What's the creepiest part of HL2

ya but i think if the human underneath the headcrab were still alive theyd be in alot of pain and killing them would just be putting them out of their misery
true. it's not as though i'm going to not kill them because of it, but it still makes you feel a bit guilty.
I've just remembered another creepy bit. At the start of Ep2 when you go through the roof of that hut to press a switch to open a gate, if you immediately turn 180 degrees after pressing the button you find a hunter staring at you through the window! I nearly jumped right off my chair the first time I saw that! It scared the shit out of me!
^ Yeah i remember that. That was a good one.

There was a creepy part in HL2 at the start of journeys with the airboat. I'd ride and look to the house up ahead. Something blue was there. Naah, a barrel, I thought. Then, when i was really close i watched. GMAN!!! Shit that was creepy. Then I looked again and, gone!
I've just remembered another creepy bit. At the start of Ep2 when you go through the roof of that hut to press a switch to open a gate, if you immediately turn 180 degrees after pressing the button you find a hunter staring at you through the window! I nearly jumped right off my chair the first time I saw that! It scared the shit out of me!

Can you show a pic?
Probably not.
Edit: Nope, not found any pics of that. You'll just have to look out for it yourself when you eventually get round to playing it.
The part where you look behind you while playing and see your uncle with a strange smile on his face and his hand down his pants.
You don't think that's creepy? Alright then...
Poison Zombie in the lift shaft of the rebel outpost in Freeman Pontifex. The actual encounter with one of them in such a small place is scary, but stepping into the lift shaft with the breathing... man, the breathing.

Oh man, dude it took me like two minutes to work up the courage for that.
Most of Ravenholm I would say.
Hey funny thing. That zombie behind the box... Since I knew it was somewhere in that level, when I finally saw that box...I knew it.
Ravenholme, first fast zombie.

I had very little exposure to any pre-release material, so I knew there would be some Aliens/wall-crawling/panic-inducing enemy, but not the precise details. I was expecting the standard slow-reveal of this elusive enemy before having to fend a horde of them off.

What I got was unconsciously primed by the soundscape, then this screeching sinewy nightmare thing bounds up the first set of steps AND THEN DOES A STANDING LONG SCREAM LEAP INTO MY FACE. I almost broke my mouse, then sprayed an entire smg clip randomly until it died.
For me it would have to be right after you get seperated from Dog and Alex and have to go into the tunnel.... then came the ZOMBIES!!!!!
I think the most creepy part was Ravenholm ... I mean ... at the end you only had your crowbar and your gravity gun and alot of zombies and little spiders coming after you (well, that's how it was for me) and when you get out you think it's done (when the priest let's you out) coming down through the hole (inside the house) you see a few spiders (that's what i call them) kill them ... look around to see if there's more ... AAAAAHH!!! you hear a spider jump on you and lose health and when you look over where it came from 100 MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .... I hated that part. ended op just having 10 hp and zero ammo or something like that.
... so I knew there would be some Aliens/wall-crawling/panic-inducing enemy, but not the precise details. I was expecting the standard slow-reveal of this elusive enemy before having to fend a horde of them off.

What I got was unconsciously primed by the soundscape, then this screeching sinewy nightmare thing bounds up the first set of steps AND THEN DOES A STANDING LONG SCREAM LEAP INTO MY FACE. I almost broke my mouse, then sprayed an entire smg clip randomly until it died.

First, precisely this. Immediately afterwards (gasping for breath with the thing's body at your feet), the knowledge that there would be so much more of it to come before you were likely to be afforded any glimpses of daylight again. Oh noes.

I continue to get pangs of it with every playthrough.

I also despise that house on Highway 17. You know the one I mean. The one with the damned poison zombie living in it. Morbid curiosity compels you to check every nook and cranny and rewards like that were truly frightful. This was before I discovered that the poison zombie is a pretty lukewarm foe in the face of AR2 secondary fire.

Also it's been a few years since I've posted on this board. Hi again. I think I was roused by some sort of Episode Three excitement, which was only compounded by lurking about in the forums again. Not that there's even any new information. It's just fairly nice.
Nova Prospekt for me too. I mean Ravenholm was pretty damn creepy, but something about NP gave me nightmares - maybe the whole death camp thing scares the piss outta me.
Nova Prospekt, before you see a whole lot of action. For me, sometimes the scariest parts of games are when there are no enemies around. NP was so effective because it was totally desolate.

Then after a while you run into Combine and have all those annoying ant lions raping your ears with their noises avery two seconds and the effect is lost.