cause this game is sooo easy to run with everything high and full antialising, And I only have a 9800Pro. LOL.
dream431ca said:
What's next?? Updated graphics cause this game is sooo easy to run with everything high and full antialising, And I only have a 9800Pro. LOL.

That's a dirty lie.
Well..I'm trying to post screenshots but the size is too big..how can I just cut and paste the screenshot into the forum?
Haha. I run everything high (except for one setting, can't remember what it is) and with 2x AA, but on my pc, it makes more sense to be getting higher FPS.

I third.
The next battlefield will be a sci-fi futuristic shooter, they already announced all the battlefields a long time ago right after bf1942's release. They said they would have one in Vietnam, one in a modern era conflict (bf2) and another one set in the future.
I hope if they do a future Battlefield it's more like a near-future setting as in Ghost Recon 3 rather than something several centuries away. You know... something that would use technology that is currently being designed/developed/tested by the military.
OCybrManO said:
I hope if they do a future Battlefield it's more like a near-future setting as in Ghost Recon 3 rather than something several centuries away. You know... something that would use technology that is currently being designed/developed/tested by the military.

you mean like Battlefield2? :E
What about BF2 is futuristic? It uses weapons and vehicles that have been in use for years and it uses current camouflage. That's not futuristic, that's modern. The equipment is just a refinement of old principles. It's all standard stuff. The squad/commander stuff is the way it is to make it fun and easy to use (so that people will actually use it). The radar was in BF1942... so that's not meant to be futuristic.

I'm talking about stuff like the "Future Warrior" system (planned for 2020)... helmets with a transparent visor onto which you can project images... so you can display thermal vision, light amplification, video feeds, range information, etc... being able to look & fire around corners by holding your gun around and displaying a video feed from the gun on your visor... being able to see through someone elses POV when they spot something... armor with "nanomuscles" to allow the soldier to perform better physically (like run farther without getting winded or hold more weight)... active camouflage... etc.

I'm talking about experimental technology being designed/developed now that may be ready within 15 years if everything goes as planned. It's futuristic without being to the point of laser weapons, force fields, teleportation, and all that sci-fi stuff.