What's the fastest internet connection available in your area?


Mar 22, 2005
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What's the fastest internet connection available in your area? They have 25MB/s here but mine is only 512 i think.
:laugh: Are you trying to rub it in Smokes face?

As of my area, not sure. I'm currently on 512, damn Freeserve for no free upgrades!
Uh... 25 Mega Bytes? or Mega Bits? 512 what? 512 Kilobits?

It is possible to get a T1 or T3 in your home, but it's expensive as hell.

Current standard cable service here is 4 Mbit, which can be upgraded to 6 Mbit.

DSL here us up to 2 Mbit

and only n00bs use 56k.
hmm I think 2mb after the engineeers come in, I have 56k ;)

However, I know a couple of people with 8MB, the only people in our area with Broadband 2.

im on 512k, broadband sucks here, highest available is 2mb afaik in my area, dunno about cable etc.
Some kind of strange optical connection, 3 Tb/s down, 1 up.
8 mb/s. Although there're people in other parts of Sweden that have 1 Gb/s.
I'm in New York City. There's bound to be some really high speed service somewhere.
100mbps (VDSL)

^ mine.......

i think theres a laser-pulse fiber optic connection thing somewhere a few kms away though.
My connection is 5 mb/s

I personally don't know of any faster than that around here, although I believe Verizon is bringing out something new sometime soon. 50 mb/s or something crazy like that.
100mbit right now which im using now, 1 Gbit will be avilible next fall though...
15357 said:
100mbps (VDSL)

^ mine.......

i think theres a laser-pulse fiber optic connection thing somewhere a few kms away though.
Korea has like the fastest available internet connections in the world right?
3MB cable, Charter, if anyone cares.

It just came in, oh, 1.5 months ago. I switched from 56k so you can imagine how glad I am.
1Mbit/Sec from www.Bulldogbroadband.com

It's not super fast, but it's pretty good for getting the job done.

EDIT: xLostx - I thought you were on 56k or something?
h00dlum said:
100mbit right now which im using now, 1 Gbit will be avilible next fall though...
Where do you live? Stockholm?
OptOnline 10/1 gonna switch to FIOS when it's in the area though, 15/2.
Highspeed Wireless / Dish internet service.

I'm out of range for DSL/Cable by like a half a mile to a mile
how fast will we need...

theres gonna be a line where speeds wont matter anymore..surely..

i have 1mb... 2mb next month

but i dno the max speeds i cud have 8mb i think... plus an empty bank account
KoreBolteR said:
how fast will we need...

theres gonna be a line where speeds wont matter anymore..surely..

i have 1mb... 2mb next month

but i dno the max speeds i cud have 8mb i think... plus an empty bank account

Heh, Internet2, that won't around for awhile, seeing as some students were using the tests for filesharing.
I dunno. My college has a T3. How fast is that?
The_Monkey said:
Where do you live? Stockholm?

No, but pretty close...we have a really developed broadband comunity here..
h00dlum said:
No, but pretty close...we have a really developed broadband comunity here..
Where I live we got no broadband avability at all, just ADSL. A friend not 2 km from here doesn't even have ADSL, he's stuck with 56 kb/s.
As far as I know, fastest here is 7mbit (Shaw)...
I got 5mbit down/1mbit up.
The current offer in the Netherlands: <LINK>. For those too lazy to look: 20 megabit/sec for a little under 40 euro's, including live football matches (proper football, not the American kind). I'm getting it for sure.

EDIT yay, 1.100 posts! :thumbs:
Harryz said:
:laugh: Are you trying to rub it in Smokes face?

As of my area, not sure. I'm currently on 512, damn Freeserve for no free upgrades!

why yes, i believe he is :|