Whats The Best Upgrade Choice: Vid card Or CPU+Mobo ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sir Dingo
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Sir Dingo

Ok, I got alot of birthday money, and have some of my own cash to blow. I am jizzing in my pants for both HalfLife2 and Halo-PC, both of them being Dx9 engines.

Currently running an old P4-2.4ghz on a 845E motherboard, and the video card is a 9800-Pro.

I see that ATI will be releasing the new video card, bundled with HalfLife2, on the Sept30th.
I want to play the games with zero higups (sp) and have fast load times, along with graphic options in game maxxed out.

Should I get the new Video card that comes with the game.

Or I was thinking, of getting a new Canterwood mobo, and a P4-2.8ghz 800fsb + + 10,000rpm harddrive

Which upgrade would get the best use for a gamer ?
Should I think about the Athlon64 next week too ?

Please post educated advice
Firstly, this should've gone in the hardware forum, it exists for a reason.

Secondly, I wouldn't bother upgrading for a while, your system is perfectly fine, in my opinion.
The minimal gain you'll get with the XT is not that worth it.. I mean you aready have a 9800, the one bundled with HL2 will only be a souped up version of that.. I'd spend the money on atleast a 3.0Ghz processor and a new ASUS mobo. Upgrade to anything less and you'll be losing money in the long run. Not like you really need to upgrade right away anyways..
Originally posted by Sir Dingo
Currently running an old P4-2.4ghz on a 845E motherboard, and the video card is a 9800-Pro.

Allow me to Ignore This..
You have a great system. You really don't need to upgrade.

If you do... i'll buy the 9800 from you and the p4 1.4ghz if it has the 400mhz fsb.
YOU SIR have to much money.
upgrading your video card will give you the largest boost. but. you do not need one, it will be able to run flawlessly on your system unless your sporting like 128mb of ram. or somethin like that.

If you do upgrade can i request buying your 9800 pro card off you?
yea..um well i would go for atleast a 3ghz processor and a new mobo like g-man already stated. u can just overclock you 9800 pro and it will pretty much be the same thing as they will be selling (415/360) i think. its pretty safe iv overclocked my vidcard to 440/370 on air with no problems, i just turn it down to keep safe. if i had money right now, i would wait for the next jump in technology, in a couple months.
your OLD system is my dream system.
I have a p3 1.0gig, 700 or so SDRAM, and radeon 9000 pro
wow. Let me just go out and replace my athlon 1600+.

You really have no reason to upgrade. Go spend that money on cheap hookers or something worthwile. :cheese:

yeah i thought so to... but maybe its just me,crabcakes and eveybody else on this forum thats strupid...