Whats the best way to kill a combine?

vegeta897 said:
1. The weapon picking up the combine is not the manipulator.

what was it then? Its been a while since I've seen it.
"Whats the best way to kill a combine?"

By removing the head or destroying the brain.
hiln said:
what was it then? Its been a while since I've seen it.

hmm, I just watched it. It looks like the manipulator, just a few differences. It's probably just an earlier version of the model/animation of it.
<RJMC> said:
"whats the best way to kill a combine?"


Okay, RJMC wins the thread.

I would feed the combine to the headcrabs. :O
hiln said:
what was it then? Its been a while since I've seen it.
There isn't really an official name for it. "Blue line gun" works for me. :)
lol ok fine, to kill a combine do what I said before except place the explosives so that the combine bodies fly at another combine :naughty:
Ok then....

Crawl inside a combine, then shotgun/crowbar yourself out.
The Thing said:
Ok then....

Crawl inside a combine, then shotgun/crowbar yourself out.
Erm... Are you thinking a Combine Gunship? Or just being sarcastic...

And that would be cool to do. Maybe a Rats mod. :)
1. Pick one up, slam him head first into another ones crotch, and make him rub up and down
2. Make a trap with a bunch of crap. Thrown him in. Sick the antlions on him.
3. find a sharp object, spear him
4. Chuck him out the window
5. Make him spin around 3 times infront of a mirror in the dark and scream BLOODY MARRY
6. Use him as a human shield
7. Run over him
8. Pin him to the wall using heavy boxes, then shove a nade up his ass and watch.
9. Draw a bunch into one small room, lob a grenade. Watch my FPS die from all the guts.
vegeta897 said:
There isn't really an official name for it. "Blue line gun" works for me. :)

Called the Physgun... the other thing is the Zero Gravity something or other.

oh and to stick to the topic, I would rip his mask off and launch a headcrab at his face...
set the AI to absolute minimum ....and run around them in cirlces untill they pass out.
Pick up a headcrab with the manipulator and throw it at his crotch.

That would create a whole new species : "the crotch crab".

Cut the nerves that go to his penis, then show him Britney Spears naked.
SNARK's all the way!! (hope they are in hl2...)
my mates cousin was the guy who was pictured with Britney spears recently, life is fair.....