What's the deal with Father Grigory?

I kept thinking Grigori was gonna try and kill me at some point until he finally met up with me.

But all those times when he's giggling hysterically from the rooftops... I kept wondering when he would lose all grip on reality and begin taking potshots at me.
maybe if you blasphemed the church he'd go after you
If, when Alyx stops you at the entrance to Ravenholm for the first time, you run to the end and wait for her, she'll give you a few extra details about what happened in Ravenholm. Didn't catch this myself until I played the game for the umpteenth time.
Ravenholm was my personal level,I really liked the area where we met the guy for the first time,that was a classic......
Still no answer, some people say Grigory, other say Gregory!! What is it?!!?
I reckon it would be good in an expansion if in each chapter or two you plaed a different character. This way you wouldnt get bored of the same thing. For example, you might be playin father grigori in chapter 6, then chapter 7 you could be playin, maybe alyx, chapter 8 you could play a rebel, chapter 9 you might even play combine or some other type of character, then chapter 10 you could play father grigori again to stop u getting bored of the same character.
I think if u were playin rebels you should play in squads or something.
I cant think of any major characters, to put in, the Gman wont be put in i know that (to play at least).
there is a mod currently in development that puts you squarely in the shoes of a combine metrocop... should be ace... Also Valve are working on an expansion pack where you play as Alyx....
G Man said:
there is a mod currently in development that puts you squarely in the shoes of a combine metrocop... should be ace... Also Valve are working on an expansion pack where you play as Alyx....
It is not certain what Valve is making for the expansion pack.
I dont care what website you found it on theve said its not true, thats what i heard. :eek:
I don't really care who i play as as long as I can play something HL2 realated while i wait for HL3
sorry for bumping an old thread but i think father grigori is dead he might have survived the grave yard stand off but when city 17 got blown up.;(
I'd like a scene where artfully, you, playing Grigori, walk into the Church, to benches full of seemingly dead zombies. As you walk down the isle to the holy water, they all stand up behind you. It'd be fugging beautiful. On that bible stand at the front, there is a shotgun.

That would be awesome!
At least Grigori got involved-in the action, unlike Odessa Cubbage... who reminded me of the coward from COD3, overly worried about the radio.

'N it'd be a neat tie-in if we discovered that Mossman was Grigori's daughter, and th----

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