What's pissing me off the most.

Originally posted by CommieX
Wow, Valve sucks. According to Fragmaster, who appears to have been right all along, Doug Lombardi stated a long time back that the game was going to be delayed. And yet, at ECTS after that statementt, he said September 30. So basically they knew it was going to be delayed and yet mislead us. Why?

It's possible that they thought the game was going to be delayed, told a few people. Then it turns out that it didn't need to be delayed after all so they said it was still on for the 30th of September.

I can't think of ANY reason why Doug Lombardi would've said the 30th of September at ECTS if he didn't believe that it was going to be true. It was a perfect opportunity to tell people.
Originally posted by Feath
I think the 30th of Setember date was as much for Valve as it was for us. They've worked on the game for 4 years, I think they needed a deadline so they had something to aim for.

Look at other "When its done" games, some of them still haven't been released (Duke Nukem Forever).

Very good point.
Originally posted by mknlb50
that's why i hate their f*cking attitude. they think we're too good for them. :flame:

the fire you kindle for your enemy, will often burn yourself more than him

let go of your anger
Wow...I for one am astounded. Not by release dates or delays, but by the fact that serious discussions can still be had in some forum threads. This, with a couple of notable exceptions, has been not only relevant but intelligent.

Cheers. We need more of this.
Originally posted by Feath

I can't think of ANY reason why Doug Lombardi would've said the 30th of September at ECTS if he didn't believe that it was going to be true. It was a perfect opportunity to tell people.

[conspiracy theorist]Unless...there is no delay!!!1[/conspiracy theorist]
Originally posted by GinSlinger
Wow...I for one am astounded. Not by release dates or delays, but by the fact that serious discussions can still be had in some forum threads. This, with a couple of notable exceptions, has been not only relevant but intelligent.

Cheers. We need more of this.

Maybe being shocked brings out the best of the Halflife.net community.
I am still thinking it has everything to do with Steam. It is quite obvious that Steam can barely handle simple upgrades (some upgrades bout 8mb in size take near an hour to get, even though I max out at a bit over 500KBs, not 100kbps (BIG diff)).

It might also explain why Spitdfry saw little to no commotion at Valve, becuase HL2 is prob done/testing/small bug fix, but who knows what its like over in the Steam design section (he said there were sections but only got to see HL2 from afar and DOD close (if i remeber correctly))

And dont forget the "tad" problem of Nvidia and their fiubar drivers, BUT they both say Nvidia new 5.x drivers will fix it, once done with QA, so that might not be the reason for delay.

I am saddened.
Originally posted by Democritus
When did we demand a date? They said September 30 with no provocation from us, as I recall.

No I wasn't aiming at just hl2 and valve, but games in general. Gamers wanna see a date on which they can expect their long awaited game.
"When it's done" doesn't work.
would you like them to give another exact release date they don't know if they could make?
Here are my predictions as to why it's been delayed:

1. Valve has discovered some unexpected bugs that cannot be resolved in time for the 30th (unlikely)

2. Pressure from Vivendi Universal to make it a 'holiday' release in order to boost retail sales for them (definite possibility).

3. Steam not up to snuff in order to distribute the game (My best bet why it's been delayed).

4. To allow adequate press coverage of the game before release (previews, exclusives, magazine features, etc).

If I had to pick the top two it would be number 3 and number 2. My 2 cents folks.
Originally posted by spitcodfry
Here are my predictions as to why it's been delayed:

1. Valve has discovered some unexpected bugs that cannot be resolved in time for the 30th (unlikely)

2. Pressure from Vivendi Universal to make it a 'holiday' release in order to boost retail sales for them (definite possibility).

3. Steam not up to snuff in order to distribute the game (My best bet why it's been delayed).

4. To allow adequate press coverage of the game before release (previews, exclusives, magazine features, etc).

If I had to pick the top two it would be number 3 and number 2. My 2 cents folks.

I'll go with number 3. Only let's hope it isn't true or else we'll get anti steam petitions again. Sigh.
the reason I'm pissed is the fact that I just ordered $1000 worth of parts for a new system from newegg.com last night. There aren't any games that even come close to as good as half life 2... So I'll have a great system with no games to play on it till HL2 in Nov. when it'll be outdated. Some people may be in the same boat as me and are taking their anger out on valve.. which is understandable in the fact that they really should have told us like a month ago when they knew it was going to happen. But as for me.. heh its really my own fault for jumping the gun and saying screw it, I'll buy the parts.
Hell, it might not even come out till next year now. All I know is that now I'm gonna wait till ATi's R420 (or whatever) comes out. It's supposed to be twice as fast as 9800 pro What woul be the point in getting a 9800 pro now when it's at the end of it's life cycle. But guys, I wouldn[t bank on it being out before years end. While it probably will be out before 04, what's the point in expecting to be when Valve could just come back and screw us all again with their misleading information
Well I'm back and still a bit pissed off. Not has much as when I woke up this morning and saw the delay though...

Sorry Valve but for the time being I lost complete esteem in this company. I'm eagerly wainting for an announcement, apology, mockery, well whatever.

I'll get this damn game anyway, just a bit later...
Originally posted by spitcodfry
Here are my predictions as to why it's been delayed:

1. Valve has discovered some unexpected bugs that cannot be resolved in time for the 30th (unlikely)

2. Pressure from Vivendi Universal to make it a 'holiday' release in order to boost retail sales for them (definite possibility).

3. Steam not up to snuff in order to distribute the game (My best bet why it's been delayed).

4. To allow adequate press coverage of the game before release (previews, exclusives, magazine features, etc).

If I had to pick the top two it would be number 3 and number 2. My 2 cents folks.

This may be farfetched, but seems plausible to me.

What if Vivendi is adamant about a worldwide simultaneous retail and steam release, so they forced the deadline back to a point where Vivendi itself felt comfortable that they'd be able to produce enough copies and for Valve to have more than enough time to get everything polished (possibly including further tweaking of Nvidia code;edit: and obviously Steam). All in all this wouldn't be a bad thing. I certainly don't mind waiting for a polished game, but I don't think that's why so many of us are pissed off right now, is it?

Been reading for a few weeks now and decided to finally post.

I don't get the argument that VU wants a holiday release to increase sales. I mean people who want it are going to buy it. All the people on this forum will buy it immediately. Some others will wait to get it for the holidays as a present or whatever. Either way, the total # of games sold will be the same. I don't think they will sell more copies total if it comes out around X-Mas.

It would actually be better for VU to release before the holidays to spread out the demand (sell some now ... sell some for the holidays). This would take a bit of the pressure of cranking out and distributing thousands of CD's at once.

If I were VU, I'd want the latter. My $0.02 anyway.
I want a polished game as much as the next guy. I just want an explaination... and I have a feeling we won't get one.
Originally posted by spitcodfry
My guess is it'll probably be around Vivendi's 'planned' date---November 14 or somesuch

*goes into corner and sobs*

If they were really cool, they'd relese it on November 11th.....:cheers:
Their explanation is that its not done. Last post on second to last page of info thread.
isnt ironic how we were saying before little news is good?

Oh well, at first i was really pissed and mad, but now i have realized its just a game and in time it will come out, and when it does it will kick ass:cheers: :bounce: