What's that one website that will tell you the hosting company of a website?


Party Escort Bot
Dec 20, 2004
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Some douchebag company is using one of my pictures to advertise itself. Why me, I don't know. So there is a website that can tell you the hosting company of the website... what is it? D:

It links to some porn site.


So I called the girl that sent that to me, and I guess people are getting peoples' Myspace passwords and sending these out. I'm going to call GoDaddy.com (domain/hosting site) and see if I can take this website down.
That's a really cool hoodie. Where'd you get it?
I have one of those pin thingies. Hours of endless fun. :D
So I called the girl that sent that to me, and I guess people are getting peoples' Myspace passwords and sending these out. I'm going to call GoDaddy.com (domain/hosting site) and see if I can take this website down.

Good idea, some people think they can get away with doing things like that as no one ever notices. Lucky you spotted it, how did you manage that?
You go Qonfy! Kick their asses.

And what it is, people click on that "ADD THIS LAYOUT TO YOUR PROFILE" link, and they have to give the username/password to their account for it. Well they take that, and forward it to bots that log in and spam people.

Same thing with the "Who's looking at your mysapce? USE MYSPACE TRACKER!" Well, it says they can find out who is looking at your page, by giving your UN/Pass...people are actually stupid enough to do that.

Please, kick their ass.